A Divisional Secretariat deals with many public services that a citizen requires from the time of their birth to the time of their passing. Facing seemingly insurmountable odds at times, the Divisional Secretary for Jaffna, Mr. Sambasivam Sutharsan has adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption, committing himself and his office towards providing the best possible service to the people. An honest official in every sense, Mr. Sudarshan has played an instrumental role in leading his team to rebuild communities under his charge who were battered by the 30 year-long civil war. In the current COVID-19 pandemic too, Mr. Sutharsan has been able to ensure fair distribution of government relief amongst the communities under his purview, withstanding political pressures to undermine the service. Mr. Sutharsan is well known amongst the community as an official who does not confine himself to his desk, walking amongst the public and working with them to ensure a better service for all. Mr. Sutharsan has also played an instrumental role in introducing a range of social service and community development projects in the Jaffna district. Watch his video here.