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Cishesa Ciza Médiatrice

Integrity Icone Cishesa Ciza Médiatrice - Professeur à l'école primaire de Walungu

Dinanga Mbikayi Freddy

Integrity Icone RDC Dinanga Mbikayi Freddy - parquet près le tribunal de paix de Bukavu

Kipulu Mbwiti Daniel

Integrity Icone Kipulu Mbwiti Daniel - Procureur général du Sud-Kivu

Masoka Wantu Bibishe

Integrity Icone RDC Masoka Wantu Bibishe - professeur d’université

M’undabutu Kasukulu Dalton

Kasukulu Dalton - L'Inspecteur agricole du territoire de Fizi"


David Ipanga

Français: David Ipanga, est un Colonel engagé de Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo. Il est le commandant du 2202 régiment basé dans la ville de Baraka, province du Sud-Kivu à l’Est de la RDC. Agé de 57 ans, il a intégré l’armée le 12 avril 1986 à l’âge de 22 ans. Il a actuellement 35 ans de carrière dans l’armée au service de la patrie. David travaille dans une zone caractérisée par le conflit tribal, des guerres des rebellions locales et étrangères. Quel que soit ce contexte controverse, il reste serviteur impeccable, sans discrimination. Son dynamisme pour la protection des civiles, de leurs biens et sa résistance face à la corruption font de lui un patriote et un héro vivant pour la population qu’il sert. English: David Ipanga, is an enlisted Colonel in the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He is the commander of the 2202 regiment based in the town of Baraka, South Kivu province in the east of the DRC. Aged 57, he joined the army on 12 April 1986 at the age of 22. He has now completed 35 years in the army in the service of his country. David works in an area characterised by tribal conflict, local and foreign rebellion wars. Regardless of this controversial context, he remains an impeccable servant, without discrimination. His drive to protect civilians and their property and his resistance to corruption make him a patriot and a living hero to the people he serves.

Marie Mithila Ponga

Français: Agée de 57 ans avec une expérience de 20 ans comme cheffe de bureau genre, famille et enfant; Marie Mithila Ponga est l’une de ses femmes du Sud-Kivu véritablement engagée pour la cause des femmes et des enfants. Dans cette région comme dans toute la province, les violences à l’endroit de la femme et aux jeunes filles sont malheureusement une réalité quotidienne. Quand il s’agit de faire régner la justice, cette fonctionnaire publique est celle qui ose et ne recule pas face à tout ce drame. De fois, elle intervient même dans des cas de kidnapping pour négocier avec tous les ravisseurs afin d’obtenir la libération des victimes. Sa passion pour le travail et sa détermination forcent naturellement l’admiration. English: Marie Mithila Ponga, 57 years old and with 20 years' experience as head of the gender, family and children's office, is one of the women in South Kivu who is truly committed to the cause of women and children. In this region, as in the whole province, violence against women and young girls is unfortunately a daily reality. When it comes to enforcing justice, this public official is the one who dares and does not back down in the face of all this drama. Sometimes, she even intervenes in kidnapping cases to negotiate with all the kidnappers in order to obtain the release of the victims. Her passion for her work and her determination are naturally admirable.

Gilbert Munguakonkwa

Français: Munguakonkwa Gilbert, est un Médecin de l’Etat et un enseignant à l’institut supérieur des techniques médicales. Il travaille comme médecin traitant et chef de service de pédiatrie à l’hôpital général de référence d’Uvira. Agé de 56 ans avec une expérience de 22 ans de carrière en tant que médecin soignant, Docteur MUNGUAKONKWA Gilbert est l’un de ses rares médecins qui appliquent le serment d’Hippocrate dans la région du Sud-Kivu en RDC caractérisée principalement par la pauvreté de la population et l’insécurité. Passionné par son travail au services de la santé des enfants, il travaille même pendant les crépitements des balles ou les grèves des services. Pour lui, la santé de ses patients et le bien-être de la population passent avant toute forme de crise. English: Munguakonkwa Gilbert is a State Doctor and a teacher at the Higher Institute of Medical Techniques. He works as an attending physician and head of the paediatric department at the general referral hospital in Uvira. Aged 56 with a 22-year career as a medical doctor, Dr MUNGUAKONKWA Gilbert is one of the few doctors who apply the Hippocratic oath in the South Kivu region of the DRC, which is mainly characterised by the poverty of the population and insecurity. Passionate about his work in children's health, he works even during the crackling of bullets or service strikes. For him, the health of his patients and the well-being of the population come before any form of crisis.

Hilaire Ngoie Mwepu

Français: Hilaire Ngoie Mwepu est Juge Président à la cour d’appel du Sud-Kivu, Professeur d’Ethique et Déontologie à l’Université Officielle de Bukavu et Pasteur de l’église CEPAC. Agé de 55 ans avec une expérience de 25 ans de carrière à la magistrature ; Ngoie Hilaire s’affronte quotidiennement dans son travail à la pratique de la corruption, au culte tribal, au népotisme politique et toutes les antivaleurs qui caractérisent le secteur judiciaire Congolais. Sa constance transcendantale lui a valu une reconnaissance par ses pairs mais aussi par la population. English: Hilaire Ngoie Mwepu is a Presiding Judge at the Court of Appeal of South Kivu, Professor of Ethics and Deontology at the Official University of Bukavu and Pastor of the CEPAC church. Ngoie Hilaire is 55 years old and has 25 years of experience in the judiciary. In his work, he is confronted on a daily basis with the practice of corruption, the tribal cult, political nepotism and all the anti-values that characterise the Congolese judicial sector. His transcendental constancy has earned him recognition by his peers and the population.

Salumu Mikoso

Français: Salumu Mikoso est un Commissaire de la Police de Circulation Routière de la ville de Bukavu dans la province du Sud-Kivu depuis plus d’une décennie. Agé de 54 ans avec une ancienneté de 41 ans comme policier ayant servi dans plusieurs provinces de la république. Salumu c’est un visage connu de tous les chauffeurs et motards de la ville de Bukavu dont son incorruptibilité, sa sociabilité et son professionnalisme ont naturellement amplifié sa modeste personne jusqu’à le hisser à une figure exemplaire dans les rues de la ville de Bukavu. English: Salumu Mikoso is a Commissaire de la Police de Circulation Routière of the city of Bukavu in the province of South Kivu for more than a decade. He is 54 years old and has 41 years of experience as a police officer, having served in several provinces of the republic. Salumu is a face known to all drivers and motorcyclists in Bukavu whose incorruptibility, sociability and professionalism have naturally enhanced his modest persona to the point of making him an exemplary figure in the streets of Bukavu.



Prince Zlankwagor Kruah

Prince currently works as the District Child Survival Focal Person for the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) in Nimba County. Since 2016, he’s been supervising the expanded program on immunization, clinical health, maternal and child health, and family planning. He also mentors vaccinators in the district. Prince is described as an honest, passionate, and dedicated person. While he faced challenges with his name being deleted twice from the government payroll system, he was still committed to his work, especially in hard-to-reach places. He obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Sciences and an Associate of Science Degree in Nursing (ASN) from Mother Pattern College of Health Sciences.

Moses P. Robert

Moses is an Administrator at the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism in Capitol Hill, Monrovia Central Office. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration from the University of Liberia in 2000 and an Advanced Certificate in Statistics from the same University in 2014. With 12 years of service, Moses has contributed immensely to reducing ghost workers on the ministry’s payroll by leading a key investigation that revealed all the names of ghost employees – people who had been receiving salaries but have never worked in the ministry. He is also a budding philanthropist and uses his income to give back to his community through scholarships to deserving students and financial support to some families in the area facing tough circumstances.

Bendu Conneh

Bendu Conneh is a registered nurse at the Ministry of Health. With 8 years of service in the emergency ward at the  Liberian Government Hospital in Buchanan, Bendu has shown transformational leadership in her work. At age 10, she lost a friend at a local hospital who died due to delays in the provision of care. She since promised to serve the community first and ensure that people receive the best healthcare services available. Bendu is also described as an educator and mentor with a positive outlook on life. Her leadership qualities have positively influenced the hospital’s smooth running, including nursing care and community development.

Arthur Gliklay

Arthur Gliklay serves as the Fiscal and Financial Advisor at the Ministry of Transport. He is a dedicated civil servant who stands for integrity and accountability. He is a candidate for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) program offered by the Liberia Institute of Certified Charted Accountants. He holds a Master’s in Business Administration and Finance (MBAF) from the University of Liberia and a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). While working in the office of the minister of transport, Arthur formed part of a Liberia delegation at the Ministerial Conference of Transport Ministers of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. In his diligent review of a proposed regional budget, he discovered an unaccounted amount of $500,000 (US), which led to the disapproval of the budget.

Albertha Doe Reeves

Albertha Doe is an enthusiastic leader who is passionate about providing quality healthcare. She is a nurse at the Government Hospital in Buchanan in Grand Bassa County, in the Chest and Tuberculosis (TB) Unit. She goes out of her way to help her patients settle their hospital bills and works overtime without any expectations. In her work, she also ensures that patients living with HIV receive the best treatment with confidentiality, minimizing stigma and discrimination. Her passion for the public healthcare sector is easy to see. She often uses her income to provide patients with food, medication and transportation. Her colleagues describe her as an enthusiastic and supportive person who is solutions-oriented and open to learning.


Tokpa Tarnue

Mr. Tokpa Tarnue has worked for the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS) since 2011, first as a reporter and now as a correspondent. He also manages Radio Kintoma, a local community radio station that relays the news for the LBS in Voinjama, Lofa County. Prior to his employment with the LBS, he served as a volunteer with several media institutions including News Public Trust, Radio Life and World Hope International. In 2017, he worked as a Media Monitor on electoral violence at the Liberia Media Center (LMC) in Monrovia, Liberia. He was born unto the union of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tarnue Sr, at the Tellewoyan Hospital, Voinjama City, Lofa County. Tokpa completed his high school education at the Billie Call Christian Institute, Wood Camp Community, Paynesville, Liberia in 2002. He also acquired certificates in Journalism from the Jonathan Hicks Foundation for Journalists, Journalists for Human Rights, and the Liberia Media Center, on Human Rights-Reporting, Human and Drug Trafficking, and Elections Reporting. In 2013, he was also trained and certificated as a Journalist for Human Rights in Conflict Sensitive Settings, Child Abuse and Sexual Exploitation. He is currently pursuing an Associate of Arts (AA) degree in Mass Communication from the Free Pentecostal College, in Voinjama City, Lofa County. He is married with three sons.

Kulubo Davis

Mrs. Kulubo Davis is a certified midwife (CMW) and the officer-in-charge (OIC) at the Tenegar Community Clinic in Peace Community, Brewerville, lower Montserrado County. She has worked for more than eight years for the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW). She is also the founder of a community clinic called the Peace Community Maternity Clinic in the area that provides safe and affordable healthcare services. In addition, Mrs. Davies initiated a medication campaign in the community that provides free treatment for residents. Due to her commitment and dedication to the public, she was awarded as Best Health Worker for 2019 in Montserrado County. Kulubo was born in Fissebou, Zorzor District, Lofa County, where she matrriculated from the Voinjama Multilateral High School. She later earned a Certified Midwife Certificate from the Esther Bacon School of Nursing, Zorzor City, Lofa County. She attended several training workshops and was certified in counseling, community health and family planning. Prior to her employment with the Ministry of Health, she worked at the Baalt Transit Center - MSF in Guinea where she served as Health Screening Supervisor. She also worked at Baala Health Post - MSF in Guinea in 1994, and at the Zorzor Currant Hospital, Zorzor, Lofa County, Liberia up to the 1990 civil war. Mrs. Davis is married with 4 sons and a daughter.

Sam M. Dikoah

Inspector Sam M. Dikoah is a traffic commander at the zone eight police detachment of the Liberian National Police (LNP), located along the ELWA Highway in Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia. As traffic commander and chief investigator, he is known for investigating traffic accidents without discrimination and without favoring anyone. He does this in keeping with police standards and the laws of Liberia, and helps resolve complex cases involving human lives and damaged properties. He also works to educate drivers, motorcyclists and citizens about the rules and regulations of the road in order to avoid accidents. Inspector Diakoah holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice, obtained in 2013 from the African Methodist Episcopal Zion College, in Monrovia. He also graduated from the Liberian National Police Training Academy in 2005 as a traffic officer. In his earlier years, he attended the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Elementary and Junior High School in Bomi County, and later in 2004, completed his high school education at the Calvary Temple Assembly of God Mission School in Jacobs Town, Paynesville. Inspector Dikoah is married and has two sons and a daughter.

Siaka S. Paul

Mr. Siaka S. Paul is a Language Instructor and Sports Director of the Sinje Public High School, in Grand Cape Mount County. He was employed at the beginning of the 2016 school year, having faithfully served as a volunteer from 2012 to 2015. Due to his love of sports and also for helping students to exercise and lead healthier lives, Siaka was appointed as Sports Director whilst he was still a volunteer in 2014, a position he still proudly holds today. He has led the school teams in winning several country accolades in that period. Siaka was born unto the union of Mr. Moses M. Paul and Madam. Sando Kiakai on February 14, 1984, in Jene, Tewor District, Grand Cape Mount County. He started his primary education at the Varguay Public School in 2003, and completed his high school education at the Samie Darby Public High School, where he obtained a diploma and WAEC Certificate in 2011. Based on his passion for education, he applied and got admitted to the Katata Rural Teacher Training Institute (K.R.T.T.I) and earned a Grade C certificate in education, with emphasis in Language Arts in 2012. He is currently a student at the David A. Straze College, University of Liberia, Sinje, Grand Cape Mount County. He is married with a son and a daughter.

Joseph K. Bryant

Mr. Joseph Bryant has been working for the Liberia Institutes of Statistics and Geo- information Services (LISGIS) since 2013. He currently serves as the Coordinator for the County Service Center (CSC) and also coordinates the Lofa County’s branch of the Civil Service Union of Liberia. In 2009, he served as the Assistant Director of LIGIS at the county level, and due to this dedication and honesty, was promoted to his current position. Prior to his employment with LISGIS, he served as Assistant Headmaster of the Macenta Technical Vocational Institute with GTZ, in the Republic of Guinea. He also served as Field Commercial Assistant Manager of the Agriculture Development Project (LCAP) in Lofa County, 1983. Mr. Bryant holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in accounting from the University of Liberia in 2007, and also obtained a certificate in Cartography from LISGIS. Joseph obtained his high school diploma from the Voinjama Multilateral High School and a National Exams Certificate in 1981. He was born in 1959 to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Bryant Sr. who both are late. He is married with one daughter and five sons


Sumoiwuo Z. Harris

Sumoiwuo Z. Harris is currently the Project Director of the Liberian-Swedish Feeder Road Project (LSFRP3) at the Ministry of Public Works.  A project funded by Sweden focuses on rehabilitating feeder roads in south-east Liberia (Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Maryland, and Grand Kru Counties); A region that has some of the most inaccessible roads in the Country.   Mr. Harris holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Liberia and a Master of Science degree in Road and Transportation Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi, Ghana. Mr. Harris has worked since 2009 at the Ministry and has served as Assistant Minister for Rural Development in the Ministry of Public Works. In that role as serves as the focal person for championing the rebirth of rural development feeder roads and rural housing rehabilitation in the Country. During this period, he and his team were able to complete the rehabilitation of over 1,500km of feeder roads in Liberia

Eric T. Joboe

Eric T. Joboe is an astute law enforcement officer trained by the United National Police (UNPOL), under the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). He is a 2007 graduate of the Liberia National Police Training School. He is currently working as the Deputy Commander for Crime Service Department (CSD), Grand Kru Police Detachment with the rank of Chief Inspector. Since his assignment to Grand Kru County he has served in different capacities which include; Depot Commander in several districts and has also worked as a city solicitor’s Clerk in Henriesville city, Grand Kru County, Red Cross Tracing Volunteer, News Editor for the Voice of Grand Kru, etc.   Mr. Joboe was born in Filorken, Barclayville City, Grand Kru County. He began his educational journey through assistance from a relative at the age of 9 at the Richard Henries School in Filorken.  He enrolled at the St. Francis high school in Pleebo City, Maryland County, and later completed his high school education at the Pleebo Public High School, Pleebo City, Maryland County Liberia. He has received a lot of honors and awards as a journalist and law enforcement officer.

O. Wanga Z. Wanley

Wanga Z. Wanley serves as an officer-in-charge (OIC) at the Totoquelleh Clinic for the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOH/SW) Bopolu City, Gbarpolu County. Wanga has worked for more than 16 years in the Liberian health sector. Aside from her current position, she has worked as an Assistant Hygiene Coordinator on NCDDRR Program with the United Methodist Relief Organization, a Health Inspector at the Division of Environmental & Occupational Health. She has also worked as a Registered Nurse at the Chief Jallah Lone Medical Center, Bopolu City, Gbarpolu County, and an Assistant Vaccinator at IDP Camps during the Civil Crisis with MSF Belgium in Liberia. She is also an advocate against sex and gender-based violence. Wanga Z. Wanley was born in Toikei, Belleh District Gbarpolu County Liberia. She graduated from the Len Miller High School in Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia. Additionally, she holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from the United Methodist University (UMU) in Liberia, a diploma in Environmental Health & Professional Nursing from the Tubman National Institute of Medical Arts. She also has several certificates from training in; Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses, Mental Health Clinician, Carter Center Mental Health Training Program, Psychological First Aid, Israel Aid Liberia. 

Victor W. Nyanneh

Mr. Nyanneh is an Educator and a Christian Pastor.  He is the Senior Pastor of the United Methodist Church, central Barclayville City, Grand Kru County, Liberia. He is also the Principal of the J. J. Dickson United Methodist High School, and teaches history part-time at the Barclayville Central High School, Barclayville, Grand Kru County.  Mr. Nyanneh has been in the teaching profession for more than twenty years. He was born in Wedabo, Grand Kru County, and attended the Gbanken Elementary and Junior High School. He then had to leave Grand Kru in search of higher education. He went to Maryland County where he completed his senior high school education and later went to Gbarnga, central Liberia, and enrolled at the Gbarnga School of Theology, United Methodist University where he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Theology. He then went back to his home county where there was only one high school.  He was able to work with the church-run junior high school and raised the status to a high school, that he now heads and continues to work as a Pastor and Educator in a County. 

Titus K. Tikwa, Jr.

Titus is a Procurement Specialist, Freelancer, and Lecturer. He currently works as a Senior Compliance and Monitoring Officer at the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC) in Monrovia, Liberia. He holds a Master's degree (Cum Laude) in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development Program (MPPMSDP) from the International Training Center of the International Labor Organization-Turin School of Development, Italy.   He had contributed immensely to the public procurement reform of Liberia and the West African region. He is a founding member and a signatory of the Articles of Incorporation establishing the African Public Procurement Network (APPN). He has received numerous awards and recognition for his work in procurement and is a parttime Lecturer at the African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) Graduate School and the facilitator at the Liberia Institute for Public Administration (LIPA).


Henry Heina Sele

Henry Heina Sele is a Project Accountant within the Program Management Unit (PMU) at the Ministry of Agriculture. Over the past seven years he has managed a portfolio of $14.6 million and his performance was rated satisfactory by the World Bank and International Partners for implementation of the regional West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP IC Liberia). Due to his dedication and professionalism, he was retained as Project Accountant to formulate and prepare the ongoing Smallholder Agriculture Transformation and Agribusiness Project funded by the World Bank for $25 million.

Musu M. Mulbah

Musu M. Mulbah serves the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOH/SW) as the Focal Person for all sexual and gender-based violence cases at the C. B. Dunbar hospital in Gbarnga Bong County. She is also the Zonal Head for the Dementa and Kokoyayh road community, appointed by the City Mayor of Gbarnga. Additionally, she is studying nursing at the Cuttington University Undergraduate School in Suacoco.

Ord Sejepo Jlateh

Ord Sejepo Jlateh is Assistant Commissioner for Budget and Finance at the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA). Since 2000, Jlateh has worked with many institutions such as the Liberia Mission of SDA as an accountant; the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) as National Senior Finance Officer; and the West African Union Mission of SDA, a larger organ of the Seventh-Day Adventist, comprising Gambia, Sierra Leone and Liberia. He also worked for the USAID-sponsored Governance Economic Management Assistance Program (GEMAP) as Assisting Comptroller to International Financial Expert with assignment at the National Port Authority.

Oretha Menyongar Thomas

In 2013, Oretha Menyongar Thomas started work as a janitor at the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection. Since then she has been assigned to various offices including General Service, Human Resource, and Women Empowerment. In 2016, based on her hard work and commitment, she was transferred to the office of the Minister proper where she is now an Office Assistant to the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection.

Samuel G. Ford

Samuel G. Ford is Assistant Commissioner of Police for Community Services, having gradually risen through the rank and file of the police hierarchy from a cadet in the Special Task force to his current position. Samuel has received several honors and awards, among which he was named as an Ambassador for Peace, World Peace Recognition (2015), for the practices and promotion of universal moral values, a strong family life, inter-religious cooperation, and international harmony.


Patricia Togba

Patricia Togba is a Technical Assistant for the Department for Research, Policy and Planning at Liberia’s Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection. She is known for motivating her team and always going the extra mile – even if it requires additional time or personal resources. She believes that a lack of punctuality and productivity are forms of corruption. During the Ebola crisis, she collaborated with Save the Children to provide psychosocial counseling for affected families, and continues to counsel fellow staff and youth within her community. “Integrity counts a lot, always be honest because you don’t know who is watching. Serve as a positive role model to others.”

Michael Dahn

Michael Dahn is the Deputy Commander at the Kakata Police Station in Margibi County. Michael is described by his colleagues as down to earth yet committed to the highest performance of his duties. He works directly with the Liberian National Police Standard Division which investigates police misconduct – including internal allegations of police taking bribes from citizens. He is well-known among his colleagues for refusing to bend the rules – no matter the person nor the circumstances. “See people like yourself, once you aren’t showing difference to others, you treat people equally.”

James K. Saybay

James K. Saybay is an administrator at Bong County Technical College located in Gbarnga, Bong County, which operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Education. James is well known across the county for his strong stance on integrity in the education system. He openly refused to give students grades for failed courses. During his service at the Supreme Court of Liberia, he stayed committed to following several challenging, even controversial cases through to resolution. Outside of his normal work responsibilities, he has mobilized his surrounding communities to implement a farm-to-markets road project that ultimately completed 32 roads across Bong county using local tools. He also worked closely with nurses in Bong County to provide safety awareness and prevention support during the Ebola epidemic in Liberia. “Whatever we do in life, we should know that we are surrounded by witnesses. Do whatever you do to the best of your abilities.”

Marpue Yekeku

Marpue Yekeku is a registered nurse at Johnsonville Public Clinic located in Johnsonville City, Montserrado County under Liberia’s Ministry of Health. She performs her duties at work and in her community with diligence, patience, and passion. She follows up with her patients, individually calling them to remind them to pick up their medication on time. She is well trusted by her community – serving as financial secretary for her church, contributing personally to the church building project, and supporting her neighbors in paying their bills. Marpue also runs an orphanage started by her parents before they passed away, supporting more than 50 children. “I ask the public, especially nurses, to serve with passion and do their jobs to the best of their abilities, which leads to greater integrity.”

James Dorbor Jallah

James Dorbor Jallah is the Executive Director of the Public Procurement Concessions Commission (PPCC). Prior to directing the PPCC, James oversaw the University of Liberia Testing and Evaluation Center. James remains committed to working with integrity and honesty no matter the social pressure. In one instance, over 20,000 students were found to have failed the entrance exam. Instead of giving in to public demands to change the results, he refused. He took an equally strong stance against 68 contractual agreements that failed PPCC criteria – not giving in to titles or bribery to change his views ( “What I would like to tell the public, especially my counterparts in government, is that we have a small country, with a lot of resources, and if we can all commit, if we do the right thing for our country, [then] we will be able to turn this country around to a prosperous one.”


Rebecca Scotland

Rebecca is a Physician’s Assistant Instructor at the Tubman National Institute of Medical Arts. Outside of work she teaches health at her church. Mrs. Scotland takes health very seriously and has committed her life to her work. She knows the future of Liberia’s health system rests in the hands of the practitioners she is training. In a country where students are known to bribe instructors for good grades, Mrs. Scotland is an exception. In her free time, she leads health classes at her church.

Vivian Wamah

Vivian is the Registrar at a Pre-Primary School and outside of work runs a program to teach young girls skills and is the Secretary of a women’s group. In her community she is seen as a leader and to her husband, an equal partner in their work to build a successful agriculture business. They are currently scaling a cassava farm and raising pigs to support their family and using. They are using this enterprise to train young women in agriculture and animal husbandry.

Jefferson Dolo

Jefferson is the acting Chief of Procurement at the LNP. Outside of work he does the accounting for his church. Amongst his colleagues at the LNP, Mr. Dolo is seen as a straight shooter and a stickler for the rules. Mr. Dolo got to this position after working odd jobs for many years and putting himself through school where he gained an advanced degree. With that he was able to secure his current position.

Yaah Bellah Suah

Yaah Bellah is a county coordinator for the Ministry of Gender and outside of work she manages two schools. Ms. Suah speaks with a subtle confidence that exudes humility. She is know in her community as a hard worker who is looking out for everyone. In her position, she counsels couples on marital issues, leads topics on issues like rape, and empowers women through trainings. Outside of that she runs two schools. She tried to leave her post a couple years ago to focus on the schools but her supervisors begged her to stay and that she did.

