Integrity Icon 2021: Famakan Cissé elected the most honest civil servant in Mali

It was Famakan Cissé, president of the Bla first instance court, who was elected AccountabilityLab's most honest and honest civil servant in Mali for the year 2021, through its Integrity Icon Mali program. It was March 25, 2022 during a Gala Evening at the Hotel de l'Amitié in Bamako. Initiated by AccountabilityLab, in partnership with the Embassy of the Netherlands, this 6th edition of Integrity Icon Mali had as finalists: Famakan Cissé, president of the court of first instance of Bla; Yaya Kon [...]

Integrity Icon 2021: Famakan Cissé elected the most honest civil servant in Mali2022-05-16T10:58:44+00:00

Integrity Icon campaign: The Icons of the 6th edition released to the public

The Hotel de l'Amitié in Bamako, hosted the night of Friday, March 25 to 26, 2022, the ceremony of revealing the most honest designated official of the year. Mr. Famakan Cissé, President of the Court of First Instance of Bla won the title of this 6th  edition. The ambassadors of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Canada took part in this evening. In his speech, the Country Director of Accountability Lab Mali, Cheick Oumar Dembélé, returned to the objective of the competition. According to him, i [...]

Integrity Icon campaign: The Icons of the 6th edition released to the public2022-05-16T10:58:52+00:00
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