Senior ANM (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife) District Hospital, Mugu. The residents of Karnali lack access to basic services and the health services available to them are only sustained by dedicated health workers like Punya Prabha Devkota. Saddened by the untimely deaths of many people in her village, including her own father who died from Asthma as he could not access treatment in time, she decided at a young age to become a health worker and serve the people of her community. Punya Prabha has now served as a Senior ANM for 19 years in the District Hospital of Mugu in Karnali. Patients, especially women, in the village feel safer knowing that they do not need to travel far to receive treatment while Punya Prabha is around. Born and raised in Karnali, Punya Prabha has an intimate understanding of the problems facing this community. She can feel the pain of the patients and stands as a trusted caregiver for all seeking medical attention.