Alphonso Rancy

Alphonso is the Chief of Leeward at the Liberian National Police. Outside of work he assists his wife’s ministry. Mr. Rancy has worked as a civil servant most of his life. Previously he was an agent of the DEA and then did a stent at the Fire Department before coming back to the DEA as a Chief. Rancy is know amongst his colleagues as being incorruptible and a hard worker focused on the interests of the Liberian people.


Musa Dorley

Musa was born and raised in Bonjeh, Bomi County where he is now Community Chairman, and he is determined to see the community thrive. For this purpose, he made sure a clinic was built, which has drastically improved health outcomes in Bonjeh. During the Ebola crisis, Musa commissioned a team to spread awareness and ensure that they went to health facilities, despite the widespread fear. In addition to these initiatives, Musa established a savings club for the women of Bonjeh so that they could become financially independent.

Bockarie Sakilla

Bockarie Sakilla has worked as a medical professional for a long time and currently serves as a pharmacist in a government hospital in Tubmanburg, Bomi county. While he helps people with their medications every day, he has gone even further and voluntarily paid for the education of students who couldn’t otherwise afford it. He visits communities without clinics and oversees the establishment of small medical shops with professionals to provide medication.

Sandra Roberts

Sandra Roberts has worked in the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications for 16 years and has never been content with the problems she saw around her – she has needed to fix them. She has constantly faced pressure to hire based on favoritism or patronage, but has always refused to succumb to it, hiring only based on merit. Her vision is of a Liberia where everyone is accountable for their actions.


Jugbeh Tarpleh Kekula

Jugbeh Kekula is a dedicated registered nurse who works in the emergency room at the Liberia Government Hospital in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. She also volunteers to provide birth control and family planning information at a market in Buchanan. She says she became a nurse because she loves the nursing profession, serving nation, her people and humanity, and helping to save lives one way or the other.

Oliver K. Kuson

Oliver Kuson is committed to improving the education of children in Maryland County’s remote Barrobo district. He said he has held the post as an unpaid volunteer since 2009. He travels daily by foot to schools throughout the district to keep track of student and teacher attendance and to talk to students and their families about the importance of staying in school. Oliver says he love this community, his people and the people of Liberia so he will remain in the field, regardless of whether he is paid or not.

Daniel Gbety Nyenkan

Daniel Nyenkan is the court clerk at the Pleebo Magisterial Court in Maryland County, a position he has held since 2009. He is also county coordinator for Community Watch Forum, and he provides free water to his neighbors daily from a recently dug well in his front yard. He says his favorite thing about his work is having the opportunity to serve others. Daniel adds that though it’s tedious and constrained, he tries to do his best because this is a job that he does for his people, not for himself.

Comfort Nimely

Comfort Nimely is a caretaker at the Ministry of Internal Affairs office in Grand Kru County. She also volunteers with the Barclayville Marketeers Association and is a founding board member of the county’s only bank, Rural Community Finance Institution. She says you have to sacrifice yourself before money comes and that you have to do something to help your people.

Seorweh Dlayee Jaycheneh

Seorweh Jaycheneh is the lead prosecutor for criminal cases in the city of Pleebo, Maryland County. His job involves charging people with crimes and advising the police during their investigations. He began his 16-year career in law as a Justice of the Peace in Sinoe County, which is also where he grew up. He believes that what makes you a man of integrity is your consistency in following through on your word.



Hamidou Doumbia

Hamidou DOUMBIA a intégré la fonction publique en 2010, après avoir été admis au concours de la fonction publique en tant qu’un des plus jeunes à l’époque (23 ans). Cadre de la Direction des Finances et du Matériel, M. DOUMBIA est réputé pour sa rigueur, son sérieux et sa compétence intellectuelle. Ambitieux et animé par la volonté de donner une nouvelle orientation à sa carrière professionnelle, il a participé au concours professionnel d’entrée à l’Ecole Nationale d’Administration organisé en 2022 avec succès en tant qu’Inspecteur des Services Économiques. Très serviable, Hamidou a un engagement au-delà de sa carrière politique puisqu’étant actif auprès des citoyens à travers son engagement pour le service collectif. Il a été le président de l’association Actions citoyennes commune 1, le président du club Toastmasters Bamako CIWARA et le Curator des Global Shapers Community qui est un réseau de jeunes rattachés au forum économique de Davos. Passionné par la lecture et l’écriture, Hamidou DOUMBIA est aussi Co-auteur du livre « Les maux et les remèdes de l’Afrique » éditer chez les éditions Baudelaire en France en 2021. - Hamidou DOUMBIA joined the civil service in 2010, after being admitted to the civil service competition as one of the youngest at the time (23 years old). As an executive of the Finance and Material Department, Mr. DOUMBIA is known for his rigor, his seriousness and his intellectual competence. Ambitious and driven by the will to give a new direction to his professional career, he participated in the professional entrance exam to the National School of Administration organized in 2022 with success as an Inspector of Economic Services. Very helpful, Hamidou has a commitment beyond his political career as he is active with the citizens through his commitment to collective service. He was the president of the association Actions citoyennes commune 1, the president of the club Toastmasters Bamako CIWARA and the curator of the Global Shapers Community which is a network of young people attached to the Davos economic forum. Passionate about reading and writing, Hamidou Doumbia is also the co-author of the book "Les maux et les remèdes de l'Afrique" (The ills and remedies of Africa) to be published by Baudelaire Editions in France in 2021.

Marie Claire Dembele

Conseillère aux Affaires économiques et financières au gouvernorat de Sikasso, Marie Claire est un des fruits de l’Institut Polytechnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée de Katibougou ou elle obtient un Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) en Agriculture et une Maîtrise en vulgarisation en 1995 et une Maîtrise en Vulgarisation Agricole en 2012. Son amour pour l’Agriculture l’amène à suivre une formation à l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales et de Développement de Genève en Suisses ou elle obtient un Master en Vulgarisation et pratiques du Développement en 2015. C’est à Sikasso que commença sa carrière professionnelle en tant qu'enquêtrice avec l’ESPGRIN/CRRA (discipline suivi-évaluation) piloter par l’Etat Malien/IER de 1999 à 2004 et ensuite point focal de l’APRAGIC sous le contrôle du Projet PADS (Adaptation et Diffusion participative des technologies pour les systèmes de base de riz en Afrique de l’Ouest). En février 2007, Marie Claire est promue Chef de division par intérim du Conseil Agricole Formation et Animation Rurale de la Direction Régionale de Gao, et 5 mois après elle est nommée Chargée de la liaison Recherche-Vulgarisation Agricole (LRVA) jusqu’en 2008. Elle a occupé le poste de Chargée de la Programmation et Études au Bureau Statistique Suivi-Évaluation et Communication à la Direction Régionale de l’Agriculture de Sikasso de juillet 2013 à Mars 2017 et de cette date à nos jours, Marie Claire Dembélé est la Conseillère aux Affaires économiques et financières du Gouverneur au gouvernorat de Sikasso. - Advisor to the Economic and Financial Affairs in the Governorate of Sikasso, Marie Claire is one of the fruits of the Rural Polytechnic Institute of Training and Applied Research of Katibougou where she obtained a Higher Technician's Certificate (BTS) in Agriculture and a Master's Degree in Extension in 1995 and a Master's Degree in Agricultural Extension in 2012. Her love for agriculture led her to study at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, where she obtained a Master's degree in Extension and Development Practices in 2015. It was in Sikasso that she began her professional career as an investigator with ESPGRIN/CRRA (monitoring-evaluation discipline) piloted by the Malian State/IER from 1999 to 2004 and then as a focal point for APRAGIC under the supervision of the PADS Project (Participatory Adaptation and Dissemination of Technologies for Basic Rice Systems in West Africa). In February 2007, Marie Claire was promoted to Acting Head of Division of the Agricultural Training and Rural Animation Council of the Gao Regional Directorate, and five months later she was appointed Agricultural Research-Extension Liaison Officer (LRVA) until 2008. She held the position of Programming and Studies Officer at the Statistical, Monitoring, Evaluation and Communication Office at the Regional Directorate of Agriculture of Sikasso from July 2013 to March 2017 and from that date to the present, Marie Claire Dembélé is the Economic and Financial Affairs Advisor to the Governor of the Governorate of Sikasso.

Abdoulaye Coulibaly

Un Inspecteur des Douanes, humble, discret, discipliné et respectueux, M. Abdoulaye COULIBALY est détenteur d'une Licence en Finances Comptabilité et un Master en Contrôle de Gestion et Audit. M. Coulibaly a choisi, par souci de participer à la relève du vieil instituteur admis à la retraite, les études professionnelles pour obtenir le Diplôme d'Aptitudes aux Fonctions de Déclarant-Transitaire en Douanes. Des années plus tard, il a réussi le concours de recrutement des agents contractuels des Douanes pour 6 mois renouvelable, et a intégré la fonction publique par la suite en tant qu’agent de constatation. Secrétaire général du comité syndical des Douanes de Kayes, de l'Union Locale et Régionale de Kayes, membre du Bureau Exécutif de l'UNTM, d'où il devient membre du Conseil Économique Social et Culturel du Mali. Il est le Président de la Commission Régionale de la Coalition Citoyenne de la Société Civile pour la Paix, l'Unité et la Réconciliation Nationale de Kayes et Président du Club de Paix Beera de Kayes. Dans ce cadre, Coulibaly intervient dans la prévention et la gestion des conflits pour la consolidation de la paix et la cohésion sociale, précisément les conflits relatifs à l'esclavage par ascendance. Passé par plusieurs postes, Monsieur Coulibaly est actuellement le Chef du Bureau Secondaire des Douanes de Gouthioube. - A Customs Inspector, humble, discreet, disciplined and respectful, Mr. Abdoulaye COULIBALY holds a Bachelor's degree in Finance and Accounting and a Master's degree in Management Control and Audit. Mr. Coulibaly chose, out of concern to participate in the succession of the old teacher who had retired, to study for the Diploma of Aptitudes to the Functions of Customs Clearance Officer. Years later, he passed the recruitment exam for contractual agents of the Customs for 6 months renewable, and integrated the civil service thereafter as an agent de constatation. General Secretary of the Customs Union Committee of Kayes, the Local and Regional Union of Kayes, member of the Executive Board of the UNTM, from where he became a member of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of Mali. He is the President of the Regional Commission of the Citizen Coalition of Civil Society for Peace, Unity and National Reconciliation of Kayes and President of the Beera Peace Club of Kayes. In this context, Coulibaly intervenes in the prevention and management of conflicts for the consolidation of peace and social cohesion, specifically conflicts related to descent-based slavery. Having held several positions, Mr. Coulibaly is currently the Head of the Gouthioube Secondary Customs Office.

Présidente Kankou Sangare

Après sa réussite au concours de la magistrature en 2001, Mme. Sangaré a intégré l'institut National de Formation Judiciaire pour une formation de 2 ans, nommée magistrat en 2004, elle capitalise 19 ans de carrière en tant que juge au siège au Tribunal de Première Instance de Sikasso, premier substitut du Procureur de la République près le Tribunal de Grande Instance de la Commune I du district de Bamako, juge d'instruction au Pôle Économique et Financier du Tribunal de Grande Instance de la Commune III du district de Bamako et actuellement présidente du Tribunal de Grande Instance de Ségou. Elle a effectué en 2011 un stage à la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) et participé en 2018 au sommet du Vatican organisé en partenariat avec l'association internationale des femmes juges avec un article du Vatican News sur son interview. Elle est membre élue à la commission d'avancement du conseil supérieur de la magistrature en 2019 et elle a participé en 2021 et 2022 au programme leadership des Etats-Unis d'Amérique (USA). - After passing the competitive examination for the judiciary in 2001, Mrs. Sangaré entered the National Institute of Judicial Training for a two-year training. Sangaré joined the National Institute of Judicial Training for a 2-year training, appointed magistrate in 2004, she has a 19-year career as a judge at the Court of First Instance of Sikasso, first deputy public prosecutor at the Court of First Instance of the Commune I of the district of Bamako, examining magistrate at the Economic and Financial Pole of the Court of First Instance of the Commune III of the district of Bamako and currently president of the Court of First Instance of Segou. In 2011, she completed an internship at the International Criminal Court (ICC) and participated in 2018 in the Vatican Summit organized in partnership with the International Association of Women Judges with an article in Vatican News on her interview. She is an elected member of the advancement commission of the Superior Council of the Judiciary in 2019 and she participated in 2021 and 2022 in the leadership program of the United States of America (USA).


Maïmouna SAGARA

Maïmouna SAGARA, âgée de 46 ans, est l'une des infirmières obstétriciennes les plus sollicitées du Centre de Santé Communautaire de Kalaban-Coro ADEKENE. Depuis 2009, elle a commencé à travailler avec ASACOKAKENE (Association de Santé Communautaire Kalaban-Coro ADEKENE) comme aide-soignante. Grâce à son courage, sa détermination et son amour pour la profession de la santé, elle a suivi plusieurs formations, dont l'étude d'infirmière obstétrique. En plus de sa formation académique en santé, elle a fait d'autres formations pour intervenir dans la gestion des pandémies, à savoir la formation sur la fièvre hémorragique à virus Ebola et les maladies à corona virus. Maïmouna a toujours été reconnue pour son sens élevé de la discipline, de la responsabilité et elle est bien ordonnée dans le travail bien fait, ce qui l'a rendue très célèbre et très demandée au sein du Centre de Santé Communautaire de Kalaban-coro ADEKENE. Les hobbies de Maïmouna sont la musique, les voyages et les jeux. Elle parle français, bambara et dogon.

Mamadou Lamine DIAARA

4- Mamadou Lamine DIAARA est né le 10 septembre 1984 à Koulikoro, deuxième région administrative du Mali. Il entame ses études primaires dans le groupe scolaire Emil Delassus CAMARA de Koulikoro où il obtient son Diplôme d’Etude Fondamentale (DEF) en 2000. Après quoi, il sera orienté au lycée Dioba DIARRA de Koulikoro dans la série Lettres. Son assiduité lui a permis d’obtenir son Baccalauréat en 2004 avec mention Assez bonne. Très attaché à l’étude de la langue Anglaise, il fit ses études supérieures à la Faculté des Lettres Arts et Sciences Humaines (ex-FLASH), option Anglais (Uni-Langues). Avec abnégation, il y obtiendra son Master en 2008, encore avec mention Assez bonne. Sur le plan professionnel, Mamadou Lamine Diarra commença dans l’enseignement en 2008 en tant que contractuel des collectivités dans la région de Nara, qui était jadis un cercle frontalier avec la Mauritanie. Il intégrera la collectivité en 2010 comme enseignant. Respectueusement maître d’Anglais au 2ème cycle de Kolomina (Commune de Falou cercle de Nara) puis directeur d’école en 2011. Il fut admis au concours professionnel d’entrée à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Bamako (DER- Anglais) où il obtient son Master professionnel en Enseignement spécialité Anglais. Entre 2015 et 2017, Monsieur Diarra sera professeur d’Anglais au lycée Dougoukolo Konaré de Kayes et au lycée de Banamba avant d’être affecté au centre d’animation pédagogique de Koulikoro comme Agent de suivi en 2017. Depuis 2018, il est conseillé Pédagogique Anglais chargé des manuels scolaires et des bibliothèques. Par ailleurs, il anime des formations, notamment en didactique des disciplines en Anglais, en éducation inclusive et d’urgence. Mais aussi à l’endroit des comités de Gestion Scolaire (CGS) et la Communauté d’Apprentissage des maîtres (C.A des Maîtres). Soucieux de notre jeunesse en voie de déperdition, il va fonder une association nommée Association des Jeunes de Koulikoro pour la Lutte contre le Tabac et les Drogues (AJKLCT). Car, l’enseignant, c’est aussi celui chargé de modeler le citoyen de demain, et Mamadou Lamine Diarra ne manque pas de remplir cette mission même au-delà de l’école. A noter qu’il est aussi un membre actif du Réseau National de Lutte contre le Tabac et les Drogues (RELUTAS-Mali).

KONE Fatoumata

3- Fatoumata KONE est née à Zantiébougou (cercle de Bougouni). Agée de 56 ans, elle est mariée et mère de 7(sept) enfants dont 4 garçons et 3 filles. Inscrite en 1972 à l’école fondamentale de zantiébougou, elle obtient son Diplôme d’Etudes Fondamentales(D.E.F) en juin 1984 à l’école des Saints-Martyrs de l’Uganda de Bougouni. Après quoi, elle poursuivra ses études à l’Institut Pédagogique d’Enseignement Général (I.P.E.G) de Sikasso d’où elle sortit en 1989. En 1996, elle intégra la Fonction publique. Pour sa prise de fonction, Fatoumata commence à l’école fondamentale de Binko dans le cercle de Dioïla. Puis celle de Sélingué et de Médine A et C à Bougouni où elle servit comme adjointe de 1998 à 2013. Elle fut nommée par la suite Directrice de Médine C en 2013. Depuis 2018, Fatoumata est Conseillère chargée de la Scolarisation des Filles(SCOFI) au Centre d’Animation Pédagogique de Bougouni où elle anime également des sessions de formation et participe à des ateliers. Très active, Fatoumata aime lire, maitrise Word, Excel et Internet. Pour finir, elle parle Bambara, Français et un peu Anglais.


Né le 1 er juillet 1970 à Kita, il s’appelle Yaya Konaté et est père de 06 (six) enfants. Détenteur d’un BT2 en Comptabilité à l’ECICA, il est actuellement Contrôleur Divisionnaire à Kita. Mais avant, suivons son parcours. En 1993, Yaya est recruté comme élève gendarme. A la suite de quoi, il intègrera la fonction publique en 1997 comme surveillant de Prison. Il suivra la même une formation militaire au SNJ et une formation professionnelle à l’INFJ à Bamako. Il sera muté à Barouéli en 1998 puis à Kita en 1999 comme agent des services pénitentiaires avant d’être Chef Peloton en 2000. Mais l’aventure ne s’arrête pas là pour notre Yaya car en 2001 il sera Régisseur à Niafounké puis Chef Peloton en 2005, mais cette fois-ci à Bandiagara. Ambitieux et déterminé, en 2006 il sera admis au concours d’entrée à l’ECICA section Comptabilité où il obtiendra son Brevet de technicien en 2010. La même année, il servira comme Contrôleur des SPES. Retour à Kita en 2016 en tant que Régisseur après Toukoto en tant que Chef Peloton (2011). Il deviendra Contrôleur principal des SPES en 2017. Avec la création du COGES (Comité des Gestions des Etablissements Pénitentiaires) en 2018, il fut nommé Président du COGES de Kita. Après ce parcours remarquable, Yaya Konaté est actuellement Contrôleur divisionnaire. Il participe à des rencontres nationales et des ateliers de formation. Il parle très bien français, malinké, bambara et un peu anglais.

CISSE Famakan

Famakan CISSE est né le 23 Juin 1979 à Kayes, il est marié et père de 4 enfants. Fils d'enseignant, il fréquenta l'école à l'année scolaire 1987-1988 et obtint successivement le CEP en 1993, le DEF en 1996, le bac en 1999, la licence en 2002, la maîtrise en 2003. Après avoir soutenu son mémoire en Avril 2004, il postula en juin de la même année au concours d'entrée à la magistrature et auquel, il a été admis avec succès. Pour dire qu'il n'a fait que ce seul concours et n'a chômé que pendant un mois. Entré à l'INFJ en décembre 2004, il fut affecté au Tribunal de première instance (TPI) de Kayes en janvier 2006 pour le stage pratique. Après l'examen de sortie, il suivra les mutations suivantes: En 2008 juge au siège au TPI de Mopti et cumulativement juge au siège au Tribunal du travail, en 2011 juge d'instruction au TPI de Koutiala, en 2016 juge au siège au TGI( Tribunal de grande instance) de la CIV et assurant l'intérim au premier cabinet d'instruction de la même juridiction, en septembre 2018, il fut nommé conseiller technique au ministère de la réforme de l'administration et de la transparence de la vie publique où il assura l'intérim du Segal pendant trois mois. Il reprend la robe cette fois-ci comme président du tribunal d'instance de Bla depuis juillet 2019. Il est par ailleurs pratiquant du sport et il a une ceinture noire 4ème dan en karaté et présentement vice-président de la ligue régionale de Karaté de Ségou, il parle français, malinké, bambara et se débrouille en anglais.



Sergeant Seydou Dao is a Prison and Probation Officer in Djenne.  Sergeant DAO graduated from the Certificate of Professional Aptitude (CAP) as an assistant accountant and bank stockbroker at the Commercial Technical Center (CETEC) in 2004. He began his professional career in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) from 2006 to the date of his admission to the civil service in 2012 as a technical officer of the penitentiary administration and supervised education. Supervisor Seydou Dao is presented by his colleagues as a professional, dedicated, honest and honest officer with integrity in all his daily tasks. He oversees the implementation of hygiene and sanitation activities within the prison. Isaac SANOGO, governor of the prison, presents Sergeant Seydou Dao as a respectful agent, a good executor, submissive, social and courageous. Determined and committed as he is, Sergeant DAO aims to continue his studies to be able to serve his country at a higher level of responsibility.


Judge Moussa Abdoulaye Diarra is of the 2008-2010 promotion, based in Yanfolila. He is a magistrate of honesty and integrity. Mr. Diarra is a man of faith and a fervent practitioner of the Muslim religion. This led him to retire for a while from his duties as a judge, to join the National Directorate of Judicial Affairs and Seals (DNAJS) and thus to extricate himself from strong temptations. Upon his arrival in September 2019 in the Justice of the Peace with Extended Jurisdiction of Yanfolila (JPCE), he put a stop to attempts at corruption and the buying of conscience. "Two people who used to bring gifts (money or material goods) to the judges were thanked and asked to bring back their gifts by Judge Diarra. A practice that is very common in cities and other localities, which is nothing more and nothing less than corruption. Said a journalist host at Radio Ouassolou in Yanfolila.


Mrs. Mariam Diarra, of Seizure Agent, the brave lady is today Assistant to the Head of the Finance Department of the National Border Directorate (DNF), she is wife, mother, modern-day Amazon and devoted to her work. She is available at any time and in any place for work, she is the centerpiece of data entry in her department. Her frankness is a quality, she knows how to listen and be listened to. Mrs. Mariam is a respectful, ambitious person who is always looking for improvement. She has many other activities such as, after service at TDR, going to other offices for additional data entry or she does not hesitate to hold several positions in order to be able to ensure her children's school fees.


Dr. Gaoussou says Abdel Kader SIMPARA is the Technical Director of CSCom of Kayes-Khasso, a very humble man respected by the whole city. He obtained his doctorate at the FMPOS of Bamako in 2010, followed by numerous trainings in the field of health: Attestation of Inspiration at the Order of Physicians in August 2010; Attestation in Ultrasound at the CHU du Point-G in March 2011; Attestation in Emergency Obstetrical and neonatal care in December 2011; Attestation of Trainers on essential care of the newborn in September 2013. Dr. SIMPARA is renowned for his availability and sense of responsibility. Since his arrival, he has succeeded in making the Kayes Khasso Community Health Center a reference today through his management capacity and especially the care of patients.


Mrs. Aïssata SANGHO, after joining the civil service in 2007, served in the SAMAR commune of Gourma-Rharous from 2016 before being transferred to the urban commune of Gourma-Rharous at the basic school of Rharous 2 as a teacher in the 2nd year class. She has always inspired her fellow teachers by her assiduity, professionalism, punctuality and social character. Mrs. SANGHO is highly appreciated by the students for her courage to offer more support to follow students with learning difficulties. The municipal councillor of the circle in charge of education qualifies her as a hard-working woman devoted to the service of her school and her community; despite her very busy professional life, Mrs. Aïssata SANGHO is a housewife who fully plays her role as a mother.



Water and Forestry Technical Officer in Koro in the Mopti region. Coming from the Tabacoro Forest Training Centre, Mr. Diakité joined the civil service in 2015 and was posted to Koro for his first time in the Mopti region. Despite limited means and a lack of transport, he uses his own motorcycle to carry out forest controls in his current position as Water and Forestry Technical Officer.


Chief Medical Officer of the Sikasso Health District. As Chief Medical Officer of the Sikasso Health District, Dr Coulibaly has brought consistency and order to the department with regular oversight meetings. She's also the first female doctor head of the CSRéf of Sikasso. She is described by her colleagues as an exemplary leader, who not only entrusts people with responsibility but also ensures their growth and development.


Coordinator of the Societe Energie du Mali SA in Diré. Mr. Issa Traoré has been based in northern Mali since he took up his duties. Between January 1999 and June 2003, he was technical operating agent for the Timbuktu power plant and from June 2003 to December 2014 he worked as head of the Kidal power plant. Since December 2014, he has been the Energy Coordinator of Mali for Diré. Since his arrival, the city of Diré has not experienced any major power cuts or power outages.


Ministry Policy Officer of African Integration, Bamako. Despite her busy schedule, Mrs. Sidibé is very active with women and youth associations in the Bamako district. Young people affectionately call her "Auntie" for her guidance and advice on the dangers of illegal migration. It encourages and promotes youth entrepreneurship through business creation. Mrs Sidibé works as Ministry Policy Officer of African Integration in Bamako.


