Press release

Launch of Integrity Icon Morocco 2020

12 February, Washington DC – Accountability Lab is pleased to announce the launch of Integrity Icon Morocco, a campaign to celebrate the country’s most exemplary civil servants that is being run in partnership with SimSim-Participation Citoyenne, a Moroccan non-profit association based in Rabat. The initiative aims to promote the values of integrity and transparency by highlighting positive examples of Moroccan public administration employees.

Integrity Icon is a global campaign by Accountability Lab that is powered by citizens in search of honest government officials. It aims to generate debate around the idea of integrity and demonstrate the importance of honesty and personal responsibility. We hope to inspire a new generation to be more effective public servants.

In Morocco, the initiative will take the form of an eight-month campaign to find Morocco’s top civil servants who respect the principles, values and philosophy of the initiative. These include integrity, accountability and responsibility. Moroccan citizens are invited to nominate public servants in the fields of health, education, safety and security and administration. Political appointees are not eligible for nomination. The nomination phase is followed by a filming project where short documentaries are produced about the top 5 finalists. These films are distributed widely ahead of a public voting phase. A People’s Choice winner is chosen and an awards ceremony is held to name and fame the top five.

Through this initiative, SimSim-Participation Citoyenne, in partnership with Accountability Lab and Innovation for Change, will work closely with the five finalists to expand their integrity networks by proposing independent initiatives concerned with the development of national policies and reforms of public service programs.

Integrity Icon started in Nepal in 2014, expanded to Liberia in 2015, Mali in 2016 and then to South Africa, with Morocco being the first MENA country to launch the initiative.

For further information, visit the Integrity Icon site. Nominate a public servant today! Nomination forms available in French and Arabic.


– Mr. Khalil Dekiki, Program Manager: [email protected]
– Ms. Rim Kandil, Program Coordinator:

About SimSim-Participation Citoyenne

SimSim-Participation Citoyenne is a Moroccan non-profit association, independent of political influence, which aims to use information and communication technologies (ICT) to support and facilitate the participation of citizens in the management of public affairs, in accordance with best practices of good governance.

The Innovation for Change Network is a global network of people and organizations that want to connect, share and learn together to defend and strengthen civic space and overcome restrictions on our fundamental freedoms of assembly, association and expression.