Barr. Emem Ette rose through the ranks from State Counsel in 2001 to the current head of department in charge of sexual offenses and other gender-based violence. She is well known for her diligence in dealing with cases of SGBV. In the past, she has worked with the likes of CSP Francis Erhabor (a 2019 Integrity Icon). To ensure transparency and accountability in her office, she provides prompt, accurate, and complete information about the activities of the office to the government, stakeholders, and the public. Her office publishes the Sexual Offenders Register and she ensures that all details are captured without fear or favour. She also ensures that the Register and other data/reports are accessible to the public during working hours. She doubles as the Chairperson of FIDA, ensuring proper accounts are kept. In her bid for justice, she has been faced with threats and pressure to drop rape cases and other severe domestic violence cases. She has endured a kidnap attempt and bribery attempts from a family of rape suspects for the release of their relatives. She credits her superiors for giving her liberty to run the department and their trust in her judgment and integrity to handle cases without bias. In her words: “I would love to collaborate with Accountability lab Nigeria. If we have civil or public servants who render their services in honesty, truth and are transparent and ready to be held accountable for their every action, then Nigeria will be better.”