Education adviser in charge of girls' schooling in Dioila. Having graduated from the Institut Pédagogique d'Enseignement Général (IPEG) in 1983, Mrs Coulibaly joined the civil service at the N'Kourala Public School (Sikasso). After a series of promotions, she found herself in Dioila in 1992 where she taught in two (2) schools: Socoura B and Socoura West. In 1999, she was appointed head of girls' schooling and pedagogical advisor for the same component in 2004. She now works as a generalist pedagogical adviser in charge of girls' schooling. She is particularly active in the field of gender-based violence, working on awareness-raising activities with parents on the importance of schooling and the harmful consequences of early marriage.



Former Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Malick studied at the École Normale d'Administration in Mali where he obtained a master's degree in private law. He then continued his studies at the French universities of Paris X-Nantes where he obtained a master's degree in general private law in 1999 and in Montpellier where he successively obtained a DEA in fundamental private law and a doctorate in private law and criminal sciences in 2000 and 2003. Malick Coulibaly taught law at Mandé Bukari University from October 2004 to June 2009 and at the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences in Bamako. He served as deputy public prosecutor at the Kati Court of First Instance until September 2008 when he resigned to protest against the non-application of a court decision. He was appointed human rights training expert to the United Nations Joint Support Program for the Promotion of Human Rights and Gender (PCDHG). He has also published several legal works.


Yassama is a senior health technician. She attended the nursery school of Ségou, the Vincenta MARIA center, from 1998 to 2001. From 2002 to 2003 she became head of medical station of Kani Bonzon in the circle of Bankass. In 2004, she served in the infirmary of the IFM of Diré and then joined that of the IFM of Sévaré in 2005 after her success in the entrance exam to the public service in 2006. She continued her studies at the 'INFSS (National Training Institute in Health Science) annex to Mopti (2009) and today she is a nutritional assistant at the Community Health Center (CSCOM) of Sévaré II. She fights daily for the good development of her community and she maintains a very good relationship with her patients.


Accountant of his State, Mohamed was born in GOURMA RHAROUS. He did all of his
primary and secondary studies in Koulikoro. Mohamed Ag attended the Institute of Sciences. Applied (ISA) from Koulikoro where he obtains his Technician Certificate second part (BT2). He passed the entrance exam to the public service in 2009 and was assigned to the position of responsible for regulation and control at the Pollution and Nuisance Control Sanitation Service (SACPN) in Koulikoro. Appointed assistant material accountant and ticketing officer of the Regional Pollution Control and Nuisance Control Department (DRACPN) of Koulikoro in 2011 and from 2013 to the present day, he is the main accountant of said department.


Tahara is a midwife at the Reference Health Center (CSRéf) in Bla. She was elected municipal councilor in 2006. From 2007 to 2009, she studied at the Training School for Health Workers (EFAS) in Bamako. In 2011, Ms. Tahara worked as a contract worker on the HIPC fund and in 2012 she was recruited as a midwife in the public service. Since that day, she has served at the CSRéf de Bla. Currently, she is the assistant treasurer of the local red cross. Tahara is very committed to her work and cultivates a culture of respect and inspires her colleagues with her integrity.


Bakary is an agricultural engineer. After his success in the entrance exam to the public service in 2009, he was assigned as a trainer at the agricultural learning center of Samé (Kayes). Bakary was then transferred to the Regional Directorate of Agriculture (DRA) of Kayes in the position of monitoring, evaluation and statistics in 2010. From 2011 to 2015 he became head of division, promotion, promotion of crops and plant products. From 2015 to 2016, he was sworn in and made available to phytosanitary control in the agriculture sector of Kayes. From 2016 to the present day, Bakary is the head of the agriculture section of Kéniéba. According to his colleagues, Bakary is a proactive and exemplary agent who has made a big positive change in their agricultural production process.



Secondary education teacher; holder at the Lycée public de Tombouctou in charge of letters; Baba Mahamane is committed and dedicated to the education of young people but also and above all in the context of citizen actions. 39 years old; serious, respectful, honest in everything he does; he is responsible for a literacy project for early school leavers and early school leavers in the Timbuktu region. Despite the inexistence of a favorable working environment and living conditions, the native of Timbuktu decided to give the best of himself to move the lines.


Professor researcher in Bamako, Mr. Dembélé is Master - Assistant at the University of Social Sciences and Management of Bamako. Assiduous, honest and frank in his positions; he is the author of the establishment of a research laboratory within the Faculty of History and Geography called “Labo Hommes Peuplement - Environnement” where he initiates many students to research today. Passionate, he does his job with a lot of commitment.


A soldier and nurse in the service of the armies of the Ségou region, Maimouna was nominated for his commitment and his integrity in the practice of his work. Little talkative, Maïmouna Camara is a military nurse from her state. After studies in the health field, she joined the Malian army as a health specialist. Serving his country with loyalty, integrity and honesty, Maïmouna is appreciated by all of his service colleagues but also and above all by the patients who attend the health center of the Ségou Military Camp. She is 29 years old and a mother.


The passion to share and serve his community and toddlers has reshaped the career of Nassou Keika. School teacher, Nassou is the director of the kindergarten at Camp des Gardes in Bamako. Passionate about children, she is also active in all activities concerning youth within her community. Discreet, helpful, honest and honest; she always brings her knowledge to the education of children and has been carrying out a project on the education of young girls in rural areas for quite some time.


Generalist Second Cycle Master, Mr. Kané teaches in the locality of Manta 1er Cycle in the Municipality of Niamina (Koulikoro). Courageous, determined and above all enterprising, Kane's main mission was to make the importance of education known to the peasants so that they agreed to send the children to school. Also a master tailor alongside his teaching function, he initiates training in cutting and sewing for young people who have not been able to go to school. He trains in his community and participates in all local development actions.



Maiga teaches math at Bandiougou Bouare secondary school in Segou. Although math is her assigned subject, she is especially dedicated to both her female and underprivileged students. She arrives on time every day with a good attitude, demonstrating to her students the benefits of honesty, integrity and a strong work ethic. After school hours, you can find Ms. Maiga tutoring struggling students long after others have left. When asked why she goes above and beyond her duties, she simply states, “Whatever we do and wherever we do it, we must do it the best we can, because it's the only way to feel right when you return back home at the end of the day.”


Drissa Goita is an administrator of social and humanitarian services. He is known by his coworkers in Sikasso for his refusal to sink into corruption, even when corrupt colleagues cause problems for him. In his eyes, integrity means being a hard worker and refusing to take the easy way over the right way. Drissa dedicates himself to using what's given, money in particular, to improve his service to the citizens rather than improve his own life. On this, he firmly believes, “We must deserve our salary, no matter what happened, it's our responsibility to be sure we have what we are paid every month for.”


Maria Louise Keita is a nurse with the Military Health Service of Sikasso. She's respected by colleagues, patients and friends for her commitment to help others. Outside of work, she can be found supporting civil servants and anyone else in need of help. Honesty and integrity are crucial values ​​for her, and she strives to be a role model for the next generation. In her roles as a nurse and civil servant, she is faced daily with, "the idea of ​​how to serve everyone the best people all around, no matter where they are from and how rich."


Issa Dia of Bamako county is a military career man, but that doesn't mean he isn't interested in improving the lives of children. He began LAYIDU, a community initiative dedicated to educating young people by engaging them in sports. Hundreds of children in thirteen military camps around the country were given the chance to learn and play together in this unique program. His devotion to his job and helping his community, as well as his honesty and hard work, make Issa Dia a man of great integrity. His philosophy is this: “Between the desert and the savannah, the difference is not the water, but man who can transform everything. He can create life where there is none and destroy where there is plenty and I think as a member of the military I have to support communities the best I can wherever I go. ”


Seydou Djourte is a teacher and the director of Cholabougou primary school in Koulikoro. Although he often dreamt of living in a big city, he couldn't ignore the great need he saw in Cholabougou. The village lacked running water and many basic amenities, but Seydou knew he could at least provide its children with an education. To him, integrity means seeing a need and doing your best to help, which is just what he did by building a school and teaching in it himself. Thanks to Seydou, generations of children have been educated, and he hopes to extend this work across all of Mali.




Hesiquio Benítez

Martha Laura Peña

Michelle Montijo

Susana Montañez

Zaira Alhelí Hipólito

Ana Karen Padilla

Andrea Rodríguez

Carolina Ramírez

Raúl Parra Alemán

Alemar Contreras


Raúl Samuel Ulloa Herrera

Raúl Samuel Ulloa Herrera, es Investigador Titular C. en el Instituto Nacional de Pesca y Acuacultura (INAPESCA). Raúl es un investigador de alto nivel y su trabajo se traduce en servicios para el sector pesquero y acuícola de su región, que a su vez busca cuidar el equilibrio en los ecosistemas marinos. Para Raúl, la integridad es una forma de vida que involucra el entorno social, laboral y personal.

Mónica Armas Zagoya

Mónica Armas Zagoya, es Subdirectora de Información y Telesalud de Zacatecas, además de trabajar en el expediente clínico electrónico y en el análisis del desarrollo de la productividad, se dedica a la innovación de proyectos de tele-medicina, tele-educación y tele-consulta, cuya misión es acercar los servicios de salud a la población de zonas alejadas y, a su vez, reducir la cantidad de traslados de pacientes que pueden ser atendidos a distancia. Mónica considera que la integridad es un valor obligado que todo funcionario público debería de tener, ya que es un elemento que nuestra sociedad necesita para poder sentir confianza en quienes les sirven. Por otra parte, añade que la integridad es esencial para el servicio y debe ir asociada a una construcción de conocimientos, lealtad, honorabilidad, pero sobre todo, humanidad.

Mirelle Segovia Martin

Mirelle Segovia Martin, es maestra en Administración de Energías Renovables y actualmente trabaja como Jefa de Energías Renovables e Industrial en la Subsecretaría de Energía en la Secretaría de Fomento Económico del Estado de Yucatán. Como servidora pública, ha logrado dejar huella en el desarrollo de políticas públicas estatales coordinando proyectos y programas que han posicionado a Yucatán como un estado líder en energías renovables y un polo de desarrollo sustentable. Para Mirelle, ser una persona íntegra significa que todas las acciones que realiza día a día están pensadas según los impactos negativos y positivos en toda la cadena y en todos los sectores. También explica que para ella significa compartir el conocimiento con la finalidad de integrar a todos y todas, incluyendo a las y los más vulnerables, jóvenes y niños.

Kenia Montiel Pimentel

Kenia Montiel Pimentel, es licenciada en Derecho con especialización en Gobierno y Gestión Local, y por otra parte activista. Actualmente es Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Social del Estado de Hidalgo. Kenia lidera distintos proyectos de impacto social, uno de ellos sido ha sido abrir las puertas de su propia casa sustentable, espacio que ha convertido en un laboratorio en donde invita y enseña a su comunidad a producir sus propios alimentos y a captar su propia agua de lluvia, con el objetivo de disminuir el hambre y fomentar la sostenibilidad. Más de 17 mil personas han sido beneficiadas. Kenia considera que la integridad no es una cuestión de comportarse de manera correcta o diplomática, sino que es una cuestión personal de respeto al ser.

Efraím Castellanos Frayre

Efraím Castellanos Frayre, es Ingeniero Electricista en la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico del Gobierno del Estado de Durango. Efraím es un pionero en la industria de energías renovables, no solo impulsando en su gestión, sino capacitando a la industria sobre las mejores prácticas y desarrollando estrategias para profesionalizar este nuevo ramo. Su principal interés es fomentar y promover el uso eficiente de las energías renovables en el sector público, privado y académico. Para Efraím resulta importante cuestionarnos cómo aplicamos la ética y la integridad para ponerla al servicio de las y los demás.


Irma Gonzalez Lopez

Irma Gonzalez Lopez, Director of the Natural Protected Area Espiritu Santo Archipelago Marine Zone National Park and the Gulf of California Islands Flora and Fauna Protection Area. With support from her team, the tourism service providers, fishermen, researchers and civil organizations for conservation, Irma leads the management and planning of all conservation work in Protected Areas, ensuring there are clear rules for all in order to preserve and protect the regions in the long term.

Carlos Sandoval Habib

Carlos Sandoval Habib is the Director of Entrepreneurship and Business Strengthening at the Oaxacan Institute of Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness. In his role, Carlos is responsible for developing initiatives that strengthen communities and promote entrepreneurship in Oaxaca. Beyond his role, Carlos has also worked as a teacher in the Business School of Anahuac University and forms part of Active Citizens, a community of global social entrepreneurship from the British Council. To Carlos, sustainability is the only possibility we have for the future and society as a whole. He believes that the actions we take should be aimed at reducing gaps that exist in the world. We should strive for a world that is more inclusive and reverse the wear and tear that we have inflicted on the planet. Watch his video here.

Miguel Angel Cisneros Mata

Miguel Angel Cisneros Mata is a Researcher at INAPESCA Regional Fisheries Research Center in Quintana Roo México. He is responsible for planning, coordinating, analyzing, reporting as well as research and innovation in the Cannonball Jellyfish and Crab Fishing sectors in Sonora. He is also responsible for analyzing the state of the Totoaba and the Vaquita marina in the upper Gulf of California. Miguel believes that in order for people on earth to enjoy its natural resources, it is important to ensure that we preserve and sustain them so that the benefits it produces are for the current and future generations. Watch his video here.

Mariana Orozco Camacho

Mariana Orozco Camacho is Director of Mobility at Secretariat of Agrarian, Land, and Urban Development - SEDATU. For two years, Mariana focused on teaming up with alliances to achieve the creation of a national area that provides protocols, technical guidelines and financial resources to local governments and other federal agencies and updating regulations that allow them to generate quality mobility projects and policies. Furthermore, with support from the Head of SEDATU and a network of actors who are passionate about the agenda, she opted to implement these even without the area formally created. Watch her video here



María del Carmen Nava

Maria del Carmen Nava. In 2009, Maria founded Visión Legislativa, a group of interdisciplinary researchers whose mission is to contribute to institutional public welfare by strengthening democracy using research.

Pablo Vázquez

Pablo Vázquez is the Undersecretary of Citizen Participation and Crime Prevention at Secretaría de Seguridad Ciudadana CDMX. He has contributed immensely to the implementation of various projects for the prevention and reduction of violence and crime in federal government agencies.

Sandra Magaña

Sandra Magaña is the Medical Advisor at Locatel Ciudad de México As a Medical Advisor, Sandra is responsible for caring for patients suspected and diagnosed with COVID-19.

Alejandro Gabutti

Alejandro Gabutti is an Interventional Radiologist at Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán. Alejandro served as one of the frontline workers during the COVID-19 outbreak in Mexico city. He was responsible for organizing the Radiology service within the emergency department to support the diagnosis of COVID-19 patients.

Tobyanne Ledesma

Tobyanne Ledesma is the Director General at Mecanismo de Protección Integral de Defensoras DH y Periodistas de la CDMX Mexico. Tobyanne also served as a member of the Constituent Assembly of Mexico City and was honored with the National Youth Award in 2017.


Héctor Agustín Gálvez López

Héctor Agustín Gálvez López is the Coordinator of the Addiction centre in the Preventive Penitentiary Varonil SUR. He began group therapy within the addiction treatment of the Preventive Prison for Southern Men approximately nine years ago and has contributed to a higher percentage of recovery in the prison population. Thanks to his initiative, group therapy has now been extended to other centres and Hector trains other professionals equally committed to the dissemination the values that make his rehabilitation practices effective.

Aura Eréndira Martínez Oriol

Aura Eréndira Martínez Oriol is the Director of Budget Transparency at the Digital Public Innovation Agency in Mexico City. Since entering public service, Aura has spearheaded various projects that promote transparency and accountability, such as Mexico City's Budget Transparency portal and the Social Welfare Information System (SIBIS), for which it was recognized with the Inter-American Development Bank's Governor's Award. She is also co-founder of the "Mukira" Organization, which works with women to improve their quality of life and help them gain access to justice.

Jabnely Maldonado Meza

Jabnely Maldonado Meza is the General Director of Affected People in the Commission for the Reconstruction of the Mexico City. Jabnely actively participates in the titanic task of rebuilding and rehabilitating the homes of thousands of victims after the earthquake of September 19, 2017. Since joining the Commission for Reconstruction in December 2018, Jabnely has dedicated her time to caring for the earthquake victims, guiding them through their legal processes and ensuring that each family has a route to follow.

Janet de Luna Jiménez

Janet de Luna Jiménez is the General Director of Development Planning and Economic Promotion in Alcaldía Azcapotzalco. She is committed to policies for the sustainable development of cities as spaces in which people can exercise their rights. As General Director and coordinator of an ambitious project such as Vallejo-i, she has been able to reach great agreements with the various institutions and coordinators involved. The project has been recognized by the Head of Government as one of the most important commitments of the City. Her work has allowed her to position herself and participate in high-level forums (UN-NY and UN-Nairobi, UNAM, Chamber of Deputies) and to publish technical documents such as the National Programme for Urban Development 2014-2018 and opinion articles in Animal Político, Huff Post Mx and Revista Política y Gobierno.

Pedro Correa Espinosa

Pedro Correa Espinosa works in the Mayor's Office in Tlalpan and is in charge of promoting citizen participation in Pueblo Santa Úrsula Xitla. As part of his work, he reports on programs of the Mayor's Office and Mexico City and then disseminates them among the inhabitants of his town without any restrictions or conditions. He maintains an equal balance of men and women employees in his team as he considers gender equity to be a top management priority. In addition, he works closely with a civil association that is dedicated to providing assistance to women by promoting the LUNA programme in support of women victims of violence.



Verónica Mendizábal López

Verónica Mendizábal López, médica cirujana y partera egresada de la Escuela Superior del IPN, especializada en medicina familiar. Se ha desempeñado durante 28 años en el sector salud, de los cuales 17 ha estado al frente del área de epidemiología en el Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores, ISSSTE. Verónica se enfrentó a las complicaciones de la pandemia sin descanso para poder sacar adelante a la población, en conjunto con su equipo médico. Para Verónica, la integridad es una cualidad que porta una persona honesta, responsable, que cumple con ciertas reglas de la sociedad.

Paulina Vallejos Escalona

Paulina Vallejos Escalona, es politóloga y administradora pública, y actualmente ocupa el cargo de Directora de Seguimiento a la Implementación de Políticas Públicas en la Secretaría Ejecutiva del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción, su mayor logro ha sido integrar la política nacional anticorrupción, además de fortalecer diversas organizaciones públicas mediante el establecimiento de buenas prácticas cimentadas en la cultura de la ética, el trabajo en equipo y el compromiso institucional, así como la lucha por el empoderamiento de las mujeres en el servicio público. Para Paulina, la integridad es un valor humano con la cualidad de ser honesto y congruente, sin dejar a un lado los principios éticos y morales. e insiste que una persona íntegra debe ser un estilo de vida.

Irma Isabel Espinoza Gómez

Irma Isabel Espinoza Gómez, especialista en Gobierno y Administración Pública y maestra en Gestión Pública. Actualmente trabaja en la Secretaría de Obras Públicas del Estado de Hidalgo en la Subsecretaría de Gestión y Evaluación de Proyectos y es Consejera del “Protocolo 0”, para prevenir y erradicar el acoso y hostigamiento laboral, en donde ha ido más allá de sus atribuciones, al respaldar y apoyar a las personas del servicio público que han generado una denuncia. Isabel considera que la integridad es honestidad, compromiso y vocación de servicio, y es necesaria para que las personas a las que les sirves puedan tener confianza en ti.

Andrea Gallegos Rodríguez

Andrea Gallegos Rodríguez es licenciada en Derecho, con maestría en Derecho Electoral. Actualmente es la Coordinadora de Comunicación Social y la Titular de la Unidad de Género en la Fiscalía Electoral del Estado (FEDE). Es integrante del Observatorio de Participación Política de las Mujeres en Nuevo León y coordinó la creación del Protocolo para atender casos de violencia política en razón de género en Nuevo León. Para Andrea, la integridad se expresa en la congruencia entre la palabra y el actuar. En el ámbito profesional significa tener la disposición de dar lo mejor de sí misma en el servicio a las y los demás.

María del Carmen Nava

María del Carmen Nava Polina es politóloga con estudios en negociación y mediación, construcción de paz positiva y apertura institucional, y se ha dedicado ha ser observadora de lo público para garantizar los derechos humanos, el derecho a saber, la transparencia, el acceso a la información y ser contrapeso y equilibrio de las instituciones para fortalecer la democracia. María del Carmen considera que observar y ser observado como individuo es indispensable para poder cerrar el círculo de la integridad. El primer reconocimiento de María fue en nuestra edición regional CDMX 2020, en esta ocasión está nominada en nuestra primera convocatoria nacional edición Mujeres 2021.



Hesiquio Benítez

Martha Laura Peña

Michelle Montijo

Susana Montañez

Zaira Alhelí Hipólito

Ana Karen Padilla

Andrea Rodríguez

Carolina Ramírez

Raúl Parra Alemán

Alemar Contreras



Sujan Kumari Bardewa

Roshani Devi Karki

Rajesh Sah Jaiswal

Mohan Krishna Maharjan

Kalpana Adhikari


Shila Sharma

Manamaya Pangini

Dr Lok Bahadur Lopchan

Dr Sumitra Gautam

Chandrakant Chaudhary


Dr Nawin Bandhu Pahadi, Teacher, Neelakantha School/Campus, Dhading

Nawin started his career as a lower secondary level teacher. In this role, he helped ensure education for Dalit and other marginalized communities in Dhading by upgrading and building schools with local and international partners. Further, to ensure orphaned children are not deprived of education, he established an orphanage. He has also been running a campaign that helps pay the admission fees of students who are forced to drop out of school due to financial constraints. Nawin also established a Readers’ Group to inculcate reading habits in children and initiated the Better Dhading Campaign to pass on the knowledge of what to study, why to study, and how to study from one generation to the next. Watch his video here.

Manju Mahat, Officer 6th Level, Women, Children and Senior Citizen Section, Mangalsen Municipality, Achham

Manju has played a significant role in decreasing domestic violence, eliminating Chhaupadi (menstrual taboos), and improving children’s leadership in Achham. In order to decrease Chhaupadi, she brought adolescents and mothers together into implementation groups. Her way of understanding the context is making practical yardsticks, and then implementing them. This approach has helped the section reach its goals - Mangalsen Municipality was declared a Chhaupadi free municipality. Today, 10 local units of the district have requested the implementation of her framework. She has also focused on children’s capacity development training to help them understand contemporary issues. Watch her video here

Hem Bahadur Ale Magar, Crop Protection Officer, Agriculture Resource Centre, Okhaldhunga

Hem has played a remarkable role in providing long-term rigorous commercial training for farmers through farm-schools. So far, he has run 12 farm schools in Sindhupalchowk and Okhaldhunga that have trained around 300 farmers. In Sindhupalchowk, he has played an important role in expanding tunnel mushroom cultivation along with the commercialization of mushroom farming. This has helped farmers understand the farming techniques in detail, helping them generate more income. He also holds regular meetings with the farmers’ groups to listen to their challenges and goes to the fields directly to give advice  when required. Watch his video here

Dipak Jnawali, Division Head, Ministry of Tourism, Industry, Forest and Environment, Lumbini Province, Butwal

Dipak ensures that the government offices he oversees are “owned” by the public in order to get excellent results from his work. He creates a mechanism of trust where the government officers go door-to-door to listen to the concerns of the public [with regards to forestry] and find solutions. He has set examples among young people to plant trees that are suitable to the environment, helping them generate additional income. He has also taken risks to retrieve encroached land and also mobilized communities [especially women] around sustainable forest protection. As he believes in team efforts and dividing responsibilities, the offices in his leadership have shown excellent performance as well. Watch his video here.

Aarati Tharu, Public Health Inspector, Nepalgunj Health Post, Banke

Aarati is a young and dynamic government official who prides herself on not disappointing the public. The commitment she showed towards pregnant women in Pyuthan's remote areas while she was posted there is remarkable. Despite being from a paramedic background, she has looked after the outpatients’ department, administration and birthing center during staff shortages, ensuring the smooth functioning of the health post. She’s also played a leadership role in making safe birthing accessible to all. During the COVID-19 pandemic, her courage and passion for her service in quarantine and home isolation in Nepalgunj has been highly appreciated by her colleagues and the public. She was appointed as a focal person for the  pandemic due to the dedication she had shown in her work. Watch her video here.


Punya Prabha Devkota

Senior ANM (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife) District Hospital, Mugu. The residents of Karnali lack access to basic services and the health services available to them are only sustained by dedicated health workers like Punya Prabha Devkota. Saddened by the untimely deaths of many people in her village, including her own father who died from Asthma as he could not access treatment in time, she decided at a young age to become a health worker and serve the people of her community. Punya Prabha has now served as a Senior ANM for 19 years in the District Hospital of Mugu in Karnali. Patients, especially women, in the village feel safer knowing that they do not need to travel far to receive treatment while Punya Prabha is around. Born and raised in Karnali, Punya Prabha has an intimate understanding of the problems facing this community. She can feel the pain of the patients and stands as a trusted caregiver for all seeking medical attention.

