True greatness: a lesson from two audiologists

"Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.” That powerful quote by Martin Luther King Jr has been a guiding light for Integrity Icon 2019 winner Sakhile Nkosi.  The award-winning audiologist was in conversation with his friend and fellow audiologist, Vera-Genevey Hlayisi, for the second installment of Accountability Lab South Africa’s “Meet the Icon” sessions. The virtual meet-up took place on 17 September 2020 - right in the middle of He [...]

True greatness: a lesson from two audiologists2021-01-28T18:49:29+00:00

Soweto: Tackling gender-based violence, one community at a time

By Aarti Bhana  South Africa dedicates 16 days towards the awareness of gender-based violence against women and children, but gender-based violence is nearly an everyday occurrence in South Africa. That’s why more needs to be done.  The people in Pennyville, Soweto know this. That’s why on October 10 2020, the community came together to discuss how they can do more to end the violence against women and children; something that is prevalent in their community. For its third Accountabili'tea event [...]

Soweto: Tackling gender-based violence, one community at a time2021-01-28T18:48:14+00:00
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