Sergeant Seydou Dao is a Prison and Probation Officer in Djenne. Sergeant DAO graduated from the Certificate of Professional Aptitude (CAP) as an assistant accountant and bank stockbroker at the Commercial Technical Center (CETEC) in 2004. He began his professional career in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) from 2006 to the date of his admission to the civil service in 2012 as a technical officer of the penitentiary administration and supervised education.
Supervisor Seydou Dao is presented by his colleagues as a professional, dedicated, honest and honest officer with integrity in all his daily tasks. He oversees the implementation of hygiene and sanitation activities within the prison. Isaac SANOGO, governor of the prison, presents Sergeant Seydou Dao as a respectful agent, a good executor, submissive, social and courageous. Determined and committed as he is, Sergeant DAO aims to continue his studies to be able to serve his country at a higher level of responsibility.