Ishwar Subedi

Food Investigation Officer Department of Food Technology and Quality Control, Kathmandu Ishwar Subedi is passionate about quality food and brings a high level of expertise to his work. He created ‘Khadya Swachha Samuha’, a group for clean food comprised of concerned citizens, local police officers and members of the hotel association. Established in Muglin, the initiative soon inspired similar efforts in nearby districts, and a ranking system was created for hotels and restaurants. To date, 574 hotels have been ranked. This has made it easier for customers to choose based on quality and fostered healthy competition among the different hotels. Ishwar has 17 years of experience working in the department and holds a PhD in the same field. He has never worked for personal gain, but in recognition of his efforts, he received an award from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Gyanendra Kumar Mishra

Under Secretary Ministry of Forests and Environment, Project Facilitation section Similar to other individuals, Gyanendra’s only goal when he started service was to secure his future with a government job. However, he soon realized the potential of government to transform society and he developed a sense of responsibility for his nation. When Gyanendra was Head of Project on the Sagarmatha Forest Development, around 2600 hectares of land was under encroachment by locals who would cut down trees for personal use. He organized a plantation campaign with the assistance of 500 Nepali police officers and the Nepal Armed Police. Today, the government has taken back 2000 hectares of land and has been successful in tree planting, transforming once empty land into a lush green forest full of trees. Gyanendra is known for including concerned stakeholders and various authorities in his efforts to set up programs and formulate plans. This approach has contributed to enhancing partnerships and growing trust between government and citizens.

Prem Bahadur Darai

English Teacher Shri Bhanu Secondary School, Tanahu Prem Bahadur is an English teacher at Shri Bhanu Secondary School in Tanahu, which was formerly a primary school with Prem as Principal. During that time, many children from marginalized communities did not pursue further education after completing primary due to lack of awareness and economic status. Most parents would send their children to countries in the gulf to work in menial jobs and earn money for the family. Prem realised that if the same school could provide primary and secondary education, it would be easier for the children to continue their studies. Through discussions with both teachers and parents, his vision slowly but surely came to life. However, despite being a fitting candidate to lead this new school, Prem selflessly chose to give up his Principal position. Due to Prem’s efforts, many children in the community have stepped into a school for the first time, and many of his former students are now contributing to society as doctors, engineers and NGO personnel.


Mahendra Prashad Paudyal

The passionate under-secretary who inspires youths and creates change. Mahendra Prasad Paudyal is the undersecretary for the Ministry of Youth and Sport in Singhadurbar, Kathmandu. His colleagues know him as someone who places integrity and accountability at the centre of his work with youths. When working as district education officer, Mahendra introduced software which recorded both the income and expenditure of public schools automatically to stop education funding being misspent. Mahendra also creates opportunities for youth to mobilise around national issues, for example – after the 2015 earthquakes, he gathered over 10,000 youths who contributed to relief projects such as building temporary classrooms. He understands the importance of accountability and passing on these values to the next generation.

Dhurba Raj Acharya

The hardworking administrative officer who brings a smile to the faces of service seekers. Dhruba Raj Acharya is the Chief Administrative Officer for the Tikapur Municipality in Kailali. He is known by his colleagues as the civil servant who really listens to the concerns of citizens who visit his office. One of his colleagues stated: “The ones who preach and practice the same thing are my idols. That is the reason why Dhruba Raj Acharya is my idol”. Dhruba believes that every major and minor decision made by the government directly affects Nepali citizens and therefore, all government activities should be transparent and accountable. Because of this belief, he invites the media to the announcement of any government decision and encourages them to report honestly about these. As of yet, journalists have only positive things to say about Dhruba and his administration.

Sita Kumari Sharma

The committed health worker and friend to women and adolescent girls. Sita Kumari Sharma is the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife for Birendranagar Municipal Health Office, Surkhet. She is known as both a health worker and friend to the community. Sita is accountable to all those she is responsible for, ensuring that all flood-affected areas, schools and rural communities have the health education and medication they need. Through her work, she discovered that girls were missing school during their menstrual cycle as they didn’t have access to sanitary products and female-friendly toilets. So, she introduced a campaign to distribute free sanitary pads to teenage girls and improve the toilets for them. After working with Sita, her colleagues agree that her unwavering commitment to women and girls pushes them to work harder, and their own integrity for their work increases just by following Sita’s lead. 

Arun Kafle

The agricultural expert who ensures he is available to all farmers. Arun Kafle is the Senior Horticulture Development Officer, in Khumaltar, Lalitpur. His colleagues know him as an agricultural expert who works tirelessly to support farmers in transitioning from subsistence farming to commercial farming. Arun was instrumental in the introduction of ‘soil-less’ farming technology in Nepal, meaning farmers are able to harvest more crops with less land. He prioritises accountability and transparency by providing up-to-date information about farming subsidies and official decisions clearly on the website. He has also made the subsidy process more accountable by ensuring that farming subsidies are only being sent to authentic farmers, and not ‘fake’ farmers.

Ram Bahadur Kurumbang

The administrator who prioritizes human values and norms above the laws. Ram Bahadur Kurumbang is the Chief District Officer for Bardiya district. He instructs his staff to be accountable to both the land and the people they are serving. He also visits the communities he serves twice a month to discuss issues with them in person before working hard to address these. Through this face-to-face discussion, Ram ensures he is being accountable to the citizens in the community. Additionally, after learning of the long-distance citizens had to travel to receive basic government services and the bureaucratic system that met them on their arrival, Ram decided to provide them with the services right on their doorstep. Following his lead, the Ministry of Home Affairs began organising their own mobile government camps.


Shesh Narayan Poudel

Shesh Narayan Poudel thinks big and doesn’t always wait for an official green light before pursuing solutions to problems. Early in his career as the Chief District Officer of Baglung, Shesh noticed that residents of a remote hamlet had to endure a costly and perilous journey to obtain citizenship papers or a passport. So, he decided to bring those services to the people. More recently, he won praise for managing the emergency response to last year’s floods in Nepal. As Morang’s Chief District Officer, he dispatched public workers to go door to door visiting victims and set up a system to disseminate information to citizens and the media.

Krishna Dhital

Krishna Dhital is credited with helping hundreds of farmers in Kavre district to dramatically boost their rice production and shift away from subsistence farming. Farmers were initially skeptical when he tried to introduce a new technology for growing the local crop. So he rented land and showed them how it could double their output. Now farmers are producing enough to sell their crops. Mr. Krishna believes in visiting farmers to learn about their challenges. He’s a familiar sight walking beside Kavre’s farms in his blue trousers and white shirt. He has created a Facebook page named “Hello Farmers” in order to handle grievances from the farmers and to provide tips and information on farming.

Sabanam Pathak

When Sabanam Pathak joined the forest service in 1991, few believed a woman would have the smarts or tenacity to help communities threatened by deforestation. During her long career as a forest ranger, she has proved her skeptics wrong, engaging rural women and other marginalized people to protect wildlife and bring forests back to life. She has worked intensively with the Chepang ethnic group, even learning their language so she could teach them animal husbandry and commercial agriculture. Her guiding belief is that if people see the forest is theirs, they will feel responsible to protect it.

Shabraj Bam

Shabraj Bam has shown how a simple idea can change lives. A teacher from one of Nepal’s most rural districts, he saw how intimidated his students were by mathematical formulas. So he decided to turn math lessons into poems and stories, even setting them to tunes. His book “Maths Literature” is now used widely in Kalikot’s school system. Mr. Shabraj trains other teachers and hosts a radio program each year to help students prepare for their final high school exams. As a result, thousands of students who once found math scary now see it as fun. Shabraj has also taken a hard line against a culture of cheating on exams, a stance that has cost him with some of his colleagues.

Srijana Tiwari

Ms. Tiwari has devoted years to fighting on behalf of Nepalese migrant workers facing injustices abroad. She observed the mistreatment of such migrants up close while working in Nepal’s embassy in Kuwait. In that job, she persuaded officials of various companies in Kuwait to stop abuses and resolve problems. Later, her efforts to publicize the exploitation of Nepalese housemaids working in Gulf countries led Nepal to ban women from migrating to these places for such work. She is known for providing fresh ideas and working to hold her own ministry to a higher standard.


Dor Bikram Shrees

Shrees has led the efforts to make Siddhababa Higher Secondary School a renowned school in the district of Gulmi, but he refuses to take the sole credit for the school’s improvement claiming that everyone has contributed to this effort. Siddhababa Higher Secondary School has become a desirable option for families who want to provide their children with quality education, but are unable to afford the skyrocketing private school fees that have led many families into debt. With Shrees’s leadership, the school initiated compulsory computer classes, equipped classrooms with multimedia equipment, and set up a library with more than eight thousand books. He established a Trust Fund from the Lilaram-Kuntidevi National Prize of 50,000 NPR he was awarded, and uses the interest acquired from the Fund to provide scholarships for outstanding students with financial hardships. Today, there are fifteen similar Trust Funds in the school.

Tara Subedi

Tara Subedi is vital person for women in remote areas. The close ties between Subedi and her community developed over many years of her selfless and dedicated service. As a health assistant, Subedi has even wrapped new-borns in her own saree after delivery. Subedi’s first and foremost priority has always been the wellbeing of her community; even waking up in the middle of the night to deliver medicine to a patient’s house. After being informed by Subedi, citizens previously unaware of health services in their community are now using the services. Good work sometimes also faces resistance. During the Maoist insurgency, Subedi received threats from both sides in the conflict, accusing her of providing health services to the enemy. She even received death threats for taking action against staff who were not doing their job, but none of this wavered her commitment to her work.

Bhishma Kumar Bhusal

Bhisma Kumar Bhusal’s friends and colleagues claim that he possesses all the desirable qualities sought in a public servant. According to the CEO of the National Reconstruction Authority, Sushil Gyawali, Bhusal has the ability to empathize with the public, is honest and of a moral character. But more importantly, Bhusal holds a firm stance against corruption. After the catastrophic earthquakes last year, Bhusal played a crucial role in the creation of the reconstruction budget as well as raising awareness about the disbursement of relief funds. By dealing in an exemplary way with banks and financial institutions, he made sure the funds reached the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. He has also been leading the efforts in managing foreign aid and collaborating with NGOs and INGOs for the reconstruction process.

Bindu Kunwar

Seek Bindu if you need justice’ is a common saying among the women of Banke. There are very few institutions in the country that deal with issues of violence against women, so women from all 75 districts reach out to her and consult her about the processes to address violence of varying nature. Because of Kunwar’s expertise in addressing cases of violence against women, many even call her the ‘Process Dictionary’ for women who have been victims of violence. Service seekers say that you can reach Kunwar from four in the morning till ten at night and she is always prepared to answer and advise people who call from all over Nepal. The Rupediha border in Nepalgunj is a trafficking hotspot. Kunwar has rescued and brought back many women who have been trafficked into India and has singlehandedly dealt with more than twelve hundred cases of orphans, women who are victims of violence, and senior citizens seeking justice.

Krishna Dhanchha

As government schools struggle to retain students, Bageshwari Higher Secondary School receives 400 new students every year, some even from private schools, speaking volumes about the quality of the school. In 2071 B.S. a student of Bageshwari, Ayusha Suwal, ranked second nationwide in the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) examination with 92.39%. The school also had the highest rate of students (156 students) taking the SLC exam in Bhaktapur. Dhanchha received the ‘National Education Award’ twice for his contribution to the education sector. A fellow teacher, Bhanubhakta Humagain spoke about how Dhanchha received a regional award for education and gave the prize of 10,000 NPR to the school.


Bhuwan Kumari Rai

Bhuwan Kumari Rai, a resource person of the hilly district Khotang, is actively working against women violence as Women Development Inspector. She gives consultation to women of one municipality and 72 vdcs. Khotang is one of the underdeveloped district of Eastern Development Region. National and International Non-Government Organizations even hesitate to implement their programs in this district and therefore it is not an easy task to visit all the 72 vdcs. Every day there are cases of rape in the district. Most of the girls are raped by their relatives. Some of them are even raped by their own father and grand-fathers. Those girls are rejected by society resulting in some committing suicide. Rai has played a vital role to re-settling the victims back into their communities.

Deepak Shrestha

When we talk about government or community schools, image of poor/unmanaged building, minimum number of students and unmodern management emerge in our mind. However, those who visit Beni Community Higher Secondary School located in Beni of Myagdi district changes this mindset. This is all made possible by the school Headmaster Dipak Shrestha. Shrestha, who played a major role in making the school best of Nepal 2069 (2012 AD), is an efficient administrator as well as a proficient manager. Every class is equipped with fan to generate student friendly environment. Disabled friendly infrastructures are developed. Library, laboratory, computer lab, sports ground are developed and are monitored by cc camera.

Ramesh Kumar Thapa

Ramesh Kumar Thapa, Assistant Management Officer of National Park and Wildlife Conservation Department Babarmahal, worked in Bardiya National Park for 22 years. During this time, the armed conflict meant Security force of Nepal Army, responsible for conservation, was centred in the highway whereas Nepal Police was positioned in district headquarters due to security reasons. Meanwhile the rhinoceros transferred from Chitwan were being killed by poachers. The residents of four village development committees of Surkhet which lies at the Northern border of the National Park namely Chinchu, Hariharpur, Lekhparajul and Taranga were living under poverty line. They were unemployed, uneducated and illegal hunting of wild animals was their profession. They were made aware of wildlife conservation and why this was important. 241 of them submitted their illegal weapons to the staffs of the National Park. This success could be compared to chewing iron flakes.

Pradip Raj Kanel

Pradip Raj Kandel has contributed greatly in protecting public rights, organizing public hearings and creating an inclusive opportunity. Kandel has worked in Mustang, Mahottari, Solukhumbu and Panchthar districts. During his stay in Mustang, Kandel played a major role to organize a bilateral discussion in January 1st 2006, which provided easy travel access to the Mustang people and created an environment of trade and commerce. This happened despite travel restrictions for people living within 30kms of the border. People of Mustang relate this achievement to gaining freedom.

Ram Narayan Shah

Ram Narayan Shah, an expert in Mathematics and Nepali, uses technology and does a lot of homework before training teachers. In the words of Balkrishna Ranjit, Kathmandu District Education Officer, coordination between government and private schools is the key factor to end the increasing gap between them. Ram Narayan Shah is one of them who is working for the coordination. With a belief that partnership can support in improving the quality of school education, Shah, a resource person, is engaged in implementing the concept of group training and clinical supervision in order to bring uniformity in school education.


Gyanamani Nepal

District Education Office of Panchthar district Gyanamani Nepal has given an example of possibilities if system are brought into place. The first time he reached that district with the responsibility of education office, student’s pass rate was just 14%, which is now exceeds 60%. This example itself speaks level of his contribution towards the community and accountability towards his duty. He introduced technology to improve devastating condition of education in his district. He went to every single school of 41 VDCs, visited classes, interacted with students as a civilian, then left his mobile number in the Black Board saying “If any of your teacher miss his/her class, arrive late in the class and leave earlier, go to house and either send me message or call through your parents phone.”

Bhuvan Kumari Dangol 

Being active in the education sector since 1990, Bhuvan Kumari Dangol is the first lady to run a medical college as principal by involving local community. Many of her colleagues consider her as strong women as she has executed administrative norms and values during her tenure regardless of the pressure from her colleagues, different organizations and even politicians. While there was a tendency of getting admission in medical college by spending money rather than the qualification, certifying students on the basis of how much money they have donated to the institution rather than how much they have score in performances evaluation, she challenged every single groups and entities associated with such practice and broke the chain of corruption and mafia. And to establish it as a law, she got the community involved in it.

Lila Sharma Bhattarai

A multi-disciplinary women social mobilizer, she serves in one of the remote districts, Rukum. She has never felt tiredness till date, while serving poorly educated and empowered local girls and women of that district, she has been educating, organizing and empowering them every day and night. In the experience of her colleagues, she travels every rural villages, some of them takes her 3 days of walking, without asking for rest, demonstrating higher level of accountability towards her duties. As a result, “She has scored 100/100 in her evaluation of performance appraisal” – says Rama Adhikari, her senior officer. She has also been working as Local Focal Person for Girls Education Program of UNFPA. To remark her achievement, 3 girls who have left their schools passed School Leaving Certificate after Lila helped them re-enrol into the school education. She has been helping girls and women to get organized, form groups to help each other in difficulties, start savings and mobilise those savings to improvise the condition of needy members, motivates them to send their girls to schools and also teach them adult education.

Pawan Kumar Mandal

Pawan Kumar Mandal, who has served for more than 14 years as Health Assistant in government service, is 50 years old. As he started his government service from the most remote part of the country, Kalikot, he has been providing priceless health services to the people of remote villages who have been deprived of basic health facilities. The oath, which he has taken before starting his service, is his guideline that always drives him to serve those poor people regardless of time. Regardless of linguistic and cultural barriers, he has been accountable to the service seekers and that is the reason he has been awarded many times as the best employee in the districts he has worked for. For the last four years, he has been ranked 1st in his district according to the points of Performance Appraisal Evaluation.

Prem Bahadur Khadka

Prem Bahadur Khadka has spent 35 years or his active life to improve educational standard of his community. As the Principal of Araniko Higher Secondary School, he has taken some unpractised steps in order to uplift the deteriorating educational standard of public school. He raised more than 20 million Nepali Rupees locally, by organizing Purana, to start higher secondary education +2 in his school to insure easy access of higher education for kids of local community, and most importantly despite of expecting funds from government or any development agencies, he mobilized local community to do so. He started to provide year-long extra coaching classes to enhance the level of education for the students of economically backward and marginalized community. His school provides various kinds of scholarships to the deprived students through established memorial trust funds. Every year, 3 students get scholarship that insures their free education up to +2 levels. Not only through trusts, but he also offers scholarships from his personal level.



Badarou Mariama

Director of Women's Promotion and Child Protection, Dosso. Badarou says she’s found motivation and encouragement to do better through the Integrity Icon campaign.

Grema Boukar

Teacher, Inspection de l'Education de Base (IEB), Diffa. To Grema, in order to promote integrity it is imperative that we address the issue of corruption in all its forms. He further notes that a person of integrity is doing right regardless of the circumstances.

Adam Salmey Issoufou

Teacher, Direction Régionale de l'Enseignement Primaire (DREP), Zinder. « L'intégrité au sens moral du terme est la qualité d'une personne incorruptible ; honnête, droite. Appartenant à une société, il est pour moi essentiel de respecter les lois et les règles de cette société. Je me conforme donc aux règlements en vigueur au Niger et ne fais en aucun cas quelque chose qui va à l'encontre de ceux-ci. Ensuite, mon métier d'enseignant me met en contact avec des enfants de tous horizons que j'éduque en même temps que mes propres enfants et à qui je donne les mêmes chances de réussite sans aucune discrimination. En dehors de ces élèves, mon honnêteté intrinsèque ne me permet jamais de faire des faveurs à quiconque en raison de biens matériels ou d'autres moyens dans le cadre de mon travail. Enfin, j'ai toujours été à la hauteur de la tâche qui m'a été confiée, car pour moi, tôt ou tard, je devrai rendre compte de toute la confiance qui m'a été accordée - pour cela, j'ai toujours protégé le bien public et l'ai utilisé à bon escient. »

Djafara Seini

Magistrate at the Tribunal de Grande Instance (TGI), Tahouna. In his own words, integrity speaks to a person's character and how they carry themselves. It is the quality of honesty and ethical conduct that a person embodies everyday.

Yahaya Marie Da Silva

Police Inspector, Direction Régionale de la Police Nationale (DRPN), Zinder. To Yahaya Marie, integrity means respecting the rules of ethics and public duty as well as promoting honesty within the administration in order to encourage a change in mentality.


Soumaïla Garba Bogou

Soumaïla Garba Bogou has a sense of duty well done and the spirit of a leader concerned about the future of his country, hence the esteem of the hierarchy and the respect of his men. He has carried out several missions in Niger, including the mission to secure the Niger-Nigerian borders in the fight against terrorism, the mission to secure the Niger-Malian borders in the fight against terrorist groups and the blue helmets in the 2015 Niger contingent in Côte d’Ivoire as operations officer.

Amadou Camara

Our world in general and the least developed countries in particular suffer from corruption in all areas of our existence. As a teacher, believing in fair education for all, and concerned about training competent future managers, Amadou believes that fraud and corruption in the education system are more disastrous than ignorance. Not only do they plague the education system, but they also promote incompetent and irresponsible men and women. “For the elimination of corruption and fraud, I commit myself without any ulterior motive!”

Adama Assoumane

Adama Assoumane was a volunteer at the civil registry office of the Dioundiou town hall in 2004. Given her determination and her qualities to serve the country, the population speaks a lot about her. Her service to the needs of the people has made her a model in her environment. She reflects the integrity to which every good citizen aspires.

Issa Ango

Issa Ango served in Mehana in the river region as a CSI officer and was posted to Zarmaganda where he served in Baniboungou, Dingazi Banda, Bané Beri and Ouallam toujo- urs as a CSI officer. He passed the professional entrance exam to the Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey, to enroll in ENT and obtain his degree in health science option ENT and since this year, he was assigned to the RHC of Maradi for the position ”Major service ENT” before being assigned to the transfer pharmacy. Through an association he promotes a breed ”Ballemis” and especially fights against its disappearance.

Djamilatou Issoufou Mamane

After her primary and secondary education, she obtained a Master II in Administration and Business Management during her higher education. Djamilatou has completed several internships in the Nigerien ministries, NGOs and Nigerien Enterprise. Her determination and love of her work gave her more motivation to become an Agent at the Court of Auditors. “Integrity and honesty in our work must be a duty for all, if we really want the development of a state.”



Olugbenga Kuye

Kamoshi Tada

Temitope Ojoge

Idowu Quadri

Ezekiel Obazele


Nkwuda Ogechukwu

Wodi Hanacho Seiyefa

Samuel Ogundare

Dr. Lois Akut

Catherine Ogunjebi


Victoria Barnabas

Being a magistrate in the Nigerian judicial system is often tagged as a dangerous profession. It can be challenging for judges who take the bench to stand firm for justice and remain steadfast in their oaths. However, Ms Victoria Barnabas has defied all the odds in this regard.

Mwalin Abdu

Mwalin Abdu is an Assistant Chief State Counsel of the Ministry of Justice in Gombe State who has has remained steadfast and uncompromising in her quest for justice.

Mr Mohammed Babayola

Mr Mohammed Babayola is the Director-General of the Due Process Bureau in Gombe State. He has spearheaded the digitization of the procurement process in Gombe.

Mr Charles Enuma

Mr Charles Enuma IT and procurement specialist - Bayelsa State Government With over 21 years of experience, Mr Charles Enuma is an IT and procurement specialist with the Bayelsa State Government in Nigeria. As a personal career objective, Mr Enuma works to ensure transparency and accountability in how the government operates to maintain efficiencies, especially in the procurement of goods and services.

Mr Innocent Ayabotu

Mr Innocent Ayabotu is a highly decorated and celebrated Superintendent of the Nigerian Police Force, serving for over 26 years. Currently, he is the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) of the A Division in Calabar, Cross River State.


Musa Agono

Musa Agono joined the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps 11 years ago. He started his service as a medical officer in charge of first aid equipment, receiving commendations from both staff and non-staff in the process. From there, he was posted to Ibadi local government during the flood disaster in 2011/2012 to take stock of relief materials and donations from the Federal Government and NGOs. Though some of the officers stationed with him saw this as an opportunity to enrich themselves he refused to assent to their schemes. It was a trying period that led to a clash with one of his fellow officers. He has utilised his influential position to uncover wrongdoings doing especially in issues of banditry. Upon discovering multiple cases of false reporting, he decided to run all information through his section commander in order to have everything done by the book. He discovered instances of informants reporting innocent Fulani herdsmen to the authorities when they came to the market with their cows. He was offered several bribes to write false reports against others in this manner but he refused. Musa is yet to have any challenge with his superiors, as they have come to understand his character. As a result, he gets redeployed frequently to head the division in each new assignment. He has drawn inspiration from 2020 Integrity Icon, Mrs. Faith Momoh, for who he ran a voting campaign because he was fully aware of her integrity at the local government level – news of her deeds had reached their office on several occasions.

Adigwe-Uzor Esther

Adigwe-Uzor Esther started working as a public servant in 2004 when she was enlisted into the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps. She joined the service with the intention to prove that women in uniform can be diligent and resourceful. For this reason, she set a high moral standard of being punctual, diligent, and committed to her work. Her flair for writing, especially reports and speeches has stood her out in the organization. Over time, she had become known to be not only a dutiful follower to her superiors but also a good leader to her subordinates. When one wants honesty and accountability, more often than not, she has always been the person to be called on. When she is saddled with the responsibility of posting or transferring personnel from one department or unit to another, she does so without fear or favor, bearing at the back of my mind that the greater good of the organization is paramount. In carrying out her job, it has been a common experience to find personnel clamoring and lobbying for perceived juicy or more glamorous stations to be posted, even when they do not have the prerequisite qualification to be there. Lobbyists come bearing gifts but she has been known to shun such because she believes that a compromised mind cannot deliver effectively in the workplace. Other pressures come from superiors who have favorites and wish to overturn my decisions to favor their wards; this is a tussle which she has often won through my tenacity and doggedness in projecting the image, core values, and interest of the organisation as the topmost priority. She has been called upon often time to defend the decisions and she is glad to note that after all grilling and worrisome back and forth questions and responses, her superiors always agreed with Her. She had received only verbal commendations from her superiors for her diligence and uprightness. She has dedicated herself both in my private and public lives to exemplify and personify diligence, and fairness.

