Alemar Contreras

  • Age: 33
  • More than nine years as a public servant
  • Head of the Disciplinary Commission
  • Judiciary Council of the Judicial Branch of the State of Yucatán
  • Yucatan

Alemar has played a key role in advocating for the integration of public policies at the state, municipal, and community levels to achieve gender equality. She has developed and implemented protocols for addressing harassment, as well as political violence, and has actively contributed to the establishment of Networks of Women Leaders for Sorority, promoting parity democracy and fostering networking among women. Additionally, she has provided counseling for preventing sexual harassment, harassment, and political violence against women. Alemar has also advocated for budget allocation with a gender perspective, conducted priority diagnoses, facilitated inter-institutional linkages, and performed impact evaluations to reduce gender disparities.

  • Age: 34
  • More than eight years as a public servant
  • Private Secretary to Commissioner Norma Julieta Del Río Venegas
  • National Transparency System in the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data, INAI
  • CDMX

Ana Karen is recognized for her integrity and dedication to effectively managing resources, developing public policies that are in touch with citizens, and advancing a robust National Transparency System. She is a young leader who has overseen various committees and initiatives and has introduced new communication methods to enhance the promotion of human rights at the local and regional levels while strengthening democratic models. Moreover, she has worked towards building consensus for the successful revitalization of the National Transparency System and governance.

  • Age: 31
  • More than seven years as a public servant
  • State Coordinator of Open Government
  • Secretary of Citizen Participation of Nuevo León
  • Nuevo León

Andrea is a professional committed to social causes, promoting transparency and accountability. Her work involves coordinating the Open Government Action Plan 2022-2024 and the State Open Government projects at the Secretariat of Citizen Participation of the Government of the State of Nuevo León. Previously, she worked at the Executive Secretariat of the National Anticorruption System (SESNA) and at INAI’s General Directorate of Open Government and Transparency, where she contributed to the design and implementation of Mexico’s Fourth National Open Government Action Plan and the Cocreación Desde lo Local Initiative, promoting Open Government at the subnational level in Mexico. Andrea holds a degree in International Relations from the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, specializing in Law and Diplomacy, and has completed several courses in Open State, Open Government, Open Data, Citizen Participation, and Anti-Corruption.

  • Age: 31
  • More than five years as a public servant
  • Women’s Coordinator
  • Municipal Government of San Pedro Garza García
  • Nuevo León

The youngest head of the Women’s Coordination in the history of San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, also co-founded Reynovación Ciudadana, a collective project promoting citizen participation among youth in Reynosa, Tamaulipas. Additionally, she serves as the Director of Strategic Projects at the Free Academy of Human Rights and has been a spokesperson for the International Youth 2030 Meeting sponsored by the UN and IMJUVE. In 2018, she was recognized with the honorary Tamaulipas State Youth Award in the Human Rights category and is a well-respected activist, essayist, and author in both scientific and literary publications.

  • Age: 37
  • More than five years as a public servant
  • Director of Open Government 
  • State Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data of Nuevo Leon (INFO NL)
  • Nuevo León

Raúl Parra Alemán is known for his consistent approach in both his personal and professional life. As the Director of Open Government at the State Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data of Nuevo León (INFO NL), he demonstrates strong leadership and empathy, actively supporting the cognitive and professional growth of his team. Raúl is dedicated to introducing technological tools that simplify processes and revolutionize traditional bureaucratic public management. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and a Master’s degree in Political Science from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Additionally, he completed a diploma in “Leadership, Organization, and Action” from Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. With vast experience in public policy design and evaluation, transparency, and open government, Raúl has conducted budget program consulting with UNDP and served as a moderator at the United Nations World Data Forum. Furthermore, he holds the position of professor at the School of Political Science and International Relations at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León and has contributed to various civil society organizations.