Introducing Oretha Menyongar Thomas – Integrity Icon Liberia 2019

In 2013, Oretha Menyongar Thomas started work as a janitor at the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection. Since then she has been assigned to various offices including General Service, Human Resource, and Women Empowerment. In 2016, based on her hard work and commitment, she was transferred to the office of the Minister proper where she is now an Office Assistant to the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection. In February 2014, Oretha was awarded a Certificate of Honor as [...]

Introducing Oretha Menyongar Thomas – Integrity Icon Liberia 20192019-12-06T13:39:27+00:00

Introducing Henry Heina Sele – Integrity Icon Liberia 2019

Henry Heina Sele is a Project Accountant within the Program Management Unit (PMU) at the Ministry of Agriculture.  Over the past seven years he has managed a portfolio of $14.6 million and his performance was rated satisfactory by the World Bank and International Partners for implementation of the regional West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP IC Liberia). Due to his dedication and professionalism, he was retained as Project Accountant to formulate and prepare the ongoing Smallhol [...]

Introducing Henry Heina Sele – Integrity Icon Liberia 20192019-12-06T13:33:31+00:00

Introducing Musu M. Mulbah – Integrity Icon Liberia 2019

Musu M. Mulbah serves the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOH/SW) as the Focal Person for all sexual gender-based violence cases at the C. B. Dunbar hospital in Gbarnga Bong County. She is also the Zonal Head for the Dementa and Kokoyayh road community, appointed by the City Mayor of Gbarnga. Additionally, she is studying nursing at the Cuttington University Undergraduate School in Suacoco. Musu M. Mulbah was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mulbah on February 13, 1970, in LAMCO, Yekepa, Nimba County [...]

Introducing Musu M. Mulbah – Integrity Icon Liberia 20192019-12-06T13:26:19+00:00

Introducing Samuel G. Ford – Integrity Icon Liberia 2019

Samuel G. Ford is Assistant Commissioner of Police for Community Services and an astute law enforcement officer trained by the United National Police (UNPOL), under the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). He is a 2005 graduate (class 3) of the Liberia National Police Training School with 14 years of professional service experience. He is a decorated police officer who gradually rose through the rank and file of the police hierarchy from a cadet in the Special Task force to being Assistant [...]

Introducing Samuel G. Ford – Integrity Icon Liberia 20192019-12-06T13:20:55+00:00
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