Ekpo-Ita A. Gladys

Mrs Gladys A. Ekpo-Ita works at the Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC) Cross River State Coordinating Office as a Scientific Officer. At RMRDC, part of their mandate is to promote the development and optimal utilization of Nigeria’s local raw materials for industrial growth. Thus, they organize many programs that sensitize local farmers, investors, fabricators, and manufacturers on the best approach to value addition and increasing crop yield, following international best practices and standards. Because of Mrs Ekpo-Ita’s outstanding character of honesty, transparency, and resourcefulness, she is always involved in programs of the office. As a program leader, she remains on top of her duties, which involve coordinating the team effectively and delivering the project prudently and in a timely manner. At the peak of the COVID-19 lockdown, she realized that delivering her duties would be difficult, and so she adopted virtual means, thus she still keeping tabs with her work and team. Due to Mrs Ekpo-Ita’s consistency and detailed reporting, her boss always relies on her. When Mrs Ekpo-Ita is tasked with the responsibility of handling a project, she tries to be as open and accountable as possible. She makes sure that calls and budgets are done openly in the office. She is detailed in jotting every little detail down so that when writing her report, she doesn’t omit any vital information. She involves everyone in the goal-setting process – in as much as she works closely with one or two people, she involves everyone in the goal-setting process to avoid misconceptions.

Emem Ette

Barr. Emem Ette rose through the ranks from State Counsel in 2001 to the current head of department in charge of sexual offenses and other gender-based violence. She is well known for her diligence in dealing with cases of SGBV. In the past, she has worked with the likes of CSP Francis Erhabor (a 2019 Integrity Icon). To ensure transparency and accountability in her office, she provides prompt, accurate, and complete information about the activities of the office to the government, stakeholders, and the public. Her office publishes the Sexual Offenders Register and she ensures that all details are captured without fear or favour. She also ensures that the Register and other data/reports are accessible to the public during working hours. She doubles as the Chairperson of FIDA, ensuring proper accounts are kept. In her bid for justice, she has been faced with threats and pressure to drop rape cases and other severe domestic violence cases. She has endured a kidnap attempt and bribery attempts from a family of rape suspects for the release of their relatives. She credits her superiors for giving her liberty to run the department and their trust in her judgment and integrity to handle cases without bias. In her words: “I would love to collaborate with Accountability lab Nigeria. If we have civil or public servants who render their services in honesty, truth and are transparent and ready to be held accountable for their every action, then Nigeria will be better.”

Ibrahim Musa Kirfi

Ibrahim Musa Kirfi left his job as a secondary school teacher for an administrative officer/lecturer position at a polytechnic. As a new staff, he was assigned multiple tasks that were not part of his job description but he never complained. Unknown to him, the Registrar was closely monitoring his progress. In 2003, a highly coveted job opportunity for a pioneer company secretary at a consultancy firm came up, the Registrar decided that Ibrahim was the man for the job. When he eventually came to the Corporate Affairs Commission, he found another opportunity to serve, helping staff to process difficult booklets at the Joint Consultative Council (JCC) out of a free will. This increased his popularity amongst them which influenced his win during the Secretary elections. He served unopposed as the Secretary of the union all through his 6-year tenure due to the confidence others had in him. He later contested for the chairmanship position against four other candidates but won. When he returned for a second term, it was unopposed because of their confidence in his recent service. He has served as Secretary for the Integrity Group of the national body from 2013 to date. In another instance he led a workers’ strike for 12 working days, sleeping in front of the office to protect the interest of their members. Even with millions of naira in bribes offered to change his mind, he refused because it would cost them the entitlements of union members. He stood his ground and in December 2019, the entire staff was paid what they were owed. Currently, he has been transferred to Yola because he fought for the beneficiaries of promotions to get what they deserved. Numerous petitions later, the Chief Executive was asked to appear before the Code of Conduct Bureau. He decided to transfer Ibrahim and all his 28 protesting colleagues, but they refused to retract their petition. The case is currently being tried in court. Ibrahim has been in Yola since the 21st of January 2021 but remains resolved to fight for what he believes is right no matter the consequence.


Oyeronke Suebat

Lecturer and Administrative Head of the College of Health and Technology, Lagos. Oyeronke has served as a civil servant for 23 years and continues to serve with integrity. Starting out as the officer in charge of HIV certification at the Ikeja General hospital and subsequently the donor recruitment unit, she ensured that she did not compromise value or quality. She has had a long and varied history battling corruption. Upon joining the hospital service, she refused bribes and withstood threats from a pro-government group, denying them the use of her department for propaganda. At the hospital screening center she refused to release infected blood for public use, despite pressure from some private hospitals. At the college of health and technology, she has been awarded best staff member of the Year in 2000, Best Lecturer in 2014 and departmental lecturer of the year in 2015. She has built a reputation for standing for the truth and refusing to cut corners. Watch her video here.

Dr. Mohammad Rabiu

Lecturer, Nassarawa State University. Nominated for the Integrity Icon Nigeria award three times by three different people, Dr. Mohammad truly epitomizes integrity. He is described as a truthful, reliable and approachable servant and leader. Many have come to him for support of different kinds, be it financial or academic. Dr. Mohammad is always prepared to help the next person reach their highest potential. He serves with integrity and honesty and does not believe in using shortcuts to gain anything in life. Watch his video here.

Faith Momoh

Nurse and Nutrition officer, Local Government (LGA) secretariat, Ugwolawo Kogi state. Faith is in charge of receiving and distributing palliatives donated by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and ensuring fair distribution of these palliatives as well as proper recording. Faith has been serving in the public service for 12 years. She is a stern leader and ensures that activities in her facility are running according to policy and not used for any personal gain for anyone, including herself. Despite pressures that come with her responsibilities at work, she is determined to perform her duties diligently, “I would rather lose my job than have a record of being a thief,” she says. Watch her video here.

Philip Ezegbulam

Chief Secretary of the Police Service Commission. A firm believer in serving with integrity, Philip has often found himself facing many difficulties in his work, fighting against many occurrences of corruption and dishonesty within his department. Some of his many battles left him out of a job such as when he contended against the appointment of an officer that was conducted unlawfully. He believes that integrity is the “inherent ability of a person to stand for what is right and the potential of people benefitting from this ability.”

Abiola Jimoh

Divisional Officer for the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps, Badagry, Lagos. Abiola has served in law enforcement for 21 years. Committed to fighting against unethical practices and corruption by all means necessary, Abiola was part of the team that managed to intercept and arrest criminals attempting to export stolen goods to the Benin Republic. As common practice in her profession, she stood her ground against bribery and corruption, refusing 5 million Naira in bribes to ensure that justice prevails at all times. Her dedication is appreciated by many and she won an award recognizing excellence from the Chartered Institute of Financial and Investment Analysts Nigeria.


Tani Ali Nimlan

Tani Ali Nimlan is Assistant Director at NAFDAC Headquarters in Abuja. She ensures all regulated products distributed and sold to the public are safe, efficacious and of good quality. She also ensures that proper regulatory action is taken on the violating products. She participated in the US Food Regulation current issues seminar, that took place in July, 2012. Tani does not give in to any pressure in the form of bribes and threats of violence. She has ensured that neither herself nor her team fails to uphold the mandate of the Agency. She believes in giving her best to serve the nation and has received special recognition from the agency for the efficiency of her work. She states that she believes in integrity because that is the right thing to believe in; doing what is right always. She describes her mission statement as remaining truthful, honest and always doing what is right. She has been described by her colleagues as hard working, committed to her work and very proactive, easy going, jovial and transparent.

Tina Odinakachi Iirmdu

Tina Odinakachi Iirmdu is a Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Jos. Her challenging childhood experiences – including incessant unrest and intimidation from cultists to her mom’s livelihood after the loss of Tina’s father – inspired her to set up scholarship programs for female indigenes of her hometown Umuako, Umuahia South, Abia State, and Jos, Plateau State to encourage the girl child. She is a philanthropist and the CEO of Jediba Foundation located in Jos, a foundation that reaches out to widows and orphans. She has been an active civil servant for 10 years. Earlier in her career, as an examiner for the West African Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), she reported an exorbitant sum paid by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) to her bank account in error. This outstanding act of conscientiousness and the subsequent media involvement alongside guest appearances on national television laid the foundation for her student mentorship program which was initiated in 2011. She constantly defies threats in order to uphold fairness and merit in examination evaluations. She has been described by her colleagues as friendly, hardworking, humane and humble.

Christian Ngozi Ahiauzu

Christian Ngozi Ahiauzu is the Head of the Network Infrastructure Unit of ICTC at the University of Port Harcourt. He is an IT consultant who mandates due process in the selection of contractors to promote Open Contracting and Transparency, and ensures that such jobs are done according to specification without undue compensation. His life, livelihood, and his family members have been threatened due to his refusal to compromise his integrity. In order to improve accountability and integrity at work, he developed workflows which gave rise to computer applications which track and monitor the registration and use of the University Intranet system. He has equally maintained a workforce who believe in his modus operandi, with his integrity as an example for them to follow. He states that integrity is like a life style for him, and he believes that with integrity and responsibility in the use of power, Nigeria can actually become a better place. In the future, he wishes to venture into entrepreneurship, thereby becoming an employer and also, giving back to the society. Additionally, he intends to become a motivational speaker, who will champion movements for social change. He currently runs Facebook page called Ambassadors of Change in an effort to drive advocacy for change in Nigeria.

CSP Francis Osagie Erhabor

CSP Francis Osagie Erhabor is a Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in charge of D Division, Itam, Uyo, Akwa Ibom state. He has never taken a bribe in 29 years of active service. In the police force’s D Division, bail is free and no policeman dares take a bribe from community members. His officers have earned the trust of the community for their stand on integrity and this has gained the needed support and collaboration to fight local crimes. He is very involved in community projects and mentoring young people. While on duty as the pipeline commander in Edo State, he refused bribes of 1.5 million naira offered to him weekly from four individuals who were involved in illegal oil bunkering. In addition, he rejected 500,000 naira per week as returns from his subordinates, given to them as bribes to allow adulterated petroleum products to be brought into the state. Rejecting these tempting offers earned him several enemies, especially considering that his 37,500 naira monthly allowance was not steady. He states that his belief in integrity stems from the trust and respect he has earned from the community he serves, which makes his job easier. He advocates “standing for truth even when no one is on your side.” In future, he hopes to actualise a Police Force that is the dream of the citizenry.

Kacheilom Betram Roberts-Ndukwe

Kacheilom Betram Roberts-Ndukwe is a Teacher at the Government Secondary School in Ataba community, Andoni LGA, Rivers State. She once investigated and exposed a teacher who was receiving a salary from the school while moonlighting as a banker instead of teaching. The teacher’s name had been continuously reflected on the voucher for monthly payments in collaboration with the principal who was sharing her monthly pay. In another instance, Kacheilom responded to concerns from students about their West African Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) fees being increased abruptly. When she anonymously reported the issue to the community head, she found out that there was an insider that exposed her as the inquisitor. She personally investigated further to discover the extortion was directly from the School Principal, and she reported him to the Education board. He was subsequently disciplined and asked to refund all monies extorted from the students. She supported the revamping of a bore hole in the community in order to provide access to water, raises concerns about student’s welfare and expends her personal finances to meet their academic needs. Kacheilom believes that everyone deserves to be treated in a fair and honest manner and that integrity involves being truthful and sincere in all you do.


Abdul Majid Oniyanyi

Abdul Majid Oniyanyi, a magistrate with the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Magistrate’s Court, Abuja, Nigeria. Abdul ensures court trial processes and judgments are always transparent and open, especially issues around the Nigerian Police Force and members of the general public. His model is not to entertain anyone who has a pending case before him. He works assiduously to ensure judicial processes are unbiased, fair and corrupt free.

Benson Agwu

Benson Agwu, a veteran journalist with Ebonyi State Newspaper Corporation, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State. He is a dedicated and courageous investigative reporter known for constructive criticism and monitoring of government expenditures.  Benson was exiled from Ebonyi state for 9 years after exposing officials of government’s (at the state level) involved in a bank robbery in 2003.  Furthermore, in order to stop the menace of political assassination, he has published articles exposing corrupt government security personnel used as political tools in Ebonyi state.

Aremu Kehinde

Aremu Kehinde, a Deputy Director at the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). Also doubles as the NYSC State Coordinator, Anambra State, Nigeria. He was previously nominated for 2017 Integrity Idol. In ensuring government systems are accountable and transparent, he pioneered the digitalization of the NYSC staff records systems and redesigned the current NYSC mobilization process using an electronic platform with safeguards that makes external intrusion/ manipulations difficult, while maintaining high level of data integrity. In the process of doing this, he uncovered inconsistencies in documentations involving colleagues and superiors. This discoveries led to life threatening incidents like; burgling his car and office on different occasions.

Bravo Otohabru

Bravo Otohabru, a Pharmacist by profession, currently the Supply Chain Director at the National Agency for the Control of Aids (NACA), Abuja, Nigeria. In order to maintain integrity of the supply chain distribution process at his workplace, he put measures in place to ensure transparency and accountability in. He ensures bidding processes, screening exercises and selection of eligible contractors are transparent and open, even though there is external pressure to circumvent the process. Bravo feels a great sense of pride when he does the right thing.

Bukola Adewunmi

Bukola Adewunmi, an investigative journalist with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN). In one of her encounter to provide reliable and valid information to citizens, she was arrested along with her children by security personnel for investigating a case involving government and the private sector.  She believes in standing for the truth, and reporting news accurately and truthfully.


Nuzo Eziechi

Nuzo Eziechi serves at the Bureau of Public Enterprise, Abuja where she carries out her duties (HR policies and Business Strategy alignment, workforce planning, learning and development) dutifully and has become a role model to many in her work environment. Nuzo refuses to take bribes from anyone, and ensures that the Bureau’s standards and values are upheld despite the challenges. 

Igbolo Magdalene

Igbolo Magdalene is seasoned lecturer at the University of Abuja where she helps to build the next generation of responsible leaders in Nigeria. She refuses to give in to dishonesty, rejecting bribes from students and pushing back against admitting the relatives and friends of government officials to the university if they are not academically qualified. 

Ogumelen Justina

Ogumelen Justina serves with the Federal Capital Territory, Agricultural Development Program where she supports and encourages farmers in rural communities by empowering them with relevant information and other resources needed to increase their efficiency. She is an official with great integrity, who refuses to take bribes for access to the resources she controls.

Yemi Kale

Yemi Kale is the Statistician General at the National Bureau of Statistics where she ensures that the numbers and projections we need as a nation are meticulously collated and made readily available for use. His integrity has seen him strive to uphold the dignity of his office against all the odds, refusing to alter national statistics to impress the government and releasing only the correct statistics to Nigerians.

Tubokenimi David

Tubokenimi David serves at the State House Medical Centre in Abuja as a Physiotherapist, where she provides meticulous health care services to her clients, saving lives and going the extra mile to ensure citizens stay healthy. As a person of integrity, she advocates vociferously for young girls, encouraging greater awareness around education, gender equality and gender-related health issues.



Samina Altaf

Samina Altaf Samina Altaf is the Chairperson of the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education. She is a PhD scholar from Haripur University. She has worked in elementary and secondary for over 23 years. She is passionate about integrating the social dimension of the local community into the developmental process of the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education (BISE). Samina aims to end the existing gap between public and private educational institutions by improving the quality of education at public, academic institutions. Samina remained the only district education officer who took the initiative to prepare science lesson plans for grades 9 and 10 students. During this period she increased teacher to 95% and student attendance to 92% in District Haripur.

Omer Saeed

Omer has served the Police Service of Pakistan (PSP) for over 18 years and is currently the City Police Officer (CPO) in Faisalabad. He holds a Masters of Law (LLM) in evidence law, from the University of San Diego and L.L.M in International Law from the University of Sydney. He believes that integrity is committing to doing what is right and adhering to one’s values.

Dr Vivek Anand

Dr. Anand serves as the District Surveillance Officer at the Department of Health in district Kashmore Sindh. He obtained his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from Chandka Medical College Larkana and a Masters in Science in Public Health from Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology in Karachi. He later participated in a fellowship program in epidemiology and laboratory training offered by the National Institute of Health (NIH) in Islamabad. Dr Anand defines integrity as an attitude that promotes ethical values and uprightness in oneself and in their surroundings to ensure that members of the community get easy access to health care, education, and security equally.

Dr Sher Zaman Quetta

Dr. Zaman is the endocrinologist Consultant at Bolan Medical College in Quetta, the largest government hospital in Balochistan. He played a critical role in establishing the first Endocrinology Outpatient Department at Civil Hospital in Quetta. Dr. Zaman defines integrity as a way to serve the public in a responsible and professional manner.

Ghulam Ali Mallah

Dr. Ghulam Ali Mallah is the Chief Executive of the Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC) in Islamabad, Pakistan. He graduated from Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur Mirs. He acquired M.Sc in Computer Science from Quaid-i-Azam University and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Computer Science through HEC Indigenous Scholarship from FAST National University and SALU Khairpur. Dr. Mallah also holds a Post-Doctorate through the Charles Wallace Trust Fellowship in educational technology and academic leadership from the University of Glasgow in Scotland, United Kingdom. He started his professional career at Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur in 2003, where he served as the department of computer science professor till 2020. Mr. Mallah believes that no amount of work counts if there is an absence of personal and organizational integrity. Watch his video here.


Zile Huma

Ms. Zil E Huma serves as Deputy Director at the Department of Press Information and Broadcasting in Islamabad. Her passion for climate change led her to join the civil services of Pakistan where she worked in the Ministry of Climate Change, as she wanted to make a valuable contribution to the global issue. Her name was also included among the top five masters’ students of the year post-grad award in the UK.

Shahzadi Nowshad

Shahzadi Noshad Gillani is a Traffic Warden working as a Deputy Superintendent of Police in Haripur. She is a professional, experienced and committed female police officer, and amongst a group of women who have made Pakistan proud by winning peace awards such as the Voice of America award.

Roomana Murad Khoso

Miss Romana Murad Khosois the Section Officer at the Section Office Finance Department Balochistan. She believes integrity includes understanding your responsibilities to the public.

Nasir Bashir

Nasir Bashir is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Urdu, Government Dyal Singh College, Lahore. He has been teaching for 26 years with the same energy and passion. He believes as a teacher it is important to be there for your students even after they have graduated.

Mohammad Naseer Musvi

In 1983, Muhammad Naseer Musvi appeared in a written test and secured 2nd position which led to his appointment as a Primary School Teacher (BPS-06) at Government Primary School New Yard, Rohri. More than a decade later, Mr. Musvi was appointed as a Headmaster (BPS-17) at Government High School, district Sukkur, after he secured 4th position in the Sindh Public Service Commission.


Tariq Khan

Tariq Khan is the Deputy Commissioner of Chaman in Killa Abdullah, Balochistan. Inspired by his father who was a civil servant too, Tariq has embodied integrity and applied the teachings from his father to nurture and grow his career. He was fortunate enough to ascend to a senior level position in the Civil Services of Pakistan in very little time and at an early age. He has recently been appointed as the Deputy Commissioner in Killa Abdullah, Balochistan. He has 13 years of extensive experience working in the Multi-Tier Administrative System covering the Environment, Education, Health, and Development sectors. Tariq has successfully clamped down on instances of corruption. In his previous post he identified and fired 400 ghost employees so that more deserving candidates may be given placement in those roles. Also, within a week of his appointment as Deputy Commissioner, he managed to successfully arrest two people accused of being involved in child abuse and the killing of a young boy in Killa Abdullah. Watch his video here.

Mukhtar Paras

Mukhtar Paras is the Director General at the Secretariat Training Institute in Islamabad where he has been serving for 21 years. As a qualified governance and development professional with more than 20 years of experience in national and international organizations, he carried out a wide range of operational and administrative tasks, including country programming, and operational policy dialogues with central, local and international organizations. He studied International Development with specialization in development diplomacy and local economic development. He had an excellent track-record in financial administration, delivering high quality technical assistance, analytical work, and administrative services in a timely manner. Proven expertise in operations in diverse sectors such as project management, implementation, coordination, economic negotiation, technical education, social protection and research, round up his impressive skills. Paras has been consistently recognized for being proactive and pragmatic with a strong drive for results and delivering quality services. He’s the author of two books and more than 100 policy papers and articles on issues relevant to governance and development. He was the first officer to design online courses and modules and also arranged virtual classes for a specialized training programme of Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) officers at Secretariat Training Institute (STI). Watch his video here.

Daryan Khatoon

Daryan Khatoon joined the education sector as a teacher in 1990 at Government Girls Primary PC School, in Barrage Colony Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan. Currently she works as a Principal in Government Girls Primary School in Shamsabad Sukkur, Sindh, , a role she’s held since 2002. In 2006, she was selected for the Strengthening Teacher Education Project (STEP) by Agha Khan University (AKU) as a Master Trainer in Science after qualifying for the test and interview. She also completed a one-month training program at Isra University. After that, she completed a 9-month research-based Advanced Diploma in Education at AKU graduating with a 3.4 GPA. Apart from the STEP project of AKU, she also worked with several other organizations such as the Education Sector Reform Assistance (ESRA), United Nation Development Program (UNDP), Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), Association for Academic Quality (AFAQ), Sindh Government Education Programs, Provincial Institute of Teacher Education (PITE), Sindh Reading Program (SRP) and many more. She has also provided election training as a presiding officer to 19th grade officers between 2008 and 2018. This involved both the National Assembly elections training and Union Council (UC) level election training for teachers, principals, Territory Education Officers (TEOs), and Districts Education Officers (DEOs) . Besides training, she has also conducted workshops and seminars on management, leadership, and School Management Committee (SMC) to principals of different schools in several districts. Her journey has not been confined to schools only; she’s contributed broadly to the improvement of the education sector as well. Watch her video here.

Azhar Ali

Azhar Ali is currently working as Chief Conservator at the Forest Department in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He single handedly prepared the rules to protect exploitable trees and has worked hard to prevent the misuse of authority by forest staff and root out middleman involved in land negotiations, benefiting small owners. In maintaining integrity and good governance, he forestalled political influence. For the first time in history, the department involved the National Testing Service (NTS) and other agencies in staff recruitment. Watch his video here.

Amna Baig

Amna Baig was raised to understand the concept of women empowerment. Growing up her father always told her that she was made for public service. The priority for her was her education. She started school in Dera Ghazi Khan in southern Punjab as her father was posted there as a civil servant himself. Early on she saw the impact that an honest civil servant can make in the general public’s life. She closely observed her father’s work and grew up with a sense of responsibility towards her community. She graduated from NUST Business School with a degree in economics in 2013, and immediately after, sat for her CSS exam, stating the police services as her preference. For Amna, her PSP career has been very rewarding. She believes that it is one of the most empowering careers for a woman in Pakistan. In a society that lays a great deal of emphasis on appearances, a uniform can be very empowering. “Societal legitimacy” is important to Amna, and PSP has that for her. She entered the service in 2015 and her training period was mostly divided between Lahore and Islamabad. After qualifying, she also served in Gujrat and Rawalpindi. Her work is no doubt very demanding of her, but she believes that even if it’s making a small impact on the progress of the country, then it’s worth it. Watch her video here.


Umar Tufail

Umar Tufail is a Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) in the Khairpur District of the Sindh Province. He helped spread peace in Kashmore, one of the most dangerous areas of Sindh, and the young officer’s work has been praised by members of the community.  He is a person of integrity, fully committed to serving people, and strictly against bribes, favoritism, corruption and nepotism. He was instrumental in arresting the main suspect in the murder of a 13-year-old girl, Rimsha Wasan, in February this year.  In another murder case, that of a of 9-year-old boy, Umar arrested a landlord in Khairpur despite enduring many threats to his safety. Tufail is widely acknowledged as one of the people playing a major role in promoting peace and accountability in the most dangerous parts of Sindh.

Zahid Ali Khan Khattak

Zahid Ali Khan Khattak is a Medical Superintendent (MS) at WAPDA Hospital Mangla in the District of Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK). He is renowned for his commitment to work and passion for serving the community.  When he first joined the hospital, there were massive problems of corruption and mismanagement, so he inquired about the processes and discovered a corruption case involving the sum of PKR 1.6 million. Zahid was able to identify the culprits and recover the full amount. He has since automated and continued to maintain the system. He also believes in women empowerment and is an advocate against women harassment. He has contributed to female doctors’ inclusion and creating a harassment-free environment in the hospital. He has been awarded the Quid-e-Azam Gold medal for his achievements by Tehreek-e-Istehkam-e-Pakistan Council (Regd).

Rizwan Akram Sherwani

Rizwan Akram Sherwani is Director of Excise and Taxation in Lahore, Punjab Province, and is regarded as a highly competent, brave and honest government official. He has taken on many initiatives, including introducing a toll-free hotline number for the public to access all tax-related information directly, which played a major role in boosting transparency. He also introduced the Press Citizen Dialogue Forum, aimed at addressing citizen’s issues related to tax in a friendly atmosphere. Furthermore, Rizwan initiated the “Motor Taxation Management Information System”, which helped the government eradicate corruption by tracing all illegal number plates which were being sold at higher prices. In his more than 20 years of government service he has worked on numerous government projects that have brought significant change.

