Sri Lanka
Last year, our partners Transparency International Sri Lanka honored their ten Integrity Icon 2021 finalists at a special gathering on 11 January 2022. Congratulations to Shanmugaraja Shivasri, Divisional Secretary of Thellippalai; Nimmi Jayasekara, Infection Control Nursing Officer at the District General Hospital of Embilpitiya; K.G.Geethananda, Ambulance Driver at the Divisional Hospital of Batapola; Dr. Hasitha Attanayake, Director of the IDH hospital and Nishari Anuruthika D Silva, Village Officer of Seeduva Tambadura Village Division who were named as winners for 2021.
Watch the full ceremony here.
Accountability Lab is building a new generation of active citizens and responsible leaders around the world. We train, mentor and resource citizens in creative ways to strengthen systems of accountability and unleash positive social and economic change.
Since 2012, we’ve worked across Liberia, Nepal, Mali, Nigeria and Pakistan, making governance work for people everywhere. We now operate in other countries too, including South Africa, Zimbabwe, Niger, Mexico, DRC, and Somaliland.

In 2018, we launched Integrity Icon South Africa, a national campaign to name and fame honest government officials. Building on the early success of the campaign as a special project, Accountability Lab South Africa registered as an independent country office in 2019.
In March 2020, Accountability Lab (AL) and partners including Explain and ACTIVATE! Change Drivers launched our third edition of Integrity Icon South Africa. Building on the successes of the campaign since it began in 2018, we asked South Africa to nominate public servants who work with honesty and integrity and “do the right thing even when no-one is watching”.
Meet Our 2021 Winners
Nishari Anurudhdhika De Silva
Nimmi Jayasekara
Dr. Hasitha Attanayake
K. G. Geethananda
Shanmugaraja Shivasri
Our goal is to build a broad movement of people recognising and acknowledging ethics and integrity in the public service. To make this possible, we need you. Support us in one or more of the following ways: