Ibrahim Musa Kirfi left his job as a secondary school teacher for an administrative officer/lecturer position at a polytechnic. As a new staff, he was assigned multiple tasks that were not part of his job description but he never complained. Unknown to him, the Registrar was closely monitoring his progress. In 2003, a highly coveted job opportunity for a pioneer company secretary at a consultancy firm came up, the Registrar decided that Ibrahim was the man for the job. When he eventually came to the Corporate Affairs Commission, he found another opportunity to serve, helping staff to process difficult booklets at the Joint Consultative Council (JCC) out of a free will. This increased his popularity amongst them which influenced his win during the Secretary elections. He served unopposed as the Secretary of the union all through his 6-year tenure due to the confidence others had in him. He later contested for the chairmanship position against four other candidates but won. When he returned for a second term, it was unopposed because of their confidence in his recent service. He has served as Secretary for the Integrity Group of the national body from 2013 to date. In another instance he led a workers’ strike for 12 working days, sleeping in front of the office to protect the interest of their members. Even with millions of naira in bribes offered to change his mind, he refused because it would cost them the entitlements of union members. He stood his ground and in December 2019, the entire staff was paid what they were owed. Currently, he has been transferred to Yola because he fought for the beneficiaries of promotions to get what they deserved. Numerous petitions later, the Chief Executive was asked to appear before the Code of Conduct Bureau. He decided to transfer Ibrahim and all his 28 protesting colleagues, but they refused to retract their petition. The case is currently being tried in court. Ibrahim has been in Yola since the 21st of January 2021 but remains resolved to fight for what he believes is right no matter the consequence.