Sky High Corruption Caused Nepal’s Air Disaster

By Blair Glencorse and Narayan Adhikari   Here in Kathmandu, Nepalis are spending the day mourning the tragic Yeti Airlines plane crash yesterday, which killed 72 people. This was the 67th plane crash in 60 years in this country- surely the worst track record for air safety in the world, taking into account the number of flights on a daily basis. While the immediate reason for the crash is as yet unclear, the deeper underlying cause has been obvious for decades. Aviation in Nepal is beset w [...]

Sky High Corruption Caused Nepal’s Air Disaster2023-02-17T09:03:20+00:00

‘I chose to utilise my time to reach out to more people, talk to them and share experiences’

By Narayan Adhikari “Sometimes even having a high-paying and secure job cannot satisfy you because you feel you are not contributing enough to the community you live in, nor have you made a positive impact,” says Narayan Adhikari, South Asia Lead and Co-founder of Accountability Lab. “When I knew from deep within that I could do more for society it became a strong reason for me to quit lucrative jobs in various INGOs including World Bank and start something that will last long after I am gone,” [...]

‘I chose to utilise my time to reach out to more people, talk to them and share experiences’2023-02-17T09:04:36+00:00
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