Rohana Kakar

Rohana Kakar is Secretary of the Regional Transport Authority (RTA) in Quetta, Baluchistan Province. Rohana was the first female to be appointed to this post after 1966 because of her bravery and hard work. She maintains high professional integrity and is committed to her job, remaining in the field day and night resolving public transport issues. She has done a great deal to curb malpractice in public transport such as the cancellation of illegal permits and licenses. She has been threatened many times, especially by transporters who demand favors in obtaining licenses and renewing their expired permits but she consistently refuses. Rohana takes strict action against those caught driving without licenses and for this purpose she introduced Driving License Mechanism and made driving tests mandatory for everyone. Her efforts in modernizing public transport are remarkable, keeping in view the lack of resources in Baluchistan.

Imran Zia

Imran Zia is District Monitoring Officer in Haripur District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Province. He is considered to be honest, fair, truthful, and easily approachable to the public as he strongly believes in serving the people. He conducts background checks and inspections on various institutions, including secondary schools. This involves performing a check on the schools’ administration, faculty punctuality, and student enrollments. During the checks, he often receives bribery offers but he consistently refuses. Imran reported and helped in closing down a school in Haripur District that had been illegally taken over by intruders. He says, “I will never compromise on merit and fair working; favors will never be entertained during my tenure, regardless of the source.”


Aamir Shehzad

Aamir Shehzad is a Social Welfare Officer at the Office of Social Welfare in Islamabad. This is generally one of the positions most susceptible to corruption as Aamir is in charge of registering NGOs, which can be quite lucrative. But throughout the office he is known for his integrity and accountability, turning away those that try to pay him bribes or pressure him to act in their interests. Despite being relatively new to government, Aamir is setting new standards within Islamabad and beyond and showing the integrity that a new generation of civil servants can bring to government. 

Amjad Iqbal

Amjad Iqbal is District Commander of the Elite Force in Shangla, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. He is renowned for his bravery, honesty and commitment to the rule of law. After raiding a gang smuggling drugs in 2016 he became the target of criminal networks including several assassination attempts but his commitment to the law has never wavered. Amjad credits his commitment to the Pakistani people as the key to his safety. Every day, Amjad is indicating just how far our government officials need to go to support accountability in Pakistan.

Azadi Fateh

Azadi Fateh is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mass Communications af Federal Urdu University in Karachi. She believes strongly that integrity begins with education, and in the power of knowledge to change Pakistan. She has fought corruption and insecurity on university campuses through offering students access to peace and conflict resolution classes and finding opportunities for them to study abroad; and has worked to formalize the university’s relations with the Karachi Press Club, to support a new generation of journalists who can push for accountability. 

Shehryar Gul

Shehryar Gul is a Deputy Commissioner in the Deputy Commissioner’ Office in Mir Pur Khas, Sindh; and known as one of the most progressive public servants in the province. Throughout his career in the public service he has worked to innovate within government systems, gather data to drive decisions and use technology to better serve citizens. During the 2018 elections, Shehryar managed to ensure a free and fair vote, despite significant political pressure and efforts to mobilize government machinery in support of certain candidates.

Batool Asadi

Batool Asadi is the Additional Commissioner Revenue at the Commissioner Revenue Office in Quetta, Balochistan. Batool is renowned for her courage in the face of integrity challenges and was the first female civil servant to serve as a field Assistant Commissioner in interior Balochistan. She quickly became known within the communities in which she worked as a person of deep honesty and commitment to the truth; and is working to reform government in Balochistan from within.


Saqib Zafar

Saqib belongs to the Pakistan Administrative Service (PAS) and is from the 25 CTP batch. Integrity and professionalism are the attributes which he has carried throughout his service. He believes that integrity should not be gauged only through financial matters but also on work ethics and professional commitment. Although he has served on numerous important and sensitive assignments like District Coordination Office (DCO) Rawalpindi, DCO Attock, Executive District Officer (EDO) (Finance & Planning) Rawalpindi, Secretary (I&C) Punjab and Secretary Information Technology in Balochistan. Currently he is serving as commissioner Bahawalpur in Punjab Province.

Farid Ud Din Mustafa

With over fifteen years in the public sector, Farid started his career as an Assistant Commissioner in the Industrial area of Islamabad. He has worked as a Deputy Commissioner and as a Director at Land and Rehabilitation Capital Development Authority (CDA). From 2014 – 2016 he served as the deputy Secretary to the Prime Minister after which he moved to Karachi as a Deputy Commissioner to lead the process of clearing the 28-kilometre-long Gujjar Nala in Karachi, removing more than 14,000 households and structures that have encroached on land for the past 50 years. Farid was offered millions of rupees of bribe to let the illegal settlers remain there. Upon refusal, he faced numerous threats to his life, but he never caved in. Currently he is working as a Deputy Commissioner Jamshoro in Sindh province.

Afifa Khattak

Afifa represents one of the most progressive and empowered faces of women in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. For the last sixteen years, as a member of the Institute of Management Sciences at the University of Peshawar Afifa has acted as a role model not only for her students, but also for senior and junior colleagues. She is always dedicated to her work, always available to the students, and never hesitates to go the extra mile to assist her students. On occasions, Afifa has been approached by the influential families, who tried incentivize her to help their children clear exams with good marks – she never caved in. She is known among her students as someone who stresses on personal integrity and honesty as a must-have value in life.

Zafar Iqbal Khan

Zafar Khan works for the Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC). With over twenty-five years’ experience, he has served in numerous positions though most recently as Director of Accounts. Many times throughout his career he had the chance to take a bribe but he remained committed to remaining honest. As an honest, hardworking professional, he has demonstrated and transferred his professional and technical knowledge to those he works with and encourages them to display the same characteristics.

Rubab Hameed Durrani

Rubab Durrani started her career in Public sector in 1987 as a lecturer. In 2005, she was appointed as a principal of a girls college. Three years later, she was promoted to the post of joint director of colleges. She has conducted many programs at both national and international level for the betterment of provincial education and in particular girls education.


Rai Manzoor Hussain Nasir

Rai Manzoor Hussain Nasir is Secretary at the Punjab Cooperative Board for Liquidation, where isn’t happy unless he’s doing the best work he can. In addition to working long hours, and thoroughly preparing for every day’s meetings, he treats all of his colleagues with great respect. He even gives the public access to contact him at any time, so that they’re voices are heard. Although he is particularly careful to use all official money correctly, he firmly believes that money can’t buy the satisfaction of helping people and that this satisfaction is the ultimate reward.

Farukh Attique

Farukh Attique is Deputy Commissioner of Mastung, Balochistan where he’s dedicated his career to serving the public with justice. Despite security concerns, Farukh tries to keep an open door policy for the citizens he serves and prefers to interact with people face to face. His dedication to openness has also led him to support measures allowing the public access to all public sector documents because he believes shared information is reliable information.

Meher Un Nisa

Meher Un Nisa is the Media Coordinator for the Planning and Development Department of Sindh. Her role there involves bridging the gap between the department and the people it serves, many of whom don’t know about the projects planned that may impact them. By sharing information widely she helps build accountability and transparency in the communities. She truly believes that there is no greater honor than serving and working for the people of the Islamic Republic as a public servant.

Imtiaz Khan Khichi

Imtiaz Khan Khichi is Assistant Commissioner of Depalpur, District Okara. He knew from childhood that he wanted to work in the civil sector, to fulfill his dream “to work for the welfare and the wellbeing of the public.” In his role, he’s been known to work very long hours in tasks such as protecting citizens’ lands against encroachment. He hopes to inspire others to join the civil service and strive to perform their jobs with justice.

Fida Hussain

Fida Hussain works as a lab assistant in the government post graduate college in Mardan. He exemplifies integrity by performing every aspect of his job with great dedication, from providing quality lab experiments to respecting his students and colleagues. Outside the classroom, he encourages students to be disciplined and respectful in their personal lives as well. He dreams of achieving development through consistent honesty in the public sector. There is a common perception that public sector employees don’t work hard, which inspired Fida to join it to change that perception with his honesty and diligence.



Xuseen Maxamed Cawed

Xuseen Maxamed Cawed waa maamulaha dugsiga Gawsaweyne ee deegaanka Gar’adag. Waxa uu ku dhashay miyiga deegaanka Gar’adag sannadii 1964-kii. Waxa uu waxbarashadiisii hoose ka bilaabay dugsiga Jamaal Cabdinaasir ee magaalada Burco oo uu wax ka baranayey sannadihii u dhexeeyay 1979-kii ilaa 1988-kii. Intii lagu guda jirey dagaalkii sokeeye, 1988-kii, waxa uu qaxooti ku ahaa Itoobiya. Isagoo laxaad la’a, Xuseen waxa uu ka furay dugsi Qur’aan Gawsaweyne. Sannado kadib, waxa uu ku kordhiyey Qur’aankii maaddooyin kale sida Xisaabta, iyo fasalo luuqadda ah. Waxa uu bilaabay in uu carruurta yar yar wax ugu dhigo geed hoostii, kadib na waxa uu dhisay masaajid iyo dhisme yar. Dugsigani waxa uu ahaa kii ugu horeeyay ee laga bilaabo deegaankiisa. Sannadkii 2005-tii, waxa Gawsaweyne soo booqday Wasiirkii Waxbarashada. Dugsigu waxa arday ka ahaa wakhtigaasi 70 arday. Waxa wasiirka la yaab ku noqotay dugsiga iyo dedaalka la geliyey in wax la baro ardaydaasi. Sidaa waxa uu ku go’aansaday in uu iskuulka Gawsaweyne ka dhigo iskuul dawli ah. Sannadkii 2003-dii, Xuseen waxa uu dhamaystay tababar macalinnimada ah oo ay bixisay Wasaaradda Waxbarashadu. Dib-udhiska dugsigaasi waxa uu bilowday sannaddii 2009-kii markaasi oo la dhisay labadii fasal ee ugu horeeyay. Waxa intaa ka danbeeyay 3 fasal oo kale iyo xafiis oo la dhisay sannadkii 2018-kii. Dugsiga Xuseen waxa uu soo saaray 10 dufcaddood oo qaarkood imika wax ka dhigaan dugsiga Gawsaweyne.

Xasan Maxamed Heebaan

Xasan Maxamed Heebaan waa maamulaha dugsiga saree e Aadan Isaaq. Dugsiga saree Aadan Isaaq waa dugsiga ugu weyn, uguna ardayda badan dugsiyada Boorama. Waa dugsi tusaale u ah dhamaanba dugsiyada gobolka Awdal, iyo guud ahaan ba Somaliland. Muddane Heebaan waxa uu ka shaqaynayey dugsigaasi ilaa iyo 2016-kii, oo uu ahaa maamulaha dugsiga. Muddadaasi, Maamule Heebaan waxa uu ku guuleystay in uu wax weyn ka bedello dugsigaasi. Waxa uu amaah usoo qaatay si uu ugu dhiso rug baadhista sayniska ah ( science lab). Laakiin markii uu yimid COVID-19 ku, dugsigii waa uu xidhmay, macalimiintii iyo maamulkiina waxa ay noqdeen bilaa mushaharro. Xasan waxa uu awoodi waayay in uu bixiyo amaahdii, waxa na uu go’aansaday in uu iibiyo gaadhigiisii si uu ugu bixiyo deynta. Hadda, Dugsiga Aadan Isaaq waxa uu leeyahay rug baadhis oo casriya, waana ka ugu wanaagsan ee ku yaala Boorama. Sidoo kale, waxa uu u dhisay qol-nasasho u gaar ah hablaha, waxa uu ku beeray dhir badan dugsiga. Xasan waxa uu sameeyay horumarin dhanka tayada waxbarashada dugsiga, isagoo sidoo kalena hirgeliyay deegaan bedqab leh oo ku habboon waxbarasho. Muddane Heebaan waxa uu haystaa laba shahaado oo heerka labaad ah, mid uu ku haysto maamulka manaahiijta, iyo Barista, shahaadada labaad oo uu ku diyaariyey Cilmibaadhista iyo Lafagurista Xogaha, oo uu ka qaatay Jaamacadda Cammuud ee Boorama. Muddane Heebaan waxa uu sidoo kale barre sare ka yahay Jaamacaddaha Cammuud, Eelo, iyo TimaCadde.

Dr. Gudoon Aadan Cabdi

Dr. Gudoon waxa ay ku dhalatay xero qaxooti oo ku taala waddanka Itoobiya, waxa na ay ku soo barbaartay Somaliland. Tacliinteeddii hoose waxa ay kusoo qaadatay Dugsiga Sheekh Madar sanaddii 1994. Dr. Gudoon waxa ay ku dhamaysatay waxbarashadeedii sare Dugsiyada Faarax Oomaar iyo Ileys. Iyadu waa dhakhtarad ku haysata shahaadada Diploma ee heerka labaad, cilmiga cudurrada haweenka, dhalmada iyo bedqabka dhalaanka. Dr. Gudoon waa dhakhtarada keliya ee ka hawlgasha labada waxood ee ugu mashquulka badan; waaxda cudurrada haweenka/dhalmada, iyo waaxda daryeelka gaarka ah ee umusha. Dr. Gudoon waxa ay door weyn ka qaadatay dhismaha Rugta daryeelka caafimaadka ee Biyoshiinaha, iyadoo si iskeed ah ugu adeegaysay goobaha aan lahayn addeegyo caafimaad. Dr. Gudoon waxa ay imika rejaynaysaa in ay si mutadawacnimo ah uga shaqayso, qayb ahaan wakhtigeeda, cisbitaalka Salaxlley. Iyadu waa ay u han weyn tahay shaqada ay u hayso hooyooyinka la tacaalaya noloshooda iyo ta dhallaankooda. Mar walba waxa ay shaqaysaa saacado dheeri ah, mar walbana waa ay dhiirigelisaa bukaankeeda. Dr Gudoon waa kormeere caafimaad, barre jaamacaddeed, dhiirigeliye nololeed, iyo xubin ka mid ah Guddida Qaran ee Midaynta Manhajka Dugsiyadda Caafimaadka. Waxa ay dhiirigelisay in badan oo ka mid ah mihnadleyaasha caafimaadka ee gobolada kala duwan ee Somaliland. Dr. Gudoon waxa ay sidoo kale shahaadooyin tababarro ku haysataa Bedqabka Taranka iyo Qaangaadhka, iyadoo ku tababartay ka hortegga u gudbinta xannuunka AIDS ka iyo qorsheynta qoyska, in badan oo ka mid ah mihnadleyaasha caafimaadka tobankii sanno ee u danbeeyay. Dr. Gudoon waxa ay sidoo kale shahaadada Diploma ku haysataa hogaaminta iyo maamulka ee caafimaadka. Waxa ay soo qabatay xilka Maamulihii ugu horeeyay ee Guddiga Qaran ee Mihnadleyaasha Caafimaadka. Ugu danbeyntii, Dr. Gudoon waa xaas iyo hooyo dhashay 6 caruur ah.

Siciid Axmed Xasan

Dr Siciid Axmed Xasan waxa uu ku dhashay magaalada Hargeisa sannaddii 1987 kii. Qoyskiisu waxa ay u guureen magaalada Laas Caanood sannadkii 1991-kii kadib dagaalkii sokeeye. Waxbarashada dugsigiisii hoose iyo malcaamadda waxa uu ku qaatay magaalada Laascaanood ilaa uu ka gaadhayey waxbarashada marxalladda dhexe. Kadib, waxa ay isaga iyo qoyskiisu usoo wareegeen magaalada Hargeysa, halkaasi oo uu ku dhamaystay waxbarashadiisii dugsiga sare. Siciid waxa uu markii danbe u guuray waddanka Yukraayn oo uu ku diyaariyey shahaadadiisii heerka koowaad ee jaamacadda oo uu bartay Caafimaadka Guud iyo Qaliinka. Sannadii 2014-kii, Siciid waxa uu kusoo laabtay magaalada Hargeysa, isagoo si mutadawacnimo ah uga shaqa bilaabay Cisbitaalka Guud ee Laascaanood. Siciid waxa uu ka shaqeeyey cisbitaalkaasi muddo 9 sanno ah. Wakhtigaasi, cisbitaalka waxa uu ku jiray xaalado aad u adag. Dr. Siciid waxa uu ka mid ahaa dhakhaatiirtii aan marnaba ka rejo dhigin cisbitaalka. Waxa uu u hanneeyay wakhtigiisii iyo aqoontiisii. Waxa uu bilaabay in qalliinnada ku sameeyo iyadoo hayntuna yar tahay. Dr Siciid waa dhakhtar furfuran oo bulshaawi ah, mar walbana dhexgal la sameeya bukaannadiisa. Waxa uu wakhti fiican siiyaa iyaga, isagoo dhugmo wanaagsan u yeesha marka ay warbixintooda la wadaagayaan. Waa dhakhtar aad u deggan, furfuran, isla markaana isdhul-dhig ku suntan. Dr. Siciid waxa uu sumcad weyn ku leeyahay bushada gobolka Sool dhexdooda. Dr. Siciid waxa uu kusoo biiray Cisbitaalka Laascaanood sannadkii 2014-kii, oo ahayd wakhtigii uu qaatay shahaadadiisa jaamacadda ee caafimaadka iyo qalliinka. Waxa uu deeq-ururrin u sameeyay cisbitaalka si uu u taageero, isagoo ururriyey lacag ka timid dhinaca dowladda iyo qurbojoogta. Waxa ay cisbitaalkii u habeeyaan si aad yar aad yar ah, maantana, Cisbitaalka Laascaanood, waxa uu bixiyaa adeeg caafimaad oo wanaagsan. Dr. Siciid waxa uu sameeyaa qalliinada qaybta dhalmada. Sidoo kale, waxa uu barre sare ka yahay Jaamacadda Nugaal ilaa iyo 2014-kii.

Faysa Xuseen Kaahin

Faysa Xuseen waxa ay ku dhalatay magaalada Hargeysa sannadii 1960-kii. Waxa ay wax ku baratay dugsiga hoose ee Boorama, sannadkii 1967-kii. Faysa waxa ay u wareegtay magaalada Burco sannadkii 1969-kii, iyadoo sii wadatay waxbarashadeedii dugsiga hablaha ee shacabka. Waxa ay ka mid ahayd ardaydii dhamaysatay laba sannadood oo koorsada tababarka macalimiinta ee Kuliyaddii Noofa Soomaali. Waxa ay qayb ka noqotay ololihii horumarinta Afsoomaaliga oo ay kaga qayb qaadatay deegaanka Adhi-moog ee Afgooye. Faysa waxa ay kaga soo shaqaysay macalinnimo dugsigii Jeneraal Daa-uud, dugsigii Siyaad, rugtii booliska ee Faarax Oomaar. Waxa ay sidoo kale wax ka dhigtay rugtii booliska ee Burco muddo laba sannadood ah. Faysa waxa looga yaqaanaa Burco “Hooyada Tacliinta’. Waxa ay barre ahayd muddo ka badan 40 sannadood, iyadoo saamayn ku yeelatay nolosha arday badan. Faysa sida caadiga ah waa qofka ugu horreeya ee yimaada dugsiga, iyo ka ugu danbeeya ee ka taga. Waxa ay daryeel gaar ah siisaa hablaha yar yar ee dugsiga wax ka barta. Faysa waxa ay sidoo kale bixisaa xiisado bilaash ah xilliyada galabtii, iyadoo siisa dumarka waaweyn kuwaasi oo aan soo marin waxbarasho toos ah. Hadda, waxa ay wax ka dhigtaa dugsiga hoose ee Maxamed Cali. Faysa waxa ay ka taageertaa waxbarashada hablaha barnaamij sanduuq-sadaqo oo ay leedahay. Lacagta laga ururriyo sanduuqan waxa toos loogu taageeraa hablaha si ay u sii wataan waxbarashada oo ay iskaga bixiyaan lacagta waxbarashada.



Goodman Sibongeleni Mkhize

Goodman Sibongeleni Mkhize is an accounting teacher in the small town of Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal. During 10 years of service, Mkhize has used his platform to support learners beyond his classroom by providing accounting lessons. “I just want to change the life of hopelessness and make sure that the African child is empowered. I make sure that they understand and are removed from their background of poverty,” he says. He was appointed as a lead educator to help other schools with accounting and forms part of a team that compiles Just-In-Time (JIT) guidance documents provided to all teachers in the province. Mkhize is also coaching talented learners in sports, which saw him appointed as Deputy Secretary for the Pinetown District Football Committee. His learners have achieved excellent results and numerous accolades thanks to his commitment and dedication to the teaching profession.

Dr Anna Cross

Dr Anna Cross is a Clinical Medical Practitioner at Masiphumelele Clinic in the city of Cape Town. Dr Anna – as her patients call her – goes out of her way to ensure all her patients receive the best medical care when they visit Masiphumelele Clinic. She has put efficient systems in place to ensure the clinic’s smooth running. For example, she has improved the referral services available to patients through an efficient mobile app. “It’s such a privilege to be a doctor. People trust you, and they tell you things that they’ve never come to other people about. To be in that position and to be able to help people like that, I get such a sense of fulfilment,” she says. She has also set up a Facebook community page to inform community members about various services and government information, and also answer health-related questions.

Desiree Sehlapelo

Desiree Sehlapelo is the Planning and Economic Development Manager in Modimolle in the Waterberg District, Limpopo.  As a public servant with 22 years of service under her belt, Sehlapelo has prioritized the restoring of public trust in government services. She goes out of her way to model excellent service, including sourcing funding to drive government projects that benefit the community – sometimes even offering her own personal assets to help. Her focus on delivery motivates her to go above and beyond. “This is our country and we need to sort it out together as a collective. What inspires me is seeing people develop, progress, and projects prosper and, in a small way, my contribution to society for a better South Africa in a better world,” she says. She is always eager to learn from others, is development-oriented, and takes personal responsibility. Desiree is also driven by a strong desire to make a difference.

Bongani Eric

Bongani Eric Siyona is a dedicated Warrant Officer at the KwaZakhele Police Station in Gqeberha in the Eastern Cape. To him, integrity means upholding the rule of law outlined in the South African constitution and being transparent in all he does. “I chose this profession because I wanted to serve the community with integrity so that people can trust in us as a public service. I want to transform people’s mindsets about us as the South African police service,” he says. He continues to embed the “Batho Pele” (People First) principles in his work, implementing inclusive policies and ensuring that young police officers are supported to uphold values of integrity. In his work with young people in the Zwide area, he established a partnership with local stakeholders, forming Kwazakhele Social Crime Prevention. He has also assisted young people with acquiring their learner’s and driver’s licenses. Officer Siyona  also works closely with a nonprofit organization, Ubuntu, which has donated 200 food parcels to patrollers in the area.

Adell Lebabo

Adell Lebabo is a foundation phase teacher at Moremogolo Primary School in Phokeng, North West. Through her initiative, “Adopt a Learner,” she is helping underserved learners with their education needs and has made it her mission to ensure that no child is left behind because of poverty. “I’ve always known that my purpose is to inspire and make a difference in other people’s lives. I come from a really poor background, which inspired me to make a difference in people’s lives. I don’t want any child to go through what I went through growing up,” she says. Adell adheres to the “Batho Pele” (People First) principles when connecting with various groups, including her learners. She imparts the principles and values she treasures to her learners, teaching them to uphold principles like ‘motho ke motho ka batho” (a person is a person because of other people). Every year, she supports students from difficult backgrounds who are leaving primary school to settle into their new high schools.  Her passion for teaching inspired her to create a YouTube channel she uses to teach the Setswana language.


Joyce Buthelezi

Joyce Buthelezi is a primary school teacher in the small town of Richmond, KwaZulu-Natal. With over 15 years in service Ms. Buthelezi has been a true source of light and compassion to her students, co-workers and community. As a counsellor to the young learners, she has been able to create a safe space for them in a time where bullying and the difficult challenges of their home lives had proved too tumultuous for the young people in her care. For the community she has cultivated conversations on being environmentally conscious by spearheading a recycling initiative in the area, planting vegetable gardens and distributing that to learners and families that are less fortunate. Due to the unrest and riots that engulfed parts of our country, a number of parents in the community lost their jobs, subsequent to that Ms. Buthelezi arranged with the Department of Social Development to deliver food parcels to the children’s households to facilitate stability and food security which impacts so much on their learning outcomes. As an extension of her work to give vulnerable young people and their families the best shot at a better life, she actively advocates for promising learners to access funding to study further and have access to better opportunities and outcomes. For learners who may not have a familial infrastructure to help with the school work, she stays longer at school to help them with homework or test preparations. ‘Integrity means to be unwavering in my beliefs no matter the situation.’

Carmelita Kok

Sr Carmelita Kok is a beloved nurse in the community of Fish Hoek, on the False Bay side of the Cape Peninsula. Sr Kok is described as a benevolent healthcare worker, thoroughly dedicated to her craft. She has been in service for 25 years. Throughout her career she has demonstrated extraordinary kindness to her patients and co-workers alike. In the event of her patients missing any of their appointments, she is known to call them to find out where they are or alternatively, physically go find them and bring them back to the clinic. This is especially significant as some of these patients are unsheltered and displaced persons. This illustrates the depth of the relationships she has built with her patients and her steadfast commitment to her work. With the new electronic system to book appointments that was rolled out across clinics, the new innovation presented a challenge to implement at the clinic as there is a limited number of computers but as a result, Sr Kok takes initiative to use her own personal device at her own expense to facilitate access to the booking system so that no patient is left behind. Even though the system facilitates the smoother operation of the clinic and sends automated SMSs to remind patients of their appointments, for the patients without ready access, it takes Sr Kok’s efforts to ensure that they receive the care that they need. She has a genuine desire to help all her patients to the absolute best of her ability, and always puts their needs as her top priority. ‘Integrity is doing the right thing whether or not someone is watching. In the workplace, employees that act with Integrity will always tell the truth, are accountable and treat co-workers, stakeholders and clients with respect.’

