Campaign to identify honest govt officials launched

ISLAMABAD: The Accountability Lab Pakistan on Monday launched the ‘Integrity Icon 2019’, a global campaign run by citizens in search of honest government officials. The campaign aims at generating a debate on the idea of integrity and demonstrates the importance of honesty and personal responsibility by ‘naming and faming’ exemplary public servants. Through the campaign, Accountability Lab Pakistan hopes to inspire the new generation to be more effective public servants. The 2019 campaign, launc [...]

Campaign to identify honest govt officials launched2019-09-11T13:36:20+00:00

Integrity Icon’s ‘hidden heroes’ showing SA what’s possible

CAPE TOWN, 6 September – The state capture and other inquiries have shown that while “integrity” is ordinarily a four-syllable word, in South Africa it’s often treated as a four-letter word. It’s not easy to find hope amid a scale of corruption that is almost beyond comprehension – role models who “serve the people” appear to be in short supply. However, the Accountability Lab, a global NGO, has found a way to unearth Integrity Icons in countries, which its director, Blair Glencorse, calls a pro [...]

Integrity Icon’s ‘hidden heroes’ showing SA what’s possible2019-09-11T13:37:47+00:00
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