Adigwe-Uzor Esther started working as a public servant in 2004 when she was enlisted into the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps. She joined the service with the intention to prove that women in uniform can be diligent and resourceful. For this reason, she set a high moral standard of being punctual, diligent, and committed to her work. Her flair for writing, especially reports and speeches has stood her out in the organization. Over time, she had become known to be not only a dutiful follower to her superiors but also a good leader to her subordinates. When one wants honesty and accountability, more often than not, she has always been the person to be called on. When she is saddled with the responsibility of posting or transferring personnel from one department or unit to another, she does so without fear or favor, bearing at the back of my mind that the greater good of the organization is paramount. In carrying out her job, it has been a common experience to find personnel clamoring and lobbying for perceived juicy or more glamorous stations to be posted, even when they do not have the prerequisite qualification to be there. Lobbyists come bearing gifts but she has been known to shun such because she believes that a compromised mind cannot deliver effectively in the workplace. Other pressures come from superiors who have favorites and wish to overturn my decisions to favor their wards; this is a tussle which she has often won through my tenacity and doggedness in projecting the image, core values, and interest of the organisation as the topmost priority. She has been called upon often time to defend the decisions and she is glad to note that after all grilling and worrisome back and forth questions and responses, her superiors always agreed with Her. She had received only verbal commendations from her superiors for her diligence and uprightness. She has dedicated herself both in my private and public lives to exemplify and personify diligence, and fairness.