Eric T. Joboe is an astute law enforcement officer trained by the United National Police (UNPOL), under the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). He is a 2007 graduate of the Liberia National Police Training School. He is currently working as the Deputy Commander for Crime Service Department (CSD), Grand Kru Police Detachment with the rank of Chief Inspector. Since his assignment to Grand Kru County he has served in different capacities which include; Depot Commander in several districts and has also worked as a city solicitor’s Clerk in Henriesville city, Grand Kru County, Red Cross Tracing Volunteer, News Editor for the Voice of Grand Kru, etc.
Mr. Joboe was born in Filorken, Barclayville City, Grand Kru County. He began his educational journey through assistance from a relative at the age of 9 at the Richard Henries School in Filorken. He enrolled at the St. Francis high school in Pleebo City, Maryland County, and later completed his high school education at the Pleebo Public High School, Pleebo City, Maryland County Liberia. He has received a lot of honors and awards as a journalist and law enforcement officer.