Ms Anesu Chinguwa is a Health Promotion Officer at Ingutsheni Central Hospital in Bulawayo. Ingutsheni is the largest national referral institution in Zimbabwe that specializes in psychiatric disorders. Although she is one of the youngest officers of the institution, she is also the head of her department. Ms Chinguwa has identified gaps within the way patients were being assisted at the hospital, with a sole focus on mental health. She has helped to redesign the institution’s approach to be more holistic, incorporating physical health into the treatment regimen. This led her to introduce community health education to Ingutsheni Central Hospital to improve the physical health of the patients. She now holds health talk sessions that discuss the patients physical as well as mental health needs. Many of Chinguwa’s colleagues recognise her as a person of integrity. In particular, they have hailed her for her level of accountability around the COVID-19 PPE, donated to the hospital. Ms. Chinguwa serves her community through regular health education and awareness campaigns through the local media. She hosts a regular health talk platform where she facilitates discussions with listeners about their various health concerns. She is passionate about reducing the stigmatization mental health patients face, as well as promoting holistic approaches to mental health treatments.