Susana Montañez
- Age: 47
- Over 20 years as a public servant
- Public Defender
- Public Defender of the State of Nuevo León
- Nuevo León
Susana Montañez Márquez is a prominent public defender in Nuevo León. She began her career in public service in 2001 when she joined the State Government and later became a part of the Public Defender Institute after completing her law degree. In 2019, she achieved a significant ruling that secured the right of inmates in social reinsertion centers to pursue bachelor’s degrees. Furthermore, in 2021, she obtained an acquittal in the case of María Dolores de León by utilizing the “Protocol for Judging with a Gender Perspective,” establishing an important precedent in Nuevo León. This accomplishment led to the establishment of the Women’s Defense Unit within the Public Defender’s Office of Nuevo León, with Susana assuming a leadership role. Currently, she leads a team of dedicated lawyers in defending women who have faced injustice, been deprived of their liberty, and had their cases abandoned by the justice system. Additionally, she expanded her expertise by completing a degree in Psychology, further enhancing her ability to advocate for women’s rights in challenging situations.
- Age: 58
- More than 32 years as a public servant
- General Director of International Cooperation and Implementation
- National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity
Hesiquio Benítez Díaz is a leading biologist with over 30 years of experience in biodiversity and environmental diplomacy. He has represented Mexico in various international forums. He is a graduate of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo and a LEAD Fellow of El Colegio de México. He coordinated the First Country Study on Biodiversity in Mexico in 1998, and the National Biodiversity Strategies in 2000 and 2016, as well as studies and state strategies in 27 states. Currently serving as the Chair of the Subsidiary Body on Science, Technique, and Technology of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) from 2018-2023, Hesiquio promotes mainstreaming agreements for biodiversity protection. He advocates for equitable participation and knowledge mobility at the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity (IPBES). Hesiquio has been the Director of Cooperation and Implementation in Biodiversity of CONABIO and the Head of the CITES Scientific Authority of Mexico since 2000. In addition, he has held the position of vice-chair of the IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group for Mexico and chair of the Mexican Crocodilian Specialist Group (GEC) since 2010.
- Age: 38
- More than 16 years as a public servant
- Biologist, Coordinator of Biodiversity Strategies, DGCPCA-SEDEMA
- Secretary of the Environment (SEDEMA)
Michelle is a biologist dedicated to improving the city’s relationship with nature and the well-being of people. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Sciences at UNAM and holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Law and Public Policy from the Universidad del Medio Ambiente. Michelle has a solid background in ethology and planning for biodiversity conservation. She has worked at the General Directorate of Zoos and Wildlife Conservation, the General Directorate of the Natural Resources and Rural Development Commission of Mexico City’s Sedema, and CONABIO. She has participated in developing and implementing studies and public policy instruments, including Biodiversity in Mexico City, the Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Mexico City, and Mexico’s National Biodiversity Strategy. At SEDEMA, she coordinates biodiversity strategies as the responsible person for strategic planning, coordination, and liaison for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.
- Age: 36
- More than five years as a public servant
- Former Head of Planning and Institutional Development Unit (in transition)
- Secretary of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU)
Martha is an architect and urban design specialist with a career in academia and international organizations. She is dedicated to fostering collaboration between organizations and international entities for the co-development of urban and territorial development agendas. Martha has held the position of Director of Linkage and Information Production at Sedatu, where she focused on enhancing transparency and ensuring broader access to public information. From 2019 to 2022, she championed the “UN Habitat” agenda and now serves as the head of the Planning and Institutional Development Unit, monitoring annual programs and implementing gender mainstreaming strategies. Additionally, Martha is a co-founder of the social mobilization platform MiCiudadMX, based in Brazil, and serves as the general coordinator of the social movement #ConstrucciónSinCorrupción. Between 2014 and 2018, she worked as an independent consultant in city planning and social management, analyzing citizen participation techniques in urban development plans.
- Age: 40
- Less than five years as a public servant
- Citizen Participation in Oaxaca
- Electoral Counselor at the State Electoral Institute of Oaxaca
- Oaxaca
Zaira Alhelí Hipólito López is a Zapotec Xidza indigenous leader from the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca. She has a master’s degree in Social-Community Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and has devoted her career to university teaching and activism. Zaira has focused on organizational processes with indigenous women, youth, and children. As Electoral Councilor of IEEPCO, she has worked to promote the inclusion and participation of Indigenous and Afro-Mexican communities. Zaira has also spearheaded various projects, publications, and materials using intercultural and gender approaches. Notable achievements include implementing live broadcasts in Indigenous languages and founding the Network of Women Authorities of Indigenous Normative Systems, which supports women in public office. Zaira’s contributions have been significant in raising awareness of and strengthening the political and social participation of indigenous communities in Oaxaca.