Unathi Goes The Extra Mile – Integrity Icon South Africa 2020

In 2020, AL South Africa highlighted the work of Unathi Filita, who works as a Social Worker for the provincial Department of Social Development in Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape and was among SA's Icons that year. Filita specializes in the monitoring and evaluation of NGOs and CBOs that receive grant funding from the department, ensuring that the organizations fulfil their mandates and complete annual project plans supplied to the department. Filita monitors organizations working with victims of [...]

Unathi Goes The Extra Mile – Integrity Icon South Africa 20202021-03-14T19:20:52+00:00

Corruption-buster Constance Moitse one of the Integrity Icon SA 2020 Winners

Advocate Constance Moitse helped in cleaning up the Department of Home Affairs and bringing down cases of identity fraud. She's been named one of the Integrity Icon SA 2020 Winners. She has helped in cleaning up the Department of Home Affairs and brought down instances of fake documents and other fraud. Speaking to John Perlman, Moitse says one of the big challenges they had to fight was identity fraud and they won the challenge. We are trying our best to ensure that South Africans get a service [...]

Corruption-buster Constance Moitse one of the Integrity Icon SA 2020 Winners2021-03-04T19:40:29+00:00

Serving Bara for 29 years: Dr Balton one of Integrity Icon SA 2020 Winners

Dr Sadna Balton says they ensure that people who come to their department get the best possible available service at the hospital. Dr Sadna Balton has been named one of the Integrity Icon SA 2020 Winners. From having six staff members to 39, Dr Balton heads up the largest audiology department in South Africa. Speaking to John Perlman, Balton says she has been working at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital for 29 years. We have shown what we do and have proved ourselves and when we sit at the table p [...]

Serving Bara for 29 years: Dr Balton one of Integrity Icon SA 2020 Winners2021-03-04T19:27:43+00:00

Trailblazing EMS commander gets Premier’s gong

One can’t describe trailblazers, hard-workers, selfless, passionate and visionary individuals without mentioning Deon Esau, the Emergency Management Service (EMS) Florida Station Commander, who for over a decade has been working without taking weekends off to rest. Instead of spending weekends with his family, Commander Esau dedicates his time to the South African Fire Youth Development Academy, a development programme that trains youngsters aged between 12 and 18 with water safety, discipline, [...]

Trailblazing EMS commander gets Premier’s gong2021-03-04T19:23:29+00:00

Nelson Mandela Bay social worker wins top SA public servant award

By Simtembile Mgidi Always striving to go beyond the call of duty has seen Uitenhage social worker Unathi Filita being recognised as the country’s best public servant for 2020. Filita took top honours in Johannesburg on Saturday in the annual Integrity Icon Awards run by the Accountability Lab. The awards recognise the most exemplary civil servants in the departments of health, social development, home affairs, and trade and  industry. Filita walked away with the People’s Choice Award, which res [...]

Nelson Mandela Bay social worker wins top SA public servant award2021-03-04T19:22:35+00:00

South Africa’s most inspiring public servants recognised with Integrity Icon awards

By Zukiswa Pikoli Speaking to the Integrity Icon winners, one gets the sense that all hope is not lost in the public service and that many men and women tirelessly dedicate themselves to the wellbeing of the people of our country. The Integrity Icon Awards are run every year by the Accountability Lab to recognise the work and integrity of people making a difference in public service. This year’s five winners are Dr Sarah Dlamini, Zodwa Ntuli, advocate Constance Moitse, Unathi Filita and Dr Sadna [...]

South Africa’s most inspiring public servants recognised with Integrity Icon awards2021-03-04T19:06:10+00:00

School principal from Sindh wins most honest civil servant award

Daryan Khatoon Memon, the principal of the Government Girls Lower Secondary School in Sukkur, has been voted as the most honest civil servant of Pakistan at the Integrity Icon of Pakistan Award Ceremony 2020. This campaign annually recognizes government officials from across the country for their integrity and honesty. In its fifth consecutive yearly ceremony, more than 100 nominations were screened and vetted by a jury comprising credible professionals from the civil services, academia, and civ [...]

School principal from Sindh wins most honest civil servant award2021-03-03T15:12:47+00:00

Célébration des Icônes intègres de l’administration malienne par Accountability Lab Mali

Désormais une tradition est bien  établie chez Accountability Lab Mali, la célébration des hommes et femmes intègres de par leur travail, leur moralité au sein de l’administration. Un modèle  choisi par Accountability Lab. Mali pour lutter contre la corruption et inciter d’autres citoyens à se démarquer au sein de leur service en devenant des références pour d’autres citoyens et briser la chaîne infernale de la corruption. Cette année pour la course de Integrity Icon,  le Lab  enregistre  3893 n [...]

Célébration des Icônes intègres de l’administration malienne par Accountability Lab Mali2022-05-16T10:59:00+00:00

Mali: la fonctionnaire la plus honnête et intègre, s’appelle Mme Aïssata Sangho

La fonctionnaire la plus honnête et intègre du programme Integrity ICON Mali de Accountabilitylabs’appelle, Mme Aïssata Sangho, Enseignante dans la Commune Urbaine de Gourma-Rharous. Son nom a été dévoilé au public ce jeudi 25 février 2021 à l’Hôtel de l’Amitié au cours d’une soirée Gala. Integrity ICON Mali est un programme de Accountabilitylab. Il a été initié pour identifier, célébrer et encourager les fonctionnaires honnêtes et intègres du Mali. En 2020, sur plus de trente dossiers sélection [...]

Mali: la fonctionnaire la plus honnête et intègre, s’appelle Mme Aïssata Sangho2021-03-02T12:46:16+00:00

Integrity Icon Mali 2020 : Le portait des cinq finalistes dévoilé

Par croissanceafrique M. Moussa Kondo, directeur Pays AccountabilityLab Mali a animé une conférence de presse au cours de laquelle, le portrait des cinq fonctionnaires honnêtes et intègres de l’année 2020 a été dévoilé. C’était hier lundi 16 novembre 2020, à l’Hôtel ONOMO, en présence de M. Daouda Tékété, Président du jury ; Mme Djénébou Coulibaly, représentante des Superviseurs de Integrity Icon ; M. Mathias dit NTji Dembélé, ancien lauréat. Créée sous le récépissé numéro 0603/G-DB du 22 juin 2 [...]

Integrity Icon Mali 2020 : Le portait des cinq finalistes dévoilé2021-03-02T12:25:09+00:00
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