Musa Agono joined the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps 11 years ago. He started his service as a medical officer in charge of first aid equipment, receiving commendations from both staff and non-staff in the process. From there, he was posted to Ibadi local government during the flood disaster in 2011/2012 to take stock of relief materials and donations from the Federal Government and NGOs. Though some of the officers stationed with him saw this as an opportunity to enrich themselves he refused to assent to their schemes. It was a trying period that led to a clash with one of his fellow officers. He has utilised his influential position to uncover wrongdoings doing especially in issues of banditry. Upon discovering multiple cases of false reporting, he decided to run all information through his section commander in order to have everything done by the book. He discovered instances of informants reporting innocent Fulani herdsmen to the authorities when they came to the market with their cows. He was offered several bribes to write false reports against others in this manner but he refused. Musa is yet to have any challenge with his superiors, as they have come to understand his character. As a result, he gets redeployed frequently to head the division in each new assignment. He has drawn inspiration from 2020 Integrity Icon, Mrs. Faith Momoh, for who he ran a voting campaign because he was fully aware of her integrity at the local government level – news of her deeds had reached their office on several occasions.