Kavita Makan and Ziyaad Dangor

Both because of its size - being the third largest hospital in the world - as well as a teaching hospital, Bara is an immensely challenging environment to work within to deliver consistent quality of care to all patients. Because of the legacy of apartheid spatial planning and structural inequality in the distribution of resources, Bara is an over-burdened and considerably under-resourced hospital. However, through the commitment of all of its staff - from cleaners, porters and administrators to nurses, surgeons and clinicians, the hospital still punches above its weight to bring dedicated and quality services to all of its patients leading cutting edge treatment protocols and innovating solutions complex problems faced by health-facilities in low-resource contexts in South Africa and beyond. Collaboration is fundamental to making this hospital work and excel as it does - and in spite of its many challenges. And this is among the reasons why, this year, we have made the award to not one but two doctors from the hospital. Each is a fitting Integrity Icon in their own right, but they have had a particular impact on the Covid-19 response and recovery plan of the hospital, patient care, health worker safeguarding and the national health worker vaccination roll-out plan. Together they are a clear example of how accountability, innovation and going the extra mile is not work that can be done by any individual. They demonstrate how delivering the highest quality of care in a global pandemic requires and is enhanced by inter-disciplinary collaboration and intentional team-work. They show us how through professionalism and thinking intentionally about the why of their work can deliver enhanced access to services equitably in spite of immense and unforeseeable circumstances, as our public health system has experienced under the pandemic. Dr. Kavita Makan works as a rheumatologist at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (Bara) in Soweto, Johannesburg. In addition to her contribution in her specialist field, her contribution towards the treatment and management of the Covid-19 pandemic has been immense for both the hospital and her patients. During the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, treatment options were limited mainly to supportive measures as well as ventilatory support available to patients. Dr Makan committed to searching for more effective treatment protocols in aiding and assisting her patients as the hospital braced itself for each wave of the Covid pandemic. Dr Makan was able to procure fairly “novel” therapies in the treatment of Covid as she secured a number of treatment doses of tocilizumab to be administered to patients who might otherwise have gone on to have severe and debilitating disease. This was a major breakthrough for the face of treatment in Covid-19 disease at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic and a prime example of how Dr Makan stops at nothing to provide world class treatment to her patients. Professor Ziyaad Dangor is a paediatric pulmonologist from the suburb of Lenasia in the south of Johannesburg. He works with children and their families at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (Bara) to treat and improve the respiratory health diseases experienced by young people. Working in one of the most challenging institutional environments in South Africa, Prof. Dangor rises to the occasion with passion, dedication and a solutions-driven attitude to provide excellent patient-care and service delivery. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic he was appointed to head the Covid-19 paediatric response team, and in doing so played a part in developing a model in which the vaccine roll-out program for healthcare workers would be implemented at the hospital. Through his intervention, and working with a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, Prof Dangor’s mass vaccination campaign for health workers was so robust and attuned to the various challenges experienced across the public health system, it framed the standard model for getting health workers in South Africa vaccinated. More than a clinician and a researcher, Prof. Dangor also teaches undergraduate and post-graduate students at the University of the Witwatersrand where he emphasises the values of humility, engagement and collaboration to his students. He is currently developing an open-access online undergraduate paediatric educational program that will be made available to healthcare professionals working in resource limited settings. Professor Dangor goes about his daily responsibilities with great pride, bringing hope to both the patients and his fellow medical practitioners. In an environment that is considerably under-resourced, harbouring its own set of unique challenges, he continues to be solution based.

Mncedi Mtengwana

Mr. Mncedi Mtengwana is a Principal at Solomon Mahlangu High School in the bustling community of Uitenhage in East London. Even while the town has been overwhelmed by the problems of poverty and substance abuse, Principal Mtengwana works to ensure that the school grounds are a safe space for learners and their educators. Through his leadership approach, which promotes high morale and good discipline, Mr Mtengwana has not only improved the conditions for improved teaching and learning at Solomon Mahlangu High School, but has also identified ways to improve the well-being and pride of the larger community. In the last three years alone, Solomon Mahlangu High School has been awarded numerous prizes and accolades, and has maintained the no.1 position in the district in its matric pass rate. In order to combat substance abuse in the community, Principal Mtengwana championed the school being among the few schools to successfully implement the one social worker, one nurse, and one police officer program to combat drug use and violence, while addressing the psychosocial, medical and safety and security needs of the school community. Principal Mtengwana has played a key role in helping a number of parents develop an agricultural program in which their own vegetables are grown and sold to the school as a supplier and the surrounding communities. As a result, some have built their own companies and have stretched their reach to other schools. ‘To me the term “integrity” is a title for important values such as respect, honesty, humility, forgiveness, and appreciation.’

Vuyokazi Nkevu Langbooi

Vuyokazi Langbooi is a social worker in the township of Ibhayi in the Eastern Cape. Over the 7 years she has worked with the community, she has exemplified multiple facets of selflessness, conviction and commitment not only to her work but the upliftment of her community. Following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the emergency lockdown regulations and protocols which followed had considerable implications for unsheltered and displaced people in her district. Vuyokazi led the team that provided shelter, food, health and other social services for a dignified life. This work began as an unfunded mandate within the Department of Social Development, but in the face of the immense need, Vuokazi took the initiative to approach various NGOs, government departments and other social partners to donate blankets, food parcels, water and other goods and services to support the relief effort. In the first few months of the Daku homeless shelter being established, Vuyokazi would spend her weekends meeting with and listening to the needs of residents. In the difficult months that followed, she was able to convene dialogues with residents to facilitate community healing and counselling. Through these safe spaces, she was able to get unsheltered children enrolled into local schools, support foreign nationals who needed it registered for asylum with the Department of Home Affairs, and locate and reintegrate many of the residents with their families and social support networks. ‘Integrity is about going above and beyond the call of duty. Respecting the people you work with and most of all it is about servanthood.’


Unathi Samora Filita

Unathi Samora Filita is a Social Worker at the Department of Social Development in Port Elizabeth South Africa, assigned under the Non-Profit Organisations (NPO) cluster for special projects. He is responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects funded by the department as well as assisting new projects with registration and capacity building. As an official serving under the NPO cluster , Unathi often goes out of his way to support the community at large. He organised different organisations dealing with HIV/AIDS, substance abuse and sex workers to form one umbrella organsiation operating as a ‘one stop shop’ for services needed by the community. He believes it is his responsibility as a social worker to look out for the needs of the community discounting no one. He is actively involved in community building initiatives - this year he was also a part of the delegation that established the Victim Empowerment Programme Forum that advocates for the rights of gender-based violence victims.

Dr. Sarah Dlamini

Dr Sarah Dlamini is a Paediatric Registrar based in KwaZulu-Natal and rotating between hospitals in the province. Dr. Dlamini decided to fulfil her desire to help people in need by becoming a doctor and serving in public healthcare in order to afford the most vulnerable people access to proper care. She tirelessly works absurd hours that are expected of doctors whilst maintaining compassion and humanity. Dr Dlamini gives the best of herself each day because she understands the struggles he patients have to endure in order to make it to the hospital. Without getting a pad on the back herself, Dr Dlamini ensures to always give a pad on the back to her patients for their care and perseverance. Dr Dlamini understands that working as a public servant presents numerous challenges. She is always wearing a smile on her face whilst attending to her patience. Standing as the voice of hope for her patients, she is working hard to bring integrity and trust back in the public healthcare system, with little expectations for herself. She started her blog where she writes about her challenges as a public healthcare professional and how she is dealing with them. Unknowing to her, she now has many followers who also use the platform to share their stories and the impact the blog is having in their lives.

Dr Sadna Balton

Dr Sadna Balton is Head of Speech Therapy & Audiology Unit at Joburg’s Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital. She started working at the Speech Therapy & Audiology department straight after graduating at the university of Witwatersrand (Wits), where she’s been serving for 29 years. To Dr Balton, healthcare is an essential part of everyday life. It is about getting people back to work, getting children back to school and with the little ones, identifying difficulties early. She believes integrity is connected to passion and purpose. She is passionate about social justice, people centred care and developing people - therefore this is her purpose - and staying true to her purpose allows her to serve with integrity. Described as a dedicated servant that stands firm by her morals and what she believes in, Dr Balton believes that as a public servant it is her responsibility to serve as a change agent, to change people’s perceptions about how they see public servants and their experiences. As head of Speech Therapy & Audiology, she leads a diverse team of clinicians and she believes in the importance of being culturally and linguistically congruent. She is actively involved in leading transformational change at the hospital involving both hospital staff and patients.

Constance Moitse

Constance Moitse is Director of Investigation (Internal Hotline) for Counter Corruption at the Department of the Home Affairs. To Constance, integrity means doing the right thing without compromising and servicing people with diligence. As a public servant, Ntuli is no stranger to corruption. In her department, they are continuously confronted with instances of corruption and because of her principled approach and integrity towards her work, Ntuli not only has a zero tolerance policy to corruption but has also imparted the same values to her team. Moitse believes that it is important to stay true to your values as those become your guide with the decisions you have to make. Working in law enforcement, means trying to stay true and encouraging others. Whenever faced with undesirable circumstances in her work, she always remembers her “why” - and that is to serve the community. Working with integrity and good governance is about giving your best and being accountable to yourself without expecting anything in return. The work she does at Home Affairs is about investigations of fraud and corruption cases, assisting the department with integrity, and handling cases received from the national anti-corruption hotline. She always goes above and beyond for every case she is handling.

Zodwa Ntuli

ZodwaNtuli is Commissioner in charge of the B-BBEE Commission at the Department of Trade Industry and Competition based in Pretoria. Zodwa is a firm advocate for transparency and honesty in her department. Regardless of numerous unethical requests she receives, she applies a firm hand in dealing with such occurrences - further imparting the same values and principles to her team and people around her. She believes integrity means what her grandmother used to say, “You should not be bothered by what people say about you but you should always consider what people will say if you do this.” She is actively applying this in her approach to her work and life without fail. To “Integrity is about those principles that are on-negotiable” she says. As a public servant, she believes that it is an obligation to ensure that the public has confidence in them. To her colleagues, Zodwa pushes for Batho Pele principles (put people first), implements the legislation with limited resource diligently so. She is described as an innovator who always finds creative ways to address challenges faced by her department. She believes that lack of resources in government is an opportunity for innovation to take place.


Gugu Mlotshwa

Gugu Mlotshwa is a Community Health Facilitator based in Eshowe in KwaZulu-Natal. She works at the Eshowe District Hospital where she ensures that the community receives access to different health care systems available to them. She is driven by a desire to serve the people around her, especially those in remote areas. Gugu is part of Operation Sukuma Sakhe – an inter-departmental group which works collaboratively to resolve challenges raised by the communities she serves. She leads a team of 98 Community Care Givers, who work in the community to provide people with access to health care services.

Sakhile Nkosi

Sakhile Nkosi is a clinical audiologist in Lydenburg Hospital in Mpumalanga. He was inspired to become an audiologist after growing up and seeing firsthand how isolated a deaf member of his community was. When Sakhile arrived at Lydenburg Hospital in 2017 as a community service intern, he did not have a supervisor. A big part of his commitment to the public service is to ensure that incoming community service student interns are well trained and have someone they can learn from and be accountable to. He works hard to provide care to patients who come from all around Mpumalanga for his services.

Moshalagae Malatji

Moshalagae Malatji works in the Limpopo Department of Education as the head of the province’s Library and Information Services division. She started working in the public service as a mathematics teacher at Makgofe High School and went on to become the school’s principal. Later, she was seconded to the Lebowakgomo circuit where she worked closely with school principals in the district. In her current role, Moshalagae ensures that schools that have libraries are well-stocked, and works to improve the condition of libraries. Her mission as a public servant is to improve literacy and reading for meaning, and to support schools to use libraries in addition to their teaching and learning.

Helimamy Moeng

Helimamy Moeng is the Manager of Pharmaceutical Services at the Southern Western Sub-Structure in the Western Cape. She always knew she wanted to work in the health care system, and when the time came, chose to train as a pharmacist. Helimamy started working as a public servant in Gugulethu Clinic, delivering much needed ARV and ART treatment to HIV positive patients. She now oversees the distribution of medication around the South Western Districts of the province. Helimamy is motivated in her work in the public service by ensuring that people have continued access to medication, and is passionate about staff development in the pharmaceutical services.

Clinton Odayar

Clinton Odayar is a police officer who currently works as a K9 Search and Rescue Officer at the Umhlali K9 Unit. He is motivated by a need to give families and loved ones closure when someone goes missing. He does this with the help of his canine companion, Dante. Together, they have been instrumental in finding many people who have gone missing in the area. Clinton supports neighbouring police stations and private health care services to give everyone missing a loved one closure. Additionally, he does safety awareness talks at schools and hosts anti-drug and anti-bullying workshops.


Natascha Meisler

Natascha Meisler is an educator at PT Combined School in the Free State. She works as a special needs teacher, working closely with learners with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome. She implements the curriculum by using innovative teaching and learning approaches for entrepreneurship and life orientation skills. Natascha’s care extends beyond the classroom as she continues to develop out of class learning experiences such as leading the development of a skate park built from recyclable materials.

Deon Easu and Jocelin Flank

Deon Easu and Jocelin Flank are Firefighters and EMS responders at the Florida Fire Station in Johannesburg. Together they have initiated the South African Fire Youth Academy to develop the next generation of EMS responders. Currently the Academy engages more than 100 young people on a weekly basis. The Academy has remained a pillar in the community for the past ten years and continues to role model ethical servant leadership within the public service.

Elizabeth Mkhondo

Elizabeth Mkhondo is a nurse at Stanza Bopape Community Care Centre in Mamelodi, Tshwane. She serves in the facility’s TB unit and is unrelenting in her care towards all her patients. Elizabeth, in her colleagues’ words, is the facility’s preferred nurse of care as she models the Public Servants Batho Pele principles. Stanza sees some of the highest drug-resistant TB cases in the country and Elizabeth ensures that her patients receive consistent and where necessary home-based treatment.

Dr. Mirja Delport 

Mirja Delport is a doctor at the Oudtshoorn District Hospital. Her personal experience of the public healthcare challenges inspires her to ensure that patients are directed to the correct health care access points to facilitate timely treatment. Dr. Delport also works at local community-based clinics in Dysseldorp in the Western Cape. “Integrity, for me, is following up on all my patients and not letting one slip through the cracks, she says. “It is advocating for their care when they are not able to and it is a commitment to doing right.”

Captain Vinny Pillay

Vinny Pillay is a police officer at the Umhlali Police Station in Kwa-Zulu Natal. Described as a pillar of his community, he engages the youth by facilitating workshops in local schools. In his role of Captain, he often goes beyond the scope of his duties by attending to the broader socio-economic needs of the residents in Umhlali. He shares “My work as a police officer is a lifelong calling to continue to safeguard communities in South Africa. Integrity is fairness and working to bring about justice and protection to those we serve.”



Nishari Anurudhdhika De Silva

Meet the Integrity Icons of 2021. The Grama Niladhari officer of Dambhaduraya,Seeduwa C.Nishari Anurudhdhika De Silva. Integrity Icons were felicitated for Standing against corruption and going above an beyond the call of duty in their efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19 in Sri Lanka. 2021 වසරේ සුපිළිපන් ප්‍රණාමලාභින් ව හඳුනා ගනිමු. දඹදුරය, සීදුව ග්‍රාම නිලධාරිනි සී. නිෂාරි අනුරුද්ධිකා ද සිල්වා දූෂණයට එරෙහි ව නැගී සිටීම සහ සිය රාජකාරී මට්ටමෙන් ඔබ්බට ගොස් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ කෝවිඩ් 19 ව්‍යාප්තිය මැඩලීමට ගත් ප්‍රයත්න වෙනුවෙන් සුපිළිපන් ප්‍රණාමලාභින් හට උපහාර පිරිනැමිණි. 2021ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கான இன்டகிரிட்டி ஐக்கன் (நேர்மைக்கு மகுடம்) வெற்றியாளர்களை அடையாளம் காண்போம். சீதுவ தம்பதுர கிராமப்பிரிவின் கிராம உத்தியோகத்தரான C. நிஷாரி அனுருத்திகா டி சில்வா அவர்கள் இலங்கையில் ஊழலுக்கு எதிராகவும் கோவிட்-19 தொற்றுப் பரவலைக் கட்டுப்படுத்தவும் தமது உரிய கடமைகளுக்கு மேலதிகமாக அர்ப்பணிப்புடன் சேவையாற்றியதற்காக கெளரவிக்கப்பட்டார்.

Nimmi Jayasekara

Meet the finalists of Integrity Icon of 2021. Infection Control Nursing Officer attached to the District General Hospital of Embilpitiya, Nimmi Jayasekara. Integrity Icons were felicitated for Standing against corruption and going above an beyond the call of duty in their efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19 in Sri Lanka. 2021 වසරේ සුපිළිපන් ප්‍රණාමලාභින් ව හඳුනා ගනිමු. නිම්මි ජයසේකර ආසාදන පාලන හෙද නිලධාරිනී - දිස්ත්‍රික් මහා රෝහල, ඇඹිලිපිටිය දූෂණයට එරෙහි ව නැගී සිටීම සහ සිය රාජකාරී මට්ටමෙන් ඔබ්බට ගොස් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ කෝවිඩ් 19 ව්‍යාප්තිය මැඩලීමට ගත් ප්‍රයත්න වෙනුවෙන් සුපිළිපන් ප්‍රණාමලාභින් හට උපහාර පිරිනැමිණි. 2021ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கான இன்டகிரிட்டி ஐக்கன் (நேர்மைக்கு மகுடம்) வெற்றியாளர்களை அடையாளம் காண்போம். எம்பிலிபிட்டிய மாவட்ட பொது வைத்தியசாலையின் தொற்றுத் தடுப்புப்பிரிவு தாதி உத்தியோகத்தரான நிம்மி ஜயசேகர அவர்கள் இலங்கையில் ஊழலுக்கு எதிராகவும் கோவிட்-19 தொற்றுப் பரவலைக் கட்டுப்படுத்தவும் தமது உரிய கடமைகளுக்கு மேலதிகமாக அர்ப்பணிப்புடன் சேவையாற்றியதற்காக கெளரவிக்கப்பட்டார்.

Dr. Hasitha Attanayake

Meet the finalists of Integrity Icon of 2021. Director of the IDH hospital, Dr. Hasitha Attanayake. Integrity Icons were felicitated for Standing against corruption and going above an beyond the call of duty in their efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19 in Sri Lanka. 2021 වසරේ සුපිළිපන් ප්‍රණාමලාභින් ව හඳුනා ගනිමු. වෛද්‍ය හසිත අත්තනායක අධ්‍යක්ෂ - ජාතික බෝවන රෝග විද්‍යායතනය දූෂණයට එරෙහි ව නැගී සිටීම සහ සිය රාජකාරී මට්ටමෙන් ඔබ්බට ගොස් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ කෝවිඩ් 19 ව්‍යාප්තිය මැඩලීමට ගත් ප්‍රයත්න වෙනුවෙන් සුපිළිපන් ප්‍රණාමලාභින් හට උපහාර පිරිනැමිණි. 2021ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கான இன்டகிரிட்டி ஐக்கன் (நேர்மைக்கு மகுடம்) வெற்றியாளர்களை அடையாளம் காண்போம். தேசிய தொற்று நோயியல் நிறுவனத்தின் (IDH) பணிப்பாளரான Dr. ஹசித அத்தநாயக்க அவர்கள் இலங்கையில் ஊழலுக்கு எதிராகவும் கோவிட்-19 தொற்றுப் பரவலைக் கட்டுப்படுத்தவும் தமது உரிய கடமைகளுக்கு மேலதிகமாக அர்ப்பணிப்புடன் சேவையாற்றியதற்காக கெளரவிக்கப்பட்டார்.


Meet the finalists of Integrity Icon of 2021. An ambulance driver attached to the Divisional Hospital of Batapola, K.G.Geethananda Integrity Icons were felicitated for Standing against corruption and going above an beyond the call of duty in their efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19 in Sri Lanka. 2021 වසරේ සුපිළිපන් ප්‍රණාමලාභින් ව හඳුනා ගනිමු. කේ. ජී. ගීතානන්ද ගිලන් රථ රියදුරු - දිසා රෝහල බටපොල දූෂණයට එරෙහි ව නැගී සිටීම සහ සිය රාජකාරී මට්ටමෙන් ඔබ්බට ගොස් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ කෝවිඩ් 19 ව්‍යාප්තිය මැඩලීමට ගත් ප්‍රයත්න වෙනුවෙන් සුපිළිපන් ප්‍රණාමලාභින් හට උපහාර පිරිනැමිණි. 2021ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கான இன்டகிரிட்டி ஐக்கன் (நேர்மைக்கு மகுடம்) வெற்றியாளர்களை அடையாளம் காண்போம். படபொல பிரதேச வைத்தியசாலையின் ஆம்புலன்ஸ் சாரதியான K.G கீதானந்த அவர்கள் இலங்கையில் ஊழலுக்கு எதிராகவும் கோவிட்-19 தொற்றுப் பரவலைக் கட்டுப்படுத்தவும் தமது உரிய கடமைகளுக்கு மேலதிகமாக அர்ப்பணிப்புடன் சேவையாற்றியதற்காக கெளரவிக்கப்பட்டார்.

Shanmugaraja Shivasri

Meet the finalists of Integrity Icon of 2021. The Divisional Secretary of Thellippalai, Shanmugaraja Shivasri. Integrity Icons were felicitated for Standing against corruption and going above an beyond the call of duty in their efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19 in Sri Lanka. 2021ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கான இன்டகிரிட்டி ஐக்கன் (நேர்மைக்கு மகுடம்) வெற்றியாளர்களை அடையாளம் காண்போம். யாழ் தெல்லிப்பளை பிரதேச செயலகத்தின் செயலாளரான சண்முகராஜா சிவஸ்ரீ அவர்கள் இலங்கையில் ஊழலுக்கு எதிராகவும் கோவிட்-19 தொற்றுப் பரவலைக் கட்டுப்படுத்தவும் தமது உரிய கடமைகளுக்கு மேலதிகமாக அர்ப்பணிப்புடன் சேவையாற்றியதற்காக கெளரவிக்கப்பட்டார். 2021 වසරේ සුපිළිපන් ප්‍රණාමලාභින් ව හඳුනා ගනිමු. ශන්මුගරාජා ශිවශ්‍රී ප්‍රාදේශීය ලේකම් - තෙල්ලිපල්ලෙයි දූෂණයට එරෙහි ව නැගී සිටීම සහ සිය රාජකාරී මට්ටමෙන් ඔබ්බට ගොස් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ කෝවිඩ් 19 ව්‍යාප්තිය මැඩලීමට ගත් ප්‍රයත්න වෙනුවෙන් සුපිළිපන් ප්‍රණාමලාභින් හට උපහාර පිරිනැමිණි.


Mr. A. M. C. P. Aththanayaka

Sri Lanka is home to unique ecosystems and flora and fauna which are an invaluable resource. Against a backdrop where forests around the world are under threat, Mr. Chaminda Aththanayaka, a Wildlife Ranger Assistant at the Yala National Park, stands on the frontlines defending our country’s most valuable natural resources. Facing near insurmountable challenges and pressures both externally and internally, Mr. Aththanayaka has played a crucial role in enforcing the law against poachers and stymying the illegal trade in elephant tusks. Going beyond the confines of his official duties, Mr. Aththanayaka has proactively sought to increase public awareness on the importance of wildlife conservation through his YouTube channel and other social media platforms, public awareness programs and community-based tree planting campaigns. Through this work, Mr. Aththanayaka hopes to bring forth new conservationists from amongst the broader community and educate the public on the importance of preserving and nurturing our environment. Watch his video here.

Mr. S. Sutharsan

A Divisional Secretariat deals with many public services that a citizen requires from the time of their birth to the time of their passing. Facing seemingly insurmountable odds at times, the Divisional Secretary for Jaffna, Mr. Sambasivam Sutharsan has adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption, committing himself and his office towards providing the best possible service to the people. An honest official in every sense, Mr. Sudarshan has played an instrumental role in leading his team to rebuild communities under his charge who were battered by the 30 year-long civil war. In the current COVID-19 pandemic too, Mr. Sutharsan has been able to ensure fair distribution of government relief amongst the communities under his purview, withstanding political pressures to undermine the service. Mr. Sutharsan is well known amongst the community as an official who does not confine himself to his desk, walking amongst the public and working with them to ensure a better service for all. Mr. Sutharsan has also played an instrumental role in introducing a range of social service and community development projects in the Jaffna district. Watch his video here.

