La femme est honneur, honneur est la femme

HAROUNA DJIBO ALMOKTAR RESPONSABLE DE LA CAMPAGNE INTEGRITY ICON Pendant longtemps, l’organisation sociale et les  spécificités conceptuelles et culturelles  affiliaient la femme à une formation sociale rigoureusement hiérarchisée dans laquelle son statut est subordonné à celui de l’homme, occultant ainsi son pouvoir et son rôle important dans la société. Pourtant dans le contexte planétaire actuel et compte tenu de leurs énormes réalisations et poids comme actrices du développement, on se rend [...]

La femme est honneur, honneur est la femme2022-05-16T11:05:26+00:00

इन्टेग्रीटी आइकन नेपाल २०२० को छनौटमा परेका राष्ट्र सेवकलाई अवार्ड प्रदान

काठमाण्डौ ११ माघ । इन्टेग्रीटी आइकन नेपाल २०२० को छनौटमा परेका पाँच जना राष्ट्र सेवक कर्मचारीहरुलाई सम्मानित गरिएको छ । सम्मानित हुनेमा नेपालगञ्ज स्वास्थ्यचौकी बाँकेकी जनस्वास्थ्य निरीक्षक आरती थारु, उद्योग, पर्यटन, बन तथा वातावरण मन्त्रालय, लुम्विनी प्रदेश, बुटवलका महाशाखा प्रमुख दिपक ज्ञवाली, बाली संरक्षण अधिकृत, कृषि ज्ञान केन्द्र, ओखलढुंगाका निमित्त प्रमुख हेमबहादुर आले मगर, महिला, बालबालिका तथा ज्येष्ठ नागरिक शाखा, मंगलसेन नगरपालिका, अछामकी अधिकृत मञ्जु महत र नीलकण्ठ उच्च माध्यमीक विद्यालय, [...]

इन्टेग्रीटी आइकन नेपाल २०२० को छनौटमा परेका राष्ट्र सेवकलाई अवार्ड प्रदान2021-03-25T10:24:24+00:00

सत्कर्मले बनायो आइकन सेवाको पहिलो पोस्टिङकै कर्म प्रेरणादायी बन्यो

संवाददाता, नेपालगन्ज  । ‘कर्म गर तर फलको आशा नगर’, धार्मिक ग्रन्थ गीतामा भनिएको यही भनाइलाई आत्मसात गर्ने स्वास्थ्यकर्मी आरती थारुले जीवनमै नचिताएको सफलता हात पार्नुभयो, इन्टेग्रीटी आइकन नेपाल २०२० को विजेता बनेर । बाँकेको नेपालगन्ज उपमहानगरपालिका वडा नम्बर १२ मा रहेको नेपालगन्ज स्वास्थ्य चौकीकी इन्चार्ज जनस्वास्थ्य निरीक्षक थारुले एकाउन्ट्याविलिटी ल्याब नेपालको इन्टेग्रीटी आइकन सातौं संस्करणमा देशभरीबाट प्रतिष्पर्र्धामा रहेका एक हजार पाँच सय दुई जना सरकारी कर्मचारीमध्ये आफूलाई अब्बल साबित गर्नु [...]

सत्कर्मले बनायो आइकन सेवाको पहिलो पोस्टिङकै कर्म प्रेरणादायी बन्यो2021-03-25T10:19:01+00:00

N90.9bn NDDC funds unaccounted for, says CSCAN

By Onyedi Ojiabor, Abuja The Civil Society Coalition on Audit in Nigeria (CSCAN) Tuesday asked the Public Accounts Committees of the National Assembly and Anti-Corruption Agencies to investigate 176 contracts awarded by the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) for which N90.9 billion is yet to be accounted for. The Executive Director, Paradigm Leadership Support Initiative (PLSI), Olusegun Elemo, who spoke on behalf of CSCAN in Abuja, said that their findings showed that NDDC awarded the co [...]

N90.9bn NDDC funds unaccounted for, says CSCAN2021-12-06T13:58:15+00:00

Accountability Lab urges Nigerian youth to imbibe culture of integrity and discipline

The Country Director of Accountability Lab Nigeria, Friday Odeh, has called on Nigerian youths to imbibe the culture of integrity and discipline while engaging in their daily activities. He made the disclosure while briefing journalists at the 4th Edition of the 2020 Integrity Icon awards in Abuja. He advised the youth to put in more efforts in their source of livelihoods and never to envy others or be in a hurry to make quick money. "I want all youth to deviate from this 'quick money' syndrome. [...]

Accountability Lab urges Nigerian youth to imbibe culture of integrity and discipline2021-02-02T06:54:27+00:00

Panelists Underscore Need For Transparency, Accountability In Public Service

Dr. Dansuki Arabi, Director General of Bureau of Public Service Reforms (BPSR), has underscored the need for adherence to policies by governments at all levels, to promote transparency and accountability. Arabi made the call with other members of the panel at a discussion on “promoting transparency and accountability in the Nigerian public service; the policy options required,” on Friday in Abuja. The event, the 4th edition of Integrity Icon and Awards ceremony, centered on celebrating five hone [...]

Panelists Underscore Need For Transparency, Accountability In Public Service2021-03-03T15:51:37+00:00

#EndSARS Is About Young Nigerians Demanding Greater Accountability

The #EndSARS campaign has inspired millions of young Nigerians to assert their rights and call for the Nigerian government to deliver on the promises of our country’s Constitution. As we call for an end to police brutality, let’s not forget that the problems of impunity, injustice and discrimination are deep-seated and interconnected. Written by Odeh Friday & Kibo Ngowi. "Dear Nigerian youth, you have the government where you want them. You are doing amazing. You are doing something that you [...]

#EndSARS Is About Young Nigerians Demanding Greater Accountability2021-03-03T15:27:51+00:00

NGO Advocates A More Inclusive Approach To Fight Corruption

Stakeholders in the nation’s fight against corruption, have called for more concerted efforts by Nigerians to win the anti graft war for national growth and sustainable development. Speaking at a workshop organized by a Civil Society Organization, Accountability Lab, the representative of MacArthur Foundation Mr Dayo Olaide, said integrity predefined a person’s character, conduct or interaction with others, advanced careers and lives of those who hold them with self esteem. “Positive values help [...]

NGO Advocates A More Inclusive Approach To Fight Corruption2021-03-03T15:28:58+00:00
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