Jobert Ngwenya is an award-winning teacher and champion for the empowerment of girls. He teaches entrepreneurship at Eveline High School in Bulawayo and coaches the Junior Achievement Club and the Teach a Man to Fish Program. In the classroom, Ngwenya achieved a 100% pass rate with his students between 2012 and 2019, before the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. Under his guidance, Eveline High School relaunched its entrepreneurial education and financial literacy program with Junior Achievement Zimbabwe in September 2016, achieving impressive results. Ngwenya’s learners won the National Company of the Year Prize in 2019 and 2021. Moreover, the school participated in the School Enterprise Challenge, winning the Best Business Idea Award in 2017, Best Digital Business Award in 2018, and a student Enterprise Adventure Prize in 2020. Ngwenya attributes his success as an educator to his strong personal values anchored on diligence, hard work, and honesty. He derives satisfaction in seeing his learners and alumni achieving personal goals. “I always see myself as a ladder for my learners, and hearing their success stories always gives me something to smile about,” he says. At the school, Ngwenya has advocated for learner involvement in the school’s running via consultations on decisions that directly affect their welfare. He also encourages student input on school policies before tabling them to the relevant offices.