Mr. R. H. S. Masinghe

The role of Senior Superintendent of Police, the primary enforcers of the law and keepers of the peace in a country, is a duty that carries immense responsibility and comes with a myriad of challenges. The SSP for Kandy, Mr. Sudath Masinghe who fulfills this duty impeccably maintaining the highest standards of integrity, is a role model for all police officers in the country. Courageously facing life-threatening risks in tackling some of the most infamous criminal figures in the country, SSP Masinghe has a zero-tolerance approach to corruption and has enforced the law without fear or favour. Building public trust in the Sri Lanka Police, SSP Masinghe’s approach has unsurprisingly repeatedly placed him in the crosshairs of political authorities and both external and internal forces. However, he has remained steadfast in enforcing the law to the letter and has even gone beyond his official duties to conduct youth engagement programs and programs for school students. Watch his video here.

Ms. A. M. K. C. K Athapaththu

Co-operative societies are an aspect of the public service that is closely bonded with the day to day lives of many Sri Lankans. Maintaining the highest standards of transparency and efficiency are crucial in this sector, which is a boon for many low-income families. As the Commissioner of Co-operatives Development and Registrar of Co-operative Societies in the Central Province Ms. Chamila Athapaththu, has provided a yeoman service by implementing information technology solutions to mitigate corruption and irregularities. She has been instrumental in providing leadership to deliver a productive and efficient service by ensuring proper regulation and diversification in co-operative societies. By working closely with officials at the community level Ms. Athapaththu has also been able to expose major incidents of fraud and has steadfastly withstood external pressures to cover up these issues. Watch her video here.

Ms. I. H. Rathnaweera

The Divisional Secretariat is a public office that all citizens are familiar with and it is an institution that is usually the first point of contact between the public and the public service. Every day, members of the public flock to their Divisional Secretariat offices to access a myriad of public services. In this crucial institution, the Divisional Secretary for Four–Gravets in Galle, Ms. Inoka Himali Rathnaweera has been successful in maintaining public trust and confidence by ensuring timely and efficient public service delivery by embracing modern technology and by mitigating bribery and corruption. A notable intervention carried out by Ms. Rathnaweera was the tackling of fraudulent voter registration lists used to enroll children in public schools. By training and appointing new Grama Niladharis for the affected areas, Ms. Rathnaweera was able to arrest this practice and ensure equal treatment for all citizens in her division. Working closely with the public, Ms. Rathnaweera has been lauded for her efficiency and diligence in dealing with natural disasters including in the fair distribution of government allocated relief. Her integrity and ideals in such situations have often made her the victim of political pressure, threats and intimidation but in all such instances Ms. Rathnaweera has stood by the public serving as a role model for officials everywhere. Watch her video here.


Mr. K. Kunanathan

As Divisional Secretary for the Verugal Division in the Trincomalee District, Mr. Kunanathan’s strong anti-corruption stance has led to improved public service delivery at the Secretariat. Embracing the potential of digital technology to combat corruption, Mr. Kunanathan introduced an online applications and approvals process for various services offered by the Secretariat. In addition to this, Mr. Kunanathan has also been swift to initiate action on officials accused of corruption. Mr. Kunanathan has also taken on the responsibility of implementing many social welfare and community development projects in the Verugal area.

Ms. P.A.C. Priyadarshani

Corruption in Grade 1 enrolments at public schools is a major issue faced by the general public annually. The Principal of St. Mary’s College, Mathugama, Ms. Priyadarshani developed a unique scoring system to mitigate and prevent such corruption. Her merit-based enrolment system has won her praise and applause from all quarters in her community but she has also met the ire of political authorities with courage. Her efficient use of limited resources to develop facilities at St. Mary’s College including the introduction of E-boards and sports facilities has earned her many commendations.

Dr. T. Sathiyamoorthy

The health sector is constantly plagued with accusations of corruption and malpractice. In such an environment, the Director of the Jaffna Teaching Hospital, Dr. Sathiyamoorthy stands apart as a medical administrator who tirelessly strives to ensure the welfare of his patients. Dr. Sathiyamoorthy identifies dereliction of duty in the health sector as a major corruption issue and has strived towards combating this by instituting several measures including prohibiting private consultancy by doctors whilst on duty at the hospital. His actions have earned the Jaffna Teaching Hospital a reputation amongst patients as being an exceptional health service provider.

Mr. A.M.A.S. Amarasinghe

As an Assistant Superintendent of Customs at the Sri Lanka Customs Central Investigation Bureau, Mr. Amarasinghe has played a lead role in many successful raids and prosecutions carried out by the bureau. Mr. Amarasinghe identifies the Customs department as a key revenue earner for the state and is committed to the belief that these revenues should be utilised to improve public services.

Mr. B.K.P. Chandrakeerthi

As the Director General of the Coast Conservation Department, Mr. Chandrakeerthi took the lead in implementing the Department’s online approvals system. Having identified one-on-one interactions between clients and department personnel as providing opportunities for corruption, Mr. Chandrakeerthi deployed an online approvals system to minimise such interactions and automate the approvals process. Throughout his career in public service Mr. Chandrakeerthi has displayed a demonstrable commitment to honesty and integrity.


P. Karunarathna Bandara 

An education administrator with integrity, Mr. Bandara stood up against the highest political authority in his province when he was asked to carry out an activity that violated department regulations. He was subsequently transferred but uncompromising on his principles, Mr. Bandara took the matter to the Supreme Court where the court ruled in his favour. A glimpse at his career as a school principal too reflects his dedication to public service.

Inoka Kulathunga

A public administrator with a proven track record, Ms. Kulathunga has achieved many awards and accolades for herself and the divisions she has served throughout her career. As an auditor, she has been responsible for strengthening accountability and flagging corruption within the Kandy Municipal Council and the Central Province, at times at detriment to the advancement of her career. However, she remains steadfast in upholding her values. 

Kamani Asoka De Silva

Ms. De Silva is no stranger to the values of self-sacrifice, integrity, honesty and hard work. Over her many years of service, Ms. De Silva has distinguished herself with the highlight being the establishment of the Cancer “Suwa Sahana” fund for underprivileged patients. From thinking outside the box to ensure better levels of care for her patients to raising awareness among the public on the impact of cancer, Ms. De Silva is a role model for those in the health sector. 

Upul Indrajith

Committed to protecting the fauna of our country, Mr. Indrajith has achieved many accomplishments over his career. From establishing a wildlife office in Mirissa for the protection of marine mammals to standing against racketeering in the trading of elephants, Mr. Indrajith has proved himself a force for good within the department despite the pressures faced as a result of his integrity.



Victoria Baltser

Victoria Baltser is Secretary of the Voznesensk municipality in the Mykolayiv region. To Victoria, it is better to be a good person with high quality of life than a professional without moral and ethical principles. She says people should not feel separate from the government but part of it because the participation of everyone determines what the state will be like.

Volodymyr Huslyakov

Volodymyr Huslyakov is the Deputy Chief Physician of the Nemyriv City Center for Primary Health Care in the Vinnytsya region. He believes you cannot profit from human grief and that it is his duty to do his job well, so as not to be ashamed to look people in the eyes.

Diana Taranyuk

Diana Taranyuk is a family doctor at the State Medical Center for Primary Health Care in Kyiv. To her a healthcare professional must be able to listen to a patient, enter his/her position and provide adequate care in a timely manner. She believes a doctor’s mission is to make a patient feel relieved and confident in having their health problems addressed.

Nina Vorokh

Nina Vorokh is Head of the Mykhailo-Kotsyubynsk local government in the Chernihiv region. Nina believes civil servants must always comply with the law and that people should be treated fairly and not looked down upon.

Dmytro Koshka

Dmytro Koshka is a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ecology at the Dnipro Polytechnic University. “Integrity – this is one of the basic principles by which a person should function. People’s lives will be the price for corruption.”



Lauren Young

Lauren is an educational leader with years of Elementary and Middle School experience working specifically in socioeconomically disadvantaged urban communities. She applies her knowledge of cultural responsibility and equity to the math curriculum through Philadelphia schools. She was instrumental in launching the FACT program which ​​offers virtual opportunities for parents, caregivers, and community members to learn skills and tools to support kids. Her work is transforming the thought process around DEI and curriculum. Lauren has two masters degrees in education and expertise in Common Core Standards, curriculum and instructional coaching.

Rebecca Lopez Kriss

Rebecca says that integrity is doing the right thing even when it’s really hard. She stood out to the judges because her “going above and beyond” was clear. She meets people in communities around the city to educate residents about taxes in a way that is engaging. Her goal is to make the Revenue Department more approachable and is a champion of plain language access. She does YouTube videos and Facebook Live during tax season and hosts the Revenue Rundown tax show. In addition to getting information out, she helped launch programs that make utilities accessible and affordable to everyone.

Stephanie Ridgeway

Stephanie’s goal is to make the Philadelphia bike share program, Indego, accessible to all communities. She really talks to people to see what they want in their neighborhood and what works best for them. Prior to Stephanie, Indego had issues in product placement with overconcentration in White catchments. She began to fix that and made sure the service was accessible to a variety of neighborhoods. Stephanie advises and supports many other projects in her office, from the Safe Routes to School program to promote safe walking and biking for youth, to traffic safety projects in communities across Philadelphia as part of the City’s Vision Zero plan.

Lori Hayes

Lori holds a unique role in the Parks and Recreation department. She began her service as an intern and worked her way up through the years. She is an equity advocate who works with Philadelphia high schools to plant more trees in low-income communities around the city and organizes and oversees courses for women tree climbers and arborists. She also runs programs like Gifts for All Seasons where people choose memorial trees for loved ones. Lori is a Women in Horticulture Fellow of the Delaware Valley. She teaches at Philadelphia High School, The Flower Show, and her local library - anything from how to make a planter for doorstep to much more complicated tree identification.

Leah Wood

For Leah, integrity is being honest. She is a paraprofessional, providing instructional and behavioral support to students in and out of the classroom. She is one of the founding members of an organization called “Para-Power: Philly” organizing paraprofessionals around salary issues, upgrading to higher paying positions, and working conditions. She creates a community and a corridor of opportunities for other paraprofessionals, helping others get college degrees to help them move up into teacher positions, for example. For Leah, her work does not stop at a job that she attends each day, or the duties in her classroom.


Tom Quinn

Tom Quinn is a Social Studies teacher at Central High School and Organizer of Philly Youth Vote! He is passionate about youth leadership and works tirelessly volunteering his time towards building the voice and civic engagement of young people in Philadelphia. Without the support of school administration, Tom has created robust voter registration efforts across multiple Philadelphia public schools that are now attracting attention and support. He authored a step-by-step guide for teachers with instructions on how to sort students by birthdate, download paper registration forms and start a classroom conversation about voting. This work has thrust him into a city-wide leadership role where he is also working on professional development with other teachers. Despite criticism and bureaucratic roadblocks, Tom persisted and has set up a program that is well documented, clear and available to all high schools. In large part because of Tom’s advocacy and work, Philadelphia schools continue to improve student civic engagement programming. “Integrity means knowing something needs to be done, and doing it. There is a DIY element to it that involves taking initiative. Integrity means working with other people to make a community better, even despite the existing power structures that may work to block action.”

Shaquita Smith

Shaquita Smith is the Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator for the School District of Philadelphia. As the Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, Shaquita works tirelessly to bring social studies and civics to life for the city’s students of all ages through partnerships, innovative lessons, and support for teachers. This includes telling the stories of black and brown people in Philadelphia’s history. Much of her work centers around creating equity for her middle school students, who attend neighborhood schools. Shaquita does her best to provide the kind of support and programming that will put them on the same level as special admit schools as well as give them resources to apply and be accepted into special admit high schools. She feels that her students are some of the best and brightest, but they often don’t have the same opportunities because of their circumstances. Recently she has been helping students understand their voting rights and coordinated a voter registration conference. “Integrity means being stand-up all the time. It means that you are the same person with one group that you are with another. Even if it’s not in your personal interest - you’re always going to do what's right.”

Dr Ruth Abaya

Dr Ruth Abaya works at the Philadelphia Department of Public Health as a Pediatric Medicine Physician and Injury Prevention Program Manager and she is a Stone Lee Fellow, studying gun violence where she is creating a database for firearms injuries in Philadelphia. Her colleagues express that she holds a high level of commitment to her job and her goal to reduce gun violence among children. As the injury prevention program manager, Doctor Abaya has been working in concert with the city in a number of ways. She works closely with the police department and other departments within public health and outside organizations in Philadelphia. She does work around coalition building, policy, and advocacy. Dr. Abaya builds bridges. She can say hard things but bring people together around the work. Her greatest impact so far is that she’s been able to bring people together in a way that’s really important.

Richard Gordon

Richard Gordon serves as Principal of Paul Robeson High School in #Philadelphia where he has been serving for 9 years. He employs his personal experience of growing up in a community affected by poverty to heal and inspire his students to reach their greatness potential. To his students, colleagues and community at large, Gordon is their pillar of strength. Outside of schooling hours, he can be found supporting students with whatever life challenge they may be confronted with at the time. He has actively assumed the role of more than a school principal in their lives as he dedicates time to their needs, be it attending funerals with students who lost a family member due to gun violence or appearing in a court hearings to show support for students who are victims of abuse. Under his leadership, Paul Robeson High School was recognized as the 2017 “Most Improved High School” in Philadelphia. He is credited for developing a model program for college and career readiness and achieving a 95 percent graduation rate. Beyond winning numerous awards for his contributions at the school, Gordon feels his greatest achievement is establishing a school that creates a supportive environment for students and their families.

Carlos Aponte

Carlos Aponte is a history teacher at One Bright Ray Community High School, a school for over-age and under-credited students and the president of We Love Philly, a non- profit organization that empowers students with positive community experiences and essential professional skills through mindfulness, volunteerism, and entrepreneurship. Carlos is a lifelong Philadelphian who traces his culture to the Island of Puerto Rico. Carlos’ background is in Secondary Education with a concentration in African American and American History.He has worked for the past six years to bring engaging extra-curricular activities to the student community at One Bright Ray Community High School. Carlos first partnered with Students Run Philly Style to bring a running and mentorship program to OBRCHS and managed the program for five years, mentoring over 30 students who participated in the Broad Street Run. Having experienced a troubled youth himself, he believes that patience and dedication are necessary for growth, and that a feeling of belonging and community is the answer to a lot of troubles in society.



Fundile Nkala

Fundile Nkala is a teacher, counselor, and mental health advocate. While she is currently stationed at Sigola Primary School in Matabeleland South, she started her philanthropic work at Sukasihambe Primary School in Filabusi. After seeing that many students attend classes without shoes and some walked long distances, Fundile started an initiative to provide school shoes, clothes, and uniforms to learners. “Poverty makes people vulnerable, especially young people, who are vulnerable to bullying because of their appearance and background. The school shoe drives school shoes and uniforms to give even marginalized children dignity.” Fundile is networked with several community-based organizations, including Mothers of Special Heroes (MOSH) and Generation Empowerment Trust to be more effective in her voluntary work. These have been useful in helping increase the reach of her initiatives. Fundile works with MOSH to provide mothers with psychosocial and material support by counseling and sourcing items such as pampers. Lincen Masariramba, a Community Development Office at MOSH, says Fundile’s support has been invaluable, “The impact of her intervention has been great. Many mothers are thankful for the support they have received. Some mothers blamed themselves for their children’s condition, especially those who may have two or three children living with a disability. Some saw it as a punishment from God, but she has helped them understand issues and the fact that their children are special.”

Godknows Dembure

Godknows Dembure is a teacher at Makumimavi Primary School. Previously he worked at Nharira Primary School under the chieftainship of Chief Chivese. He has eight years of experience as a teacher. While teaching at Nharira, Dembure established a chess club to help uplift young girls by improving their critical thinking and maths skills. Dembure learned to play chess as a trainee teacher. “I realized that young girls’ problems – such as unwanted pregnancies and child marriages – force them to drop out of school early,” he says. “I seek to change that through chess, which empowers these girls, boosts their confidence to speak up and keeps them safe from male predators in the villages.” The chess club is called Queens of Chivhu, an homage to the film Queen of Katwe from which Dembure drew inspiration. “I started playing chess for fun until I started participating in tournaments and won some games. After seeing people go far with chess, I introduced it to the girls.” The Queens of Chivhu have traveled to several local and international tournaments. They rely on donations to meet travel costs, which is not always reliable. In 2018, despite winning the Zimbabwe national championships, the club could not attend the Africa tournament in Egypt.

Courage Chipatiso

Courage Chipatiso teaches English and Accounts at King George V1 Memorial School in Bulawayo. The school specializes in providing education to students with disabilities. Courage has muscular dystrophy, overcoming the challenges of her condition to become a motivated teacher, as well as an award-winning dance and drama coach for her students. Muscular dystrophy is a group of conditions that damage and weaken muscles over time. Muscle weakness decreases mobility, making everyday tasks difficult. She is loved by her students and colleagues, who see her as an inspiration and rely on her work ethic, dedication to duty, commitment, organizational skills and determination to get things done. Chipatiso’s English and accounting students have a high pass rate. “From the time I started teaching, I had a belief in my students who are deaf, that they could write an exam, a national exam, and pass the exam like other students who are not deaf,” she says. Chipatiso maintains a high teaching standard by understanding the learning needs of her students, giving them extra time to grasp subjects, and working individually with students. She is also very active in the life and community of the school. She advocates for the representation of students in decision-making bodies, including the administration and special committees. This ensures good governance of the school, allowing decisions to be reflective of the pupils and any special conditions they may require for their education.

Jobert Ngwenya

Jobert Ngwenya is an award-winning teacher and champion for the empowerment of girls. He teaches entrepreneurship at Eveline High School in Bulawayo and coaches the Junior Achievement Club and the Teach a Man to Fish Program. In the classroom, Ngwenya achieved a 100% pass rate with his students between 2012 and 2019, before the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. Under his guidance, Eveline High School relaunched its entrepreneurial education and financial literacy program with Junior Achievement Zimbabwe in September 2016, achieving impressive results. Ngwenya’s learners won the National Company of the Year Prize in 2019 and 2021. Moreover, the school participated in the School Enterprise Challenge, winning the Best Business Idea Award in 2017, Best Digital Business Award in 2018, and a student Enterprise Adventure Prize in 2020. Ngwenya attributes his success as an educator to his strong personal values anchored on diligence, hard work, and honesty. He derives satisfaction in seeing his learners and alumni achieving personal goals. “I always see myself as a ladder for my learners, and hearing their success stories always gives me something to smile about,” he says. At the school, Ngwenya has advocated for learner involvement in the school’s running via consultations on decisions that directly affect their welfare. He also encourages student input on school policies before tabling them to the relevant offices.

Tariro Zitsenga

Tariro Zitsenga has worked as a nurse aide at Parirenyatwa Hospital since 2009. She is a conscientious and empathetic caregiver who goes beyond her duty to ensure patient care. Tariro has demonstrated deep compassion and kindness towards her patients and co-workers. For Tariro, integrity means working with a purpose to ensure results. Moreover, she goes above and beyond the call of duty. Her colleague Sister Chikwenejere noted that Tariro works with diligence and empathy towards her patients. She added that Tariro continuously checks on her patients and tidies up the wards before she clocks out of work. Tariro says being a nurse aide or caregiver is about providing comfort and reassurance to the patient to help them accept their treatment. Tariro attended to a patient with colon cancer. He had proved difficult for the oncology staff. The patient was in denial and was very provocative, refusing to bathe or adhere to his medications when attended to by other nurses. However, when Tariro attended to and gave him counseling, he began to submit to bathing and taking medication. Tariro also counsels her co-workers, motivating them to further their studies and embark on income-generating projects outside work to supplement their incomes. While there are cases of nurses soliciting bribes from patients in exchange for good services, Tariro has never asked for bribes. She has established Diligent Nursing Services to give home-based care to patients and provide an avenue for other nurses to make an extra income.


Evermore Chakwizira

Evermore Chakwizira is the Headmaster of Chinyika High School, Goromonzi, who has transformed his local community. He began working in Chinyika village in February 2018 and found that the local community was extremely poor. The school had a critical shortage of resources including teaching and learning materials. In addition, those parents who could afford the fees resisted paying, as previous administrations were not transparent in the handling and use of money. Chakwizira has built effective relationships with community members and leaders, and transformed the school into a modern educational center. Chakwizira established several projects that supplement the school’s income. These have been used to build a modern sciences laboratory, which has enabled the school to be accorded ‘A’ level status by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education. The pioneer group of 37 students wrote their A-level exams during the pandemic in 2021 under severe constraints, including a national lockdown. Among the results, 26 of the 37 students achieved 5 points and above in two or more subjects, meaning that the school achieved a 71.3% pass rate for the 2021 A-level exams. These students will proceed to University. The funding created by Chakwizira has also provided a well-stocked and modern library; new classroom blocks which have eliminated hot-sitting at the school; a new borehole that provides newly built toilets with running tap water. The projects also benefit teachers and provide scholarships for orphans in the community. The school has adopted 16 very poor children who would otherwise have been working at a local irrigation scheme, providing fees and material support including uniforms. Most of the children are HIV positive. The school has also provided support to the local police and clinic by donating facemasks to police officers at Goromonzi Police Station and for nurses at Chinyika Clinic.

Nomsa Dhlodhlo

Nomsa Dhlodhlo is an early Childhood Development Teacher in Njube township in the city of Bulawayo, a township she grew up in. She has 7 years of teaching experience and has been a community leader for more than ten years. She has dedicated her career and life not only to teaching academics but to providing support to children and youth in her community so that they dream of and aim for better lives regardless of their circumstances. Having been raised in a township that is marred with drug abuse, high unemployment, youth delinquency, Dhlodhlo decided to remain and work in that community so that she can positively contribute to better life outcomes for young people. She is an active athletics and soccer coach, is the Red Cross Club leader at the school, and is a Matron for the Drum Majorettes. All these are positions for which she volunteers her time and that she uses as platforms to reach out to her students and talk about critical life issues. Dhlodhlo not only teaches young men and women skills in soccer and drum majorettes but uses the opportunity of these sessions to offer career guidance, life skills education, and psycho-social support. She is passionate about seeing young people thrive and become better versions of themselves, this has motivated her to go beyond just her role as a teacher but also become an active member of society.

Ruvimbo Matore

Ruvimbo Matore is a teacher at Tendayi Primary School in the Glen View Mufakose District of Harare Metropolitan Province. She is a seasoned classroom practitioner whose more than 30 years of experience has benefitted both the school and more than 1600 learners. Matore has upgraded her skills from teacher to facilitator and has adapted herself to the new learning areas of Zimbabwe’s competence-based educational curriculum which requires learners to graduate with skills in critical thinking, scientific and research skills as well as the ability to solve life problems. She has assisted Tendayi Primary School in providing a quality and accessible education to the graduates. Her insights as a facilitator and ZIMSEC marker from her work have contributed to a great improvement in the pass rate of learners. Further, her work has improved the school’s performance and is considered among the best performing institutions in the district, ranking above 80%. Moreover, Ms. Matore participates as an examiner with ZIMSEC in the District, where she marks mathematics. In the community, Ms. Matore, is a member of the child protection committee, catering to the welfare of our learners, and the school social club, that builds the schools belonging in the community. Her role in the community is very instrumental. She is also breaking gender barriers and a role model to young girls, by being a soccer coach for the Glen View- Mufakose District.

Rumbidzai Primrose Chikwavaire

Known affectionately as Amai Mahere in Chinyika, Goromonzi, Sister Rumbidzai Primrose Chikwavaire is a highly dedicated nurse who is celebrated by her colleagues and community members. She has served at Chinyika Clinic for over a decade where her dedication to providing quality health services has distinguished her in the community. Sr. Chikwavaire participates in the efficient and effective management of the clinic, ensuring that the community does not experience unnecessary stockouts and that emergency cases are attended even outside of clinic hours. She conducts follow-up visits with her patients and has in many cases traveled long distances on foot to offer services to the most vulnerable members of the community. She facilitates health education classes with women, which has resulted in many women choosing to undergo HIV counseling and testing. She also provides counseling services helping her patients to adjust and accept their status as well as establishing supportive habits that support adherence to drug therapies. Chinyika is a rural community with few resources, and Sister Chikwavaire has worked under these difficult circumstances to deliver babies and ensure that the child mortality rate is reduced, especially under COVID restrictions. She further educates new mothers about the health and hygiene of newborn infants, which has resulted in a marked improvement in the general health of infants in the area, and the conditions in homes. Chikwavaire is dearly loved and appreciated not only by villagers but her colleagues and community leaders.

Anesu Chinguwa

Ms Anesu Chinguwa is a Health Promotion Officer at Ingutsheni Central Hospital in Bulawayo. Ingutsheni is the largest national referral institution in Zimbabwe that specializes in psychiatric disorders. Although she is one of the youngest officers of the institution, she is also the head of her department. Ms Chinguwa has identified gaps within the way patients were being assisted at the hospital, with a sole focus on mental health. She has helped to redesign the institution’s approach to be more holistic, incorporating physical health into the treatment regimen. This led her to introduce community health education to Ingutsheni Central Hospital to improve the physical health of the patients. She now holds health talk sessions that discuss the patients physical as well as mental health needs. Many of Chinguwa’s colleagues recognise her as a person of integrity. In particular, they have hailed her for her level of accountability around the COVID-19 PPE, donated to the hospital. Ms. Chinguwa serves her community through regular health education and awareness campaigns through the local media. She hosts a regular health talk platform where she facilitates discussions with listeners about their various health concerns. She is passionate about reducing the stigmatization mental health patients face, as well as promoting holistic approaches to mental health treatments.