Announcing our winners for Integrity Icon Nepal 2020!

There are some powerful examples of civil servants going way beyond the call of duty in our newest group of Integrity Icons in Nepal. This year, rather than calling for a public vote, we are encouraging you to show your support and encouragement for these public servants by sharing their stories and helping us change the face of the public service through their incredible contributions. Read more about them below and let us know how their work inspires you to do greater good in your own sphere o [...]

Announcing our winners for Integrity Icon Nepal 2020!2021-01-13T09:58:22+00:00

Abren convocatoria a ‘Integrity Icon Sustentabilidad’ en México

A través de una conferencia virtual se abrió oficialmente la convocatoria de la primera edición de Integrity Icon Sustentabilidad en México, en apoyo a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU, mediante la cual se busca reconocer y destacar la labor de servidores públicos honestos, que se desempeñen en instancias de sustentabilidad y medio ambiente a nivel federal, estatal y local. Integrity Icon es una campaña global de Accountability Lab que está impulsada por ciudadanos en busca de fu [...]

Abren convocatoria a ‘Integrity Icon Sustentabilidad’ en México2021-03-31T13:47:26+00:00

Battling gender biases and working with integrity in Khayelitsha

The struggles of community leaders in their attempts to access services and development opportunities, without sacrificing integrity, were raised at Accountability Lab’s first Accountabili’tea’ Conversation. Written by Siliziwe Mtwa   Hosted by Mbonleleli Gqirana, coordinator of the Community Action Network in Site C, Khayelitsha, the discussion was an opportunity for youth leaders, SMEs, nonprofit organisations and project organisers to discuss youth, development and accountability in the [...]

Battling gender biases and working with integrity in Khayelitsha2021-01-28T18:51:00+00:00

Para combatir la corrupción

En su reciente Informe de gobierno, el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador volvió a destacar el combate a la corrupción como una prioridad para su administración. Tiene buenas razones para hacerlo, la corrupción es la raíz de los principales problemas que enfrentan los mexicanos cotidianamente: servicios públicos deficientes, violencia sin precedentes y desigualdad severa. Y las cosas no están mejorando. En México, la corrupción es vista como una crisis que requiere de una estricta observació [...]

Para combatir la corrupción2020-06-05T18:27:25+00:00

Here’s the winner of Integrity Idol, the reality show for Nigerian government workers

Nuzo Eziechi said, "I am incredibly excited to be honored as Nigeria's Integrity Idol." The show featured government workers competing to be crowned most ethical. Via NGO Accountability Lab: Integrity Idol is a global campaign run by citizens in search of honest government officials. It aims to generate debate around the idea of integrity and demonstrate the importance of honesty and personal responsibility. We hope to inspire a new generation to be more effective public servants. Integrity Idol [...]

Here’s the winner of Integrity Idol, the reality show for Nigerian government workers2020-07-08T15:45:28+00:00
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