Integrity Icon Philly Awards Ceremony

We celebrated the public servants named the first-ever heroes of high integrity in Philly—and the country. See why they are role models for all of us. BY JESSICA BLATT PRESS What is Integrity? To the five local heroes we honored on Friday night as the first-ever Integrity Icons in Philadelphia—and the country—it means many things, all of them inspiring. “Integrity is not something you do, it’s who you are,” said Richard Gordon IV, the principal at Paul Robeson High School. Gordon, who was also n [...]

Integrity Icon Philly Awards Ceremony2022-05-16T11:11:57+00:00

Who Is Philly’s Integrity Icon?

BY JESSICA BLATT PRESS Remember March? Before the world imploded, back on March 2nd, The Citizen announced the launch of Integrity Icon, a contest in partnership SEAMAAC, WURD Radio, United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, and D.C.-based Accountability Lab to name the publicly-paid workers in Philly who show the highest amount of integrity in their jobs. We called for citizens to submit their nominations. Then, we asked a panel of judges to review them, and narrow down the ca [...]

Who Is Philly’s Integrity Icon?2022-05-16T11:12:07+00:00
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