Prem Bahadur Khadka has spent 35 years or his active life to improve educational standard of his community. As the Principal of Araniko Higher Secondary School, he has taken some unpractised steps in order to uplift the deteriorating educational standard of public school. He raised more than 20 million Nepali Rupees locally, by organizing Purana, to start higher secondary education +2 in his school to insure easy access of higher education for kids of local community, and most importantly despite of expecting funds from government or any development agencies, he mobilized local community to do so. He started to provide year-long extra coaching classes to enhance the level of education for the students of economically backward and marginalized community. His school provides various kinds of scholarships to the deprived students through established memorial trust funds. Every year, 3 students get scholarship that insures their free education up to +2 levels. Not only through trusts, but he also offers scholarships from his personal level.