Evermore Chakwizira is the Headmaster of Chinyika High School, Goromonzi, who has transformed his local community. He began working in Chinyika village in February 2018 and found that the local community was extremely poor. The school had a critical shortage of resources including teaching and learning materials. In addition, those parents who could afford the fees resisted paying, as previous administrations were not transparent in the handling and use of money. Chakwizira has built effective relationships with community members and leaders, and transformed the school into a modern educational center. Chakwizira established several projects that supplement the school’s income. These have been used to build a modern sciences laboratory, which has enabled the school to be accorded ‘A’ level status by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education. The pioneer group of 37 students wrote their A-level exams during the pandemic in 2021 under severe constraints, including a national lockdown. Among the results, 26 of the 37 students achieved 5 points and above in two or more subjects, meaning that the school achieved a 71.3% pass rate for the 2021 A-level exams. These students will proceed to University. The funding created by Chakwizira has also provided a well-stocked and modern library; new classroom blocks which have eliminated hot-sitting at the school; a new borehole that provides newly built toilets with running tap water. The projects also benefit teachers and provide scholarships for orphans in the community. The school has adopted 16 very poor children who would otherwise have been working at a local irrigation scheme, providing fees and material support including uniforms. Most of the children are HIV positive. The school has also provided support to the local police and clinic by donating facemasks to police officers at Goromonzi Police Station and for nurses at Chinyika Clinic.