James Dorbor Jallah is the Executive Director of the Public Procurement Concessions Commission (PPCC). Prior to directing the PPCC, James oversaw the University of Liberia Testing and Evaluation Center. James remains committed to working with integrity and honesty no matter the social pressure. In one instance, over 20,000 students were found to have failed the entrance exam. Instead of giving in to public demands to change the results, he refused. He took an equally strong stance against 68 contractual agreements that failed PPCC criteria – not giving in to titles or bribery to change his views (http://www.ppcc.gov.lr/vr). “What I would like to tell the public, especially my counterparts in government, is that we have a small country, with a lot of resources, and if we can all commit, if we do the right thing for our country, [then] we will be able to turn this country around to a prosperous one.”