Accountability Lab urges Nigerian youth to imbibe culture of integrity and discipline

The Country Director of Accountability Lab Nigeria, Friday Odeh, has called on Nigerian youths to imbibe the culture of integrity and discipline while engaging in their daily activities. He made the disclosure while briefing journalists at the 4th Edition of the 2020 Integrity Icon awards in Abuja. He advised the youth to put in more efforts in their source of livelihoods and never to envy others or be in a hurry to make quick money. "I want all youth to deviate from this 'quick money' syndrome. [...]

Accountability Lab urges Nigerian youth to imbibe culture of integrity and discipline2021-02-02T06:54:27+00:00

Panelists Underscore Need For Transparency, Accountability In Public Service

Dr. Dansuki Arabi, Director General of Bureau of Public Service Reforms (BPSR), has underscored the need for adherence to policies by governments at all levels, to promote transparency and accountability. Arabi made the call with other members of the panel at a discussion on “promoting transparency and accountability in the Nigerian public service; the policy options required,” on Friday in Abuja. The event, the 4th edition of Integrity Icon and Awards ceremony, centered on celebrating five hone [...]

Panelists Underscore Need For Transparency, Accountability In Public Service2021-03-03T15:51:37+00:00

NGO Advocates A More Inclusive Approach To Fight Corruption

Stakeholders in the nation’s fight against corruption, have called for more concerted efforts by Nigerians to win the anti graft war for national growth and sustainable development. Speaking at a workshop organized by a Civil Society Organization, Accountability Lab, the representative of MacArthur Foundation Mr Dayo Olaide, said integrity predefined a person’s character, conduct or interaction with others, advanced careers and lives of those who hold them with self esteem. “Positive values help [...]

NGO Advocates A More Inclusive Approach To Fight Corruption2021-03-03T15:28:58+00:00

Police Officer Says There Is Reward For Integrity

PRIMORG’s Town-Hall Meeting On Integrity ICON. EP 1. Supported By MacArthur Foundation [...]

Police Officer Says There Is Reward For Integrity2021-03-03T15:11:51+00:00

Mali – Integrity Icon : Ouverture de la campagne 2020

Integrity Icon Mali est la campagne annuelle d’Accountability Lab, une ONG américaine, dont le but est d’identifier et de célébrer les agents les plus intègres de l’administration publique malienne.  Le lancement de la campagne 2020 a lieu ce jeudi 4 juin à Bamako.  Integrity Icon est un mouvement national qui a pour objectif d’identifier et de célébrer les fonctionnaires honnêtes et intègres de l’administration publique afin qu’ils inspirent les jeunes. Son but est de générer une conversation c [...]

Mali – Integrity Icon : Ouverture de la campagne 20202021-03-03T14:45:54+00:00

Brave future possibilities by ‘Naming and Faming’ honest public servants

On January 11, 2021, Accountability Lab Nepal revealed the top 5 winners of Integrity Icon 2020. The live-streamed event on Facebook, hosted by former Miss Nepal, Sadichha Shrestha, began with a short interview with the CEO of Accountability Lab Nepal, Narayan Adhikari, and a Jury member of the 2020 campaign, Sucheta Pyakuryal. This was followed by the screening of the videos of 2020’s Integrity Icons. In the closed event conducted at the Open Gov Hub, Adhikari and Pyakuryal spoke about the need [...]

Brave future possibilities by ‘Naming and Faming’ honest public servants2021-10-25T16:46:05+00:00

Accountability Lab Niger célèbre l’intégrité au travail Plusieurs fonctionnaires de l’Etat honorés

Le samedi 27 février 2021, la représentation pays de ‘’Accountabilitylab’’ a procédé dans la salle des conférences du musée national Boubou Hama de Niamey, à la célébration des cinq (5) fonctionnaires intègres de l’année. C’était en présence du Directeur pays de l’institution, du Secrétaire Général du ministère de la Renaissance Culturelle, et du Directeur de la Communication de la Haute Autorité à la Lutte contre la Corruption et les Infractions Assimilées (HALCIA) Pour rappel, l’icône de l’int [...]

Accountability Lab Niger célèbre l’intégrité au travail Plusieurs fonctionnaires de l’Etat honorés2022-05-16T11:05:34+00:00

Abren convocatoria a ‘Integrity Icon Sustentabilidad’ en México

A través de una conferencia virtual se abrió oficialmente la convocatoria de la primera edición de Integrity Icon Sustentabilidad en México, en apoyo a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU, mediante la cual se busca reconocer y destacar la labor de servidores públicos honestos, que se desempeñen en instancias de sustentabilidad y medio ambiente a nivel federal, estatal y local. Integrity Icon es una campaña global de Accountability Lab que está impulsada por ciudadanos en busca de fu [...]

Abren convocatoria a ‘Integrity Icon Sustentabilidad’ en México2021-03-31T13:47:26+00:00

Woman, 52, Wins Accountability Icon Award

O.Wanga Z. Wanley, 52-years old nurse and Officer in Charge (OIC) of the Totoquelleh Clinic in Gbarpolu County, has been crowned by Accountability Lab Liberia as the most inspiring female public servant of the year 2020. Mrs. Wanley’s preferment for the 2020 Integrity Icon award of Liberia came as a surprise to her. She was selected among 30 individuals from different public sectors who were vetted for diligence and sincerity in public service. Accountability Lab has been awarding public servant [...]

Woman, 52, Wins Accountability Icon Award2020-12-18T07:42:53+00:00
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