Police Officer Says There Is Reward For Integrity

PRIMORG’s Town-Hall Meeting On Integrity ICON. EP 1. Supported By MacArthur Foundation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c-iT__ev6s&feature=youtu.be [...]

Police Officer Says There Is Reward For Integrity2021-03-03T15:11:51+00:00

MALI : Gouvernance Des intellos décortiquent la corruption

Pour lutter contre la corruption au Mali, l’Observatoire citoyen sur la gouvernance et la sécurité et Accountability Lab-Mali, a organisé le 27 septembre 2020 à l’hotel Salam, la 3e édition de l’émission « Conversations citoyennes » sur l’Africbale. Le thème était: « Comment lutter efficacement contre la corruption au Mali? ». Les panelistes étaient Boubacar Badiaga, magistrat, Me Zana Sidiki Koné, Moussa Kondo, directeur pays d’Accountability Lab-Mali et le moderateur Ibrahim Maïga de l’Africba [...]

MALI : Gouvernance Des intellos décortiquent la corruption2021-03-03T14:33:56+00:00

Lanzan campaña para premiar a funcionarios que realicen acciones sustentables

Integrity Icon Mexico de Accountability Lab, en unión con las organizaciones civiles Reforestamos Mexico y Causa Natura, lanzaron Sustentabilidad 2020 con la finalidad de reconocer a los funcionarios públicos que realicen acciones sustentables en el país. Durante un seminario web, la directora de AL en Mexico, Eva Sander, informó que la iniciativa busca premiar a cinco personas que trabajen con base al cumplimento de los 17 objetivos de desarrollo Sostenible de la Organización de las Naciones Un [...]

Lanzan campaña para premiar a funcionarios que realicen acciones sustentables2022-05-16T11:01:15+00:00

Mali – Integrity Icon : Ouverture de la campagne 2020

Integrity Icon Mali est la campagne annuelle d’Accountability Lab, une ONG américaine, dont le but est d’identifier et de célébrer les agents les plus intègres de l’administration publique malienne.  Le lancement de la campagne 2020 a lieu ce jeudi 4 juin à Bamako.  Integrity Icon est un mouvement national qui a pour objectif d’identifier et de célébrer les fonctionnaires honnêtes et intègres de l’administration publique afin qu’ils inspirent les jeunes. Son but est de générer une conversation c [...]

Mali – Integrity Icon : Ouverture de la campagne 20202021-03-03T14:45:54+00:00

Getting students debating solutions to gender-based violence

By Samina Anwary It’s not often we get to explore “out there” solutions to entrenched socio-cultural problems to the extent that it becomes a formal debate with well researched arguments and rebuttals. But this is exactly what happens when young people are given the platform to find creative solutions to seemingly intractable challenges. “The government is required to provide protection and safety under our constitutional framework. Therefore, they are complicit in perpetuating GBV. This is why [...]

Getting students debating solutions to gender-based violence2021-01-29T12:28:20+00:00

What women-centred accountability could look like in South Africa

Globally, women have been disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 pandemic; from the burden of care, to legislation written for women but not by them. And this is on top of existing inequalities. In this first Conversation Lab, by Accountability Lab South Africa, a powerhouse of women panelists explored how government policies can be shaped to better support women during the Covid-19 crisis and beyond. Written by Samina Anwary South African women contribute 50% of the country’s GDP despite l [...]

What women-centred accountability could look like in South Africa2021-01-29T12:23:09+00:00

Mahikeng targets GBV one issue at a time

By Nontshi Shange In April 2020 a 24-year-old man from Mahikeng was arrested for the murder of his 22-year-old girlfriend. The woman had previously opened a case of assault against her partner following a domestic dispute. The nationwide COVID-19 lockdown saw an increase in domestic violence cases in South Africa with police Minister, Bheki Cele having announced that 87 000 domestic violence cases were reported in the first week. Gender violence is a never-ending reality in South Africa, but the [...]

Mahikeng targets GBV one issue at a time2021-01-28T18:44:47+00:00

Who Is Philly’s Integrity Icon?

BY JESSICA BLATT PRESS Remember March? Before the world imploded, back on March 2nd, The Citizen announced the launch of Integrity Icon, a contest in partnership SEAMAAC, WURD Radio, United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, and D.C.-based Accountability Lab to name the publicly-paid workers in Philly who show the highest amount of integrity in their jobs. We called for citizens to submit their nominations. Then, we asked a panel of judges to review them, and narrow down the ca [...]

Who Is Philly’s Integrity Icon?2022-05-16T11:12:07+00:00

Umhlali cop dubbed SA’s first Integrity Idol

Not only was Captain Pillay the only SAPS member who made it into the top five, he was also the only finalist from KZN. May 23, 2018  Elana Wagner  2 minutes read Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Share via Email Print  The man of the moment, Captain Vinny Pillay with his proud wife Lumika and son Reshaylin in Cape Town. The public have spoken and voted Umhlali SAPS Captain Vinny Pillay as SA’s most honest public servant and national winner of the first Integrity Idol South Africa held [...]

Umhlali cop dubbed SA’s first Integrity Idol2021-01-15T11:31:02+00:00

Policeman SA’s first Integrity Idol

South Africa’s first Integrity Idol, police officer Captain Vinny Pillay, has been hailed a true paragon of virtue and a man who would give his life for someone else without hesitation. Pillay, lauded by his Umhlali community in KwaZulu-Natal, was named the country’s first Integrity Idol winner at a ceremony at Artscape Theatre. Integrity Idol is a campaign run in Nepal, Liberia, Pakistan, Mali, Nigeria and South Africa by citizens in search of honest government officials. It aims to generate de [...]

Policeman SA’s first Integrity Idol2021-01-15T11:27:21+00:00
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