12 September 2023, Kathmandu – Accountability Lab Nepal has been alerted with alarm to the inappropriate activities carried out by chief administrative officer of Maijogmai Rural Municipality, Mr. Kajiman Rai, with a female colleague on office premises. The organization wishes to place on record its condemnation of his unethical and irresponsible conduct, which has been broadcast widely by local media. Given the seriousness of the misconduct, the organization has decided to revoke Mr. Rai’s Integrity Icon award with immediate effect.

Mr. Rai received recognition from the Integrity Icon Nepal campaign in 2019 during his tenure as the chief administrative officer of Chulachuli Rural Municipality in Ilam. The award was presented based on numerous nominations received, research conducted, and the meeting of criteria set by Integrity Icon Nepal at the time. It is deeply regrettable that Mr. Rai’s behavior has now been found wanting. The Integrity Icon Nepal campaign team intends use this incident as a learning opportunity for our ongoing engagements and advocacy work with our network of Integrity Icons.

Mr. Rai has publicly taken responsibility for his actions. “I apologize to the entire Icon (Integrity Icon) family for the damage caused and accept any decision made in this regard by the organization,” he told local media.

The decision to revoke his Integrity Icon Nepal award was based on the recommendations of the Integrity Icon Nepal Jury Members and in accordance with Integrity Icon Nepal’s guidelines. 

For more information, contact Sheena Adams on [email protected].