Sky High Corruption Caused Nepal’s Air Disaster

By Blair Glencorse and Narayan Adhikari   Here in Kathmandu, Nepalis are spending the day mourning the tragic Yeti Airlines plane crash yesterday, which killed 72 people. This was the 67th plane crash in 60 years in this country- surely the worst track record for air safety in the world, taking into account the number of flights on a daily basis. While the immediate reason for the crash is as yet unclear, the deeper underlying cause has been obvious for decades. Aviation in Nepal is beset w [...]

Sky High Corruption Caused Nepal’s Air Disaster2023-02-17T09:03:20+00:00

Accountability Lab, BPSR, Decry Vote Buying, Corruption

Accountability Lab Nigeria and the Bureau of Public Service Reforms (BPSR) have decried the rise in vote buying, saying embezzlement, bribery, and electoral fraud remain huge forms of corrupt practices in Nigeria. This was disclosed during an Integrity Conference held in Abuja yesterday, geared toward an interactive solution-oriented workshop for public servants to support the development of a culture of integrity within government, as one of the knowledge building tools to influence norms and c [...]

Accountability Lab, BPSR, Decry Vote Buying, Corruption2022-05-16T11:07:45+00:00

NGO Advocates A More Inclusive Approach To Fight Corruption

Stakeholders in the nation’s fight against corruption, have called for more concerted efforts by Nigerians to win the anti graft war for national growth and sustainable development. Speaking at a workshop organized by a Civil Society Organization, Accountability Lab, the representative of MacArthur Foundation Mr Dayo Olaide, said integrity predefined a person’s character, conduct or interaction with others, advanced careers and lives of those who hold them with self esteem. “Positive values help [...]

NGO Advocates A More Inclusive Approach To Fight Corruption2021-03-03T15:28:58+00:00

MALI : Gouvernance Des intellos décortiquent la corruption

Pour lutter contre la corruption au Mali, l’Observatoire citoyen sur la gouvernance et la sécurité et Accountability Lab-Mali, a organisé le 27 septembre 2020 à l’hotel Salam, la 3e édition de l’émission « Conversations citoyennes » sur l’Africbale. Le thème était: « Comment lutter efficacement contre la corruption au Mali? ». Les panelistes étaient Boubacar Badiaga, magistrat, Me Zana Sidiki Koné, Moussa Kondo, directeur pays d’Accountability Lab-Mali et le moderateur Ibrahim Maïga de l’Africba [...]

MALI : Gouvernance Des intellos décortiquent la corruption2021-03-03T14:33:56+00:00

Contribution du Accountabilitylab Niger à la lutte contre la corruption au Niger

En ce 21e siècle, l’humanité fait face à beaucoup de défis colossaux qui sont devenus chroniques et structurels. Parmi ceuxci on peut citer la corruption qui est le principal obstacle au développement économique et social dans le monde. La corruption est la perversion ou le détournement d'un processus ou d'une interaction avec une ou plusieurs personnes dont le dessein, pour le corrupteur est d'obtenir des avantages ou des prérogatives particulières ou, pour le corrompu est d'obtenir une rétribu [...]

Contribution du Accountabilitylab Niger à la lutte contre la corruption au Niger2021-03-30T12:59:32+00:00

Exploring social norms with Tufts University

Accountability Lab is excited to announce our collaboration with the Corruption, Justice & Legitimacy Program (CJL) at The Fletcher School at Tufts University. CJL’s Social Norms and Corruption project will be working with our flagship program – Integrity Icon – to understand how best to effectively monitor and evaluate change in social norms related to corruption.  Integrity Icon “names and fames” honest government officials, building coalitions for integrity among the winners and inspiring [...]

Exploring social norms with Tufts University2020-07-09T12:32:25+00:00
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