Integrity Icon South Africa Judges 2021

Mark Heywood is a human rights and social justice activist. He was also one of the founders of the Treatment Action Campaign, AIDS & Rights Alliance of Southern Africa, Corruption Watch and Save South Africa. He has experience in constitutional litigation and has been instrumental in many landmark human rights cases in South Africa. He is currently the founding and co-editor of the Maverick Citizen, a segment of the online newspaper Daily Maverick.

Koketso Moeti, Founder of Moeti has a long background in civic activism and has over the years worked at the intersection of governance, communication and citizen action. In 2019 she was announced as an Atlantic Fellow for Racial Equity. Koketso is also an inaugural Obama Foundation Fellow and an Aspen Institute New Voices Senior Fellow. She also serves as a reference group member of the Civic Tech Innovation Network and is the Deputy Chairperson of the SOS Coalition, a coalition of South African organisations committed to and campaigning for public broadcasting in the public interest.

Dr Sithembile Mbete is Programme Director of the Apolitical Academy Southern Africa. She has tenure as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Pretoria where she teaches international relations and South African politics. She is a visiting researcher at the African Leadership Centre at King’s College London. Sithembile also serves on the council of the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSiRA) and is a member of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on the Electoral System.

Phumelele Nzimande is a Commissioner in the Public Service Commission. She is a Social Scientist and an accredited Commercial Mediator by background and
has served in Public Administration at Senior Levels including as a nurse, Deputy Chair of the Gender Commission and Group Executive Corporate and Regulatory Affairs at SABC. She has also served on a number of public sector Boards including as Chair of the Human Sciences Research Council as well as a trustee of the Brand SA Board.
Integrity Icon South Africa Judges 2020

Mark Heywood is a human rights and social justice activist. He was also one of the founders of the Treatment Action Campaign, AIDS & Rights Alliance of Southern Africa, Corruption Watch and Save South Africa. He has experience in constitutional litigation and has been instrumental in many landmark human rights cases in South Africa. He is currently the founding and co-editor of the Maverick Citizen, a segment of the online newspaper Daily Maverick.

Tumi Sole is an attorney and founder of the #CountryDuty a social movement that started on South African social media and has now become an organisation. Sole has experience in human rights litigation, employment law and dispute resolution. He created the movement as a way to unite South Africans around specific causes and creating solutions to problems faced by citizens. The hashtag encourages people to put their #CountryDutyFirst and assist where they can when people reach out for help. This movement has succeeded in solving problems for many South Africans in need. Sole has been nominated for the Mail & Guardian’s 200 young South Africans as well as Top 100 most influential young South Africans. He has a large platform on social media which focuses on social justice matters.

Koketso Moeti, Founder of Moeti has a long background in civic activism and has over the years worked at the intersection of governance, communication and citizen action. In 2019 she was announced as an Atlantic Fellow for Racial Equity. Koketso is also an inaugural Obama Foundation Fellow and an Aspen Institute New Voices Senior Fellow. She also serves as a reference group member of the Civic Tech Innovation Network and is the Deputy Chairperson of the SOS Coalition, a coalition of South African organisations committed to and campaigning for public broadcasting in the public interest.
Integrity Icon South Africa Judges 2019

Moira Campbell is the Head of Communications at Corruption Watch. Corruption Watch has supported the Integrity Icon movement in South Africa since its launch in 2018. Over the last thirty years, Moira has worked in communications, mainly within development and social justice. She shares this about our Icons, “they are individuals who are not just serving communities but also working hard to alleviate social ills.”

Professor William Gumede is Associate Professor, School of Governance at the University of the Witwatersrand. He is Executive Chairperson of Democracy Works Foundation and former Deputy Editor of The Sowetan newspaper. During the anti-apartheid struggle, Gumede held several leadership positions in South African student, civics and trade union movements. He was a political violence mediator and area coordinator for the National Peace Committee during the multiparty negotiations for a democratic South Africa and was seconded to South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Justice Zak Yacoob is an anti-apartheid activist and a former Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa. He was appointed to the bench in 1998 by former President Nelson Mandela. He briefly served as Acting Deputy Chief Justice during the long-term leave of Dikgang Moseneke. When describing what integrity means in the South African context today, he shares, “Integrity is not just a commitment to your job, it is a commitment to your community and going beyond the call of duty.”

Advocate Adila Hassim is a founding member of Corruption Watch and works passionately in South African civil society. She is widely published in law journals, health journals and newspapers, and has co-authored books on human rights and health law. She is a member of the National Association of Democratic Lawyers and an honorary member of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC). Advocate Hassim, on behalf of Section 27, which represented more than 60 families who lost loved ones during the transfer of Life Esidimeni patients to a number of NGOs, some of which